The Banished Lord's Talisman is a Unique Amulet that can be equipped by any class in Diablo 4 (Barbarian, Druid, Necromancer, Rogue, Sorcerer, etc.). It focuses on improving Overpower damage and guaranteeing Overpowers through resource management. It's a powerful addition that can generate large amounts of resources and access to Overpower skills.
Key stats and unique effects of The Banished Lord's Talisman in Diablo 4

The Banished Lord's Talisman has a valuable set of stats, along with a fantastic unique effect:
- + 25% Resistance to all Elements
- Affix 1: 8 - 10% Maximum Life
- Affix 2: + 7 - 9% Attack Speed
- Affix 3: + 50 - 60% Overpower Damage
- Affix 4: + 1 - 2 to Core Skills
Unique effects

“After you spend 275 of your Primary Resource, your next Core Skill is guaranteed to Overpower.”
This is the amulet's primary effect, which provides guaranteed Overpowers after spending resources. This comes in handy for builds that have multiple resource-heavy attacks.
“Your Critical Strikes that Overpower deal 20-60% increased damage.”
This synergistic effect increases the potential damage output of Overpower attacks that also crit. on hit, making critical strike damage even higher.
How to obtain the Banished Lord's Talisman in Diablo 4
The Banished Lord's Talisman is a world drop, meaning it can drop from almost any source in the world of Diablo 4. However, certain methods significantly increase your chances of getting the item.
Target farming with Bosses
Duriel, King of Maggots

Duriel is one of the best sources for some specific Unique items in Diablo 4, including the Banished Lord's Talisman. He is a melee-focused boss with heavy-hitting attacks and poison damage. The beast frequently uses a charge attack and summons waves of maggots that inflict poison.
To summon Duriel, you must gather two sets of materials from the following bosses:
- Mucus-Slick Eggs: These are dropped by defeating Grigoire, the Galvanic Saint.
- Shards of Agony: These are dropped by defeating Varshan the Consumed.
These materials are used at the altar in the Gaping Crevasse, found in the Fractured Peaks to summon Duriel, King of Maggots.
Andariel, Maiden of Anguish

Andariel shares a loot table with Duriel, consequently becoming another reliable source for the amulet. She is a ranged-focused boss with poison damage and a wider variety of elemental attacks.
To summon Andariel in Diablo 4, you need to reach the Torment world tier and travel to the Hanged Man's Hall lair in the Scouring Sands region of Kehjistan. Here, you can find an altar to initiate the ritual by using two "Sandscorched Shackles" and two "Pincushioned Dolls" as required materials.
Open world activities
While rare, Unique items can drop from any enemy or chest in the open world, participating in World Events, such as Gathering Legions and defeating World Bosses, is a good way to gain unique and specific items.
Running Nightmare Dungeons, especially at higher tier worlds, significantly increases your loot quality and the chance of Unique drops.
Helltide Events

Helltide Events are timed events that occur in specific zones in Diablo 4, increasing enemy density and offering special chests. Opening these Tortured Gifts of Mysteries chests within Helltide Events gives you a decent chance of acquiring Unique items, including the Banished Lord's Talisman. You must acquire Cinders during Helltide by killing enemies and completing events.
Note that you must spend all the Cinders before the event ends or they will disappear from your inventory.
Purveyor of Curiosity (Gambling) in Diablo 4

The Purveyor of Curiosity is a unique NPC who offers a chance to gamble Murmuring Obols (Obols) for gear. While the chances are quite low, it is possible to acquire Unique Amulets from gambling, including the Banished Lord's Talisman.
Builds that utilize the Banished Lord's Talisman in Diablo 4

The Banished Lord's Talisman shines in builds that can reliably spend resources and benefit from guaranteed Overpower production. Here are some examples:
1) Barbarian Double Swing Build
This build focuses on rapidly spending Fury with the Double Swing skill. The amulet's effect guarantees an Overpower on your next Core Skill after spending 275 Fury, which then deals additional damage.
The high Attack Speed allows you to rapidly swing and spend fury. The Overpower Damage stat of the item directly enhances the effectiveness of attacks every time you successfully Overpower.
2) Barbarian Hammer of the Ancients (HotA) Build
HotA or Hammer of the Ancients is a powerful Core skill that hits extremely hard, especially when it's Overpowered. This build focuses on using resource generation to keep spamming HotA, ensuring that Overpower is available most of the time during enemy encounters.
The Hammer of the Ancients skill inherently deals a lot of base damage, allowing Overpower Damage to be even more powerful.
3) Necromancer Blood Lance Build
This build focuses on using Blood Lance to quickly deal massive damage to enemies while generating Overpowers. Blood Lance is a potent skill that benefits greatly from the guaranteed Overpowers gained by using the amulet.
The Banished Lord's Talisman can greatly enhance Overpower builds across all classes in Diablo 4. By understanding its stats, unique effects, and synergistic builds, you can unlock its full potential and dominate the game's challenges.
So, hunt down this coveted amulet, and unleash the might of guaranteed Overpowers upon the enemies of Sanctuary!
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