Warframe is one of the best free-to-play MMORPGs you can delve in, to get a top-notch sci-themed experience. You get to control Warframes, which are formidable warriors possessing unique abilities, and by equipping a vast variety of weapons you can craft a unique build for yourself. Mods are one of the important aspects that you can leverage to strengthen your playable character.
Archon mods are some of the most recent ones in Warframe, added as part of the Veilbreaker update. These are oriented towards offering bonuses to various abilities in terms of their duration, strength and even inflicting powerful debuffs.
How to acquire Archon mods in Warframe?
The best way to acquire Archon mods in Warframe is by buying them from a vendor named Chipper, who is located in a place called Drifter’s Camp. It is worth noting that you must finish the quest named The New War first.
Upon completion of The New War, you must partake in and clear the Veilbreaker mission. This unlocks a new faction or syndicate titled Kahl’s Garrison. Kahl is the head of this faction and offers weekly quests for you to delve into.

It is necessary to participate in these missions to obtain an in-game currency called Stock, which can later be used to buy Archon mods from Chipper. You will come across a mission to rescue this vendor and successful completion of it will make him appear in the Drifter’s Camp.
However, there are certain ranks associated with Kahl and you will need to attain rank 3, called Fort. Once you gain this level with Kahl’s Garrison, you will be able to purchase the necessary mods from Chipper.
The following are some of the Archon mods you can find in Warframe:
- Archon Vitality: This mod applies extra health status effects provided they are associated with abilities that inflict Heat.
- Archon Intensify: You can avail of extra ability strength when using health restoration abilities.
- Archon Flow: Slaying foes with the help of cold abilities grants a significant chance of dropping orbs of energy.
- Archon Continuity: It enables ability duration powers (those that inflict Toxin debuff) to unleash the Corrosive effect as well.
- Archon Stretch: This mod offers an extra range to abilities. Furthermore, abilities that inflict electricity damage help in restoring a small amount of energy every second.

You must have a robust build to leverage these mods. Dive into this guide to know more about Ash build, which is extremely reliable to one-shot Steel Path enemies. Additionally, you can also level up these mods to increase their effectiveness.
If you don’t wish to partake in Kahl’s weekly missions, another way to obtain these mods is by attempting to buy them from other players around the globe. Warframe has the provision to trade items. Peruse this extensive guide on how to trade in this game.
Warframe offers many unique playable frames and you can spend countless hours clearing out missions from the extensive star chart to get accustomed to their strengths and weaknesses.