If you want to know how to easily complete the Traveler's Log in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight, look no further. It shouldn’t take more than a handful of hours to knock out all 1,000 points at the beginning of the month.
Each month, Blizzard gives players a series of objectives to complete to attain an extra 500 Trader’s Tenders for the Trading Post. While you can do any of these that you want, this is, in our estimation, the easiest and most rewarding set of objectives you can do.
We’ll also include some honorable mentions that are short and simple to do. If you want to know how to easily complete the Traveler's Log in World of Warcraft, these objectives will get you done in no time.
Best missions to easily complete Traveler's Log in World of Warcraft

Best objectives to complete
- Complete the Gilneas Reclamation storyline (150 points)
- Participate in Superblooms (25 points)
- Complete 10 Quests (100 points)
- Complete 25 Quests (100 points)
- Defeat a Dragon Isles World Boss (100 points)
- Complete 5 World Quests (100 points)
- Earn Reputation with the Dream Wardens (100 points)
- Defeat 5 Raid Bosses (100 points)
- Defeat 20 Raid Bosses (100 points)
- Win 15 Pet Battles (200 points)
Other useful objectives to complete
- Trading Post Anniversary: Win 5 Pet Battles with Trading Post Pets (50 points)
- Trading Post Anniversary: Give the Trading Post some /love (50 points)
- Complete 5 Azerothian Archives World Quests (50 points)
- Win a Pet Battle with a Lovely Pet (50 Points)
- Plant 10 Dreamseeds in the Emerald Dream (25 points)
- Gain 10 levels as a Priest, Shaman, or Druid (100 points)
- Sample the Dragonflight Scenarios (100 points)
- Upgrade 5 items using Flightstones (100 points)
Why we chose these Traveler's Log objectives in World of Warcraft

When I consider how to easily complete the Traveler's Log in World of Warcraft, I think about a few things. I want my time to not be wasted, and I want it to be things I enjoy. So, if you’re a big fan of doing Mythic+ runs and competitive PVP, you might want to do those. I feel like the completion times of these activities are not worth it.
The Raid Bosses is perhaps one of the fastest you can do if you have a character at level cap. A run through a couple of older world raids for easy-to-farm mounts like Invincible’s Reins won’t take more than 20 minutes per run. I run ICC25 Heroic on two characters, and that’s all sorted out. If there are other raids I’m working on, like Naxxramas, Firelands, Molten Core, or Karazhan, those are also fine to do.
Last month, I learned that pet battles don’t care if there’s a level discrepancy in them. This makes the “15 pet battles” far more interesting. They are worth even more points this month - 150 to be exact - making it incredibly worthwhile. Just head to the wastelands outside of Orgrimmar, or the areas outside of whichever capital city you fancy, and farm easy pet battles with your strongest squad.

Then, I combined 5 World Quests, Defeat Dragon Isles World Boss, Dragon Isles Creatures, and X Quests. I did the World Quests and World Boss quests first, which counted toward my total 10/25 quests completed for the Traveler's Log in World of Warcraft.
The kind of quests you complete in World of Warcraft Traveler's Log doesn’t matter. When I did the remaining quests, I logged onto lower-level characters and stomped through easy quests. If you have rewards for your Dragon Isles reputation to claim, those also count as quests completed. Just head back to the proper vendor to claim your level-up rewards.
This month’s big storyline to complete in World of Warcraft is the Reclaiming Gilneas storyline. You may have already completed this - if you log in and find that you have 150 points for doing nothing, that could be why. It’s also a great place to grab a pair of stylish sunglasses for your various transmog needs. It’s a great experience, and something every player - Horde and Alliance - should go through.
The Reclamation of Gilneas storyline of World of Warcraft is not a short adventure - much like last month’s “Big Time Adventurer”. However, this has a major impact on the world going forward, as players help the Worgen finally get their home back from the Scarlet Crusade. If you enjoyed the Liberation of Lordaeron quest for the Horde, you’ll love this one too.
All Traveler's Log objectives in World of Warcraft (February 2024)

- Complete 5 Mythic+ Dungeons
- Earn 7500 Honor
- Fulfill Crafting Orders
- Defeat 5, 20 Raid Bosses
- Complete the Big Time Adventurer Storyline
- Win 15 Pet Battles
- Win 10 Non-Skirmish Arena Matches
- Win 5 Battlegrounds
- Complete 10, 25, 50 Quests
- Defeat a Dragon Isles World Boss
- Kill Creatures in the Emerald Dream
- Complete Quests while in a Party
- Complete Weekly Crafting Quests
- Complete a PVP World Quest on the Dragon Isles
- Complete the Bronze Hatchling quests
- Defeat 25 Dungeon Bosses
- Earn Reputation with the Dream Wardens
- Gain Class Levels
- Win 5 Pet Battles in Silithus
- Win 5 Pet Battles in the Emerald Dream
- Earn Reputation Throughout the Dragon Isles
- /wave at Nozdormu
- Complete 1, 5 Time Rift
- Complete 5, 10, 25 World Quests
- Gather 50, 250 herbs, ores, or skins on the Dragon Isles
- Slay Players in The Emerald Dream
- Use the Bronze Dragon Banner Toy
- Use the Hourglass of Eternity Toy
- Use the Stasis Sand Toy
- /flex at a Bronze Timekeeper Assistant
- /ponder in Amirdrassil
- Darkmoon Faire: Use the Everlasting Darkmoon Firework Toy on Darkmoon Faire Island
- Darkmoon Faire: Win 1, 5 Arcade Games
- Plant 5 Dreamseeds in the Emerald Dream
- Use the Bronze Timepiece During a Dragonriding Race
- Outland Cup: Complete 5, 10, 20 Dragonriding Courses
- Call of the Scarab: Complete Silithyst (Jan 20 - Jan 23)
- Call of the Scarab: Donate War Supplies (Jan 20 - Jan 23)
- Call of the Scarab: Taunt an Opposite Faction Player (Jan 20 - Jan 23)
- Call of the Scarab: Kill a Colossus (Jan 20 - Jan 23)
- Call of the Scarab: Kill a Colossus at Each Hive (Jan 20 - Jan 23)
- Final Surge: Complete Dragonflight Dungeons (Jan 24 - Jan 31)
- Final Surge: Complete Quests (Jan 24 - Jan 31)
- Final Surge: Complete World Quests (Jan 24 - Jan 31)
WoW will continue to see a wealth of new content updates roll out across 2024. Alongside these will be monthly updates to this system. Make sure to check back monthly to learn how to easily complete the Traveler's Log in World of Warcraft.