You can get temporary buffs and debuffs in Fallout 76 depending upon the type of alcoholic beverages your in-game character consumes. There are many alcoholic beverages in the game, such as Beer and Whiskey, that you can ferment using a Fermenter. Other than receiving buffs, another reason to ferment alcohol is daily quests.
Although fermenting alcoholic beverages can be fairly simple, there are various items that you need to have. That being said, this article will explain everything you need to know about fermenting alcoholic beverages in Fallout 76.
How to get Fermenter and Brewing Station in Fallout 76

You need a Fermenter and Brewing Station to ferment an alcoholic beverage, and you can acquire them by completing a quest at Morgantown. The first thing you need to do is head to your nearest train station and interact with the Party Poster. This will unlock a quest that invites you to a frat party in Morgantown. You can access the “Attend the fraternity party” quest in the miscellaneous section. Once activated, you can locate the quest on the map.
After entering the house, you’ll see that the frat party is over, and you must find a bottle of Vintage Nukashine and drink it to progress with the quest. It is a blue, glowing bottle that can easily be located because of its color.
For the next part, go to Big Al’s Tattoo Parlor and enter from the back door. Once you're in, look for the Nuka Cola fridge, which is an entrance to the basement. After you are inside the basement, search for a robot named BIV inside the employee's room.
The drunk robot will give you a quest, requiring you to collect various items such as Razorgrain and Corn to prepare Nukashine. You will have to fight various beasts during this quest, so be prepared with a great build.
Once you finish the quest, return to BIV, prepare Nukashin using the Brewing Station and the Fermenter, and give it to him. Congratulations, you have finally unlocked the Fermenter and Brewing Station. You can set it up in your C.A.M.P. to brew and ferment any alcoholic beverage you want.
Fallout 76: Crafting and Fermenting alcoholic beverages

You can easily craft and ferment alcoholic beverages once you have set up the Fallout 76 Fermenter and Brewing station in your C.A.M.P. To craft a fermentable beverage, go to the brewing stations and look for the drink of your choice. You'll see that crafting the drink requires you to collect various items, such as Razorgrain, Corn, Wood, and more. Once you collect all of them, you can start crafting the drink.
After the drink has been crafted, you can use the Fermenter for the next step. There are two processes to ferment a drink in Fallout 76 using this device, a long and a short process. The latter takes only 30 minutes, while the former can take up to 60 minutes. Once the fermentation is complete, you can enjoy your favorite alcoholic beverage in Fallout 76.
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