There are several ways to farm Legendaries to scrap in Fallout 76, but one method is by far the most efficient. It requires a little setup and also goes way faster if you bring friends, but it’s far better than just waiting for Eviction Notice to spawn on the map. While Eviction Notice is admittedly one of the best places to get piles of legendaries, while you’re waiting on that, you can try this method instead.
With the changes made to crafting Legendaries in Fallout 76, farming them is more important than ever. Now you can scrap them for Mod Boxes, or potential plans to make legendary mods. With that in mind, if you want to farm them efficiently, you need to take a trip to the Boardwalk for an Expedition.
What mission allows you to farm Legendaries easiest in Fallout 76?

If you want to farm Legendaries efficiently in Fallout 76, the best way is to tackle The Most Sensational Game Expedition quest. This can be a challenging mission, so it’s recommended you go in with some tankiness on your character, and a Vampiric weapon - preferably a Flamer - to keep you healthy. It’s highly recommended you take some perks that will help you take less damage.
Picks like Blocker, Fireproof, Evasive, Ironclad, and Barbarian are going to serve you well here. At the end of the day, go with whatever tanky build you prefer, but you could wind up taking quite a lot of damage here. It can be more exciting (and faster) with a Bloodied build so that you deal more damage the lower your health is. However, I would rather be safe when I go to farm Legendaries in Fallout 76.
Also, bring some Coffee with you. That valuable AP restoration is going to be worth it. Set up a public Expedition, so you get bonus exp. You don’t have to go in a party, but it’s certainly going to be faster that way. Select Expeditions from the map, then select Atlantic City, and Boardwalk. This gives you The Most Sensational Game.
Start the Expedition, drop to the ground, and it’s time to get started. Just run ahead until you get an objective. There are three possible ones for Phase A:
- Find/kill Overgrown Moonflowers
- Release Prisoners
- Find and set off seven Fireworks

Sadly, you don’t get to pick. For our money, killing the Overgrown Moonflowers is the easiest - just go to them, slay them, and move on. If you have to Release Prisoners, you need to kill the Overgrown Keeper, loot the key, then release the prisoners.
The most time-consuming is the seven Fireworks, which have to be set off in order. Many of these will have enemies at them, but if you get there fast enough, you can set off fireworks before the enemy shows up. The second one will require combat, but you can avoid a fight at the third one, which is at the back of the boat.
Go around the boat (left side) to avoid more fights, so you can safely set off the fireworks. Then it's a mad dash to the fifth so the Overgrown doesn’t get to you in time. You will have to fight competitors at the sixth. Then just jump over the rail, stomp out a Competitor, and get the final Firework.
Go inside Showman’s Pier, and begin Phase B of the Fallout 76 Expedition. Just run through the first two rooms, and one of the Twins ought to be waiting. Defeat them, and then comes the time to drink some coffee. However, you could get other missions, like disabling remote locks on the elevator, gathering prize tokens from Competitors, and hack terminals to get access to the elevator.
After your main objective is complete, it’s safe to work on the optional objective. Typically, you need to find a specific teddy bear. You can find teddy bears in the following locations:
- Teddy Fear: Upstairs, garbage can.
- Comrade Chubs: Upstairs, in the Whack-a-Commie game.
- Polar Bear: Left side of the second room, in the fridge.
- Bubblegum Bear: Third room, on the kitchen window frame.
- Quantum Bear: Third room, sitting in the coin-operated rocket.

After grabbing one of these, defeat a boss if you need to, and take the elevator to Phase C. Again, you will have one of three objectives in this legendary farm during Fallout 76. Taking control of the Shark’s Den just has you killing a bunch of enemies that enter the room. Nice and easy.
You may also get “throw rotten tatoes at the naughty showman”. Just hurl them at the target until it’s completed. This is also quite easy. You may also have to defend an escortee, which is never fun in Bethesda games.
Just give them space, so they don’t stop, and open doors for them. One thing Bethesda games have in common is if you bump into the escort, it will ruin their pathfinding and make the mission infuriating. This task is all about speed, so giving them space saves you a lot of time. After you do whichever of these missions you get, kill 10 competitors and emote for the optional objective.
After you wrap that up, it’s time for the last step of this Fallout 76 method of farming Legendaries. Drink some coffee and head to the last room. All you have to do now is defeat the Batsuuri Twins. If you do this fast enough and hit all your objectives, you can score an easy 5-6 Legendaries. This mission is also a great way to farm stamps as well, so it can serve two masters.
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