The Brazen Wolf emblem is the newest hot topic in the Destiny 2 community, as the overall artwork has caught the eye of everyone. While Iron Banner isn't the most-played activity currently, certain rewards do make up for the lack of uniqueness within the game mode. Hence, players can still pick up the PvP game mode for the rewards it can grant.
As mentioned, the item in question here is the newest emblem tied to Saladin's vendor inventory, called Brazen Wolf. Players can start their farm by playing the Iron Banner activity, and get Saladin's vendor level up to 16.
Doing so will grant everyone the emblem, an Ascendant Shard, and a step towards unlocking the Iron Lord seal. The following article will guide you through each step to farm the new Brazen Wolf emblem quickly.
Brazen Wolf emblem and how to acquire it quickly in Destiny 2
1) Where to find the emblem
The Brazen Wolf emblem can be picked up after reaching rank 16 on Saladin. The only way to do this is by playing Iron Banner matches throughout the week and meeting certain conditions. Some of the conditions involve equipping either Iron Banner weapons, armor pieces, or just emblems.

Upon reaching rank 16 on Saladin, redeem both the emblem and the Ascendant Shard to reset the vendor. In the first week of Iron Banner in Season of the Deep, you will face a 6v6 game mode with no power advantage whatsoever.
2) How to rank up quickly
To rank up quickly, you must understand the maximum stat that is possible to achieve when it comes to boosting earned EXP. To start, head over to the Iron Banner node within the Crucible section and hover your cursor over the second option located at the bottom-left of your screen, called Iron Banner Rank Boost.

Here, you will be able to see the total boost in rank gains you have, determined by the number of challenges you have completed in a given week, alongside the number of equipped Iron Banner gears and emblems.
Gears can either be weapons or armor pieces, as having a total of five combined will be enough to gain the maximum amount of EXP.

The maximum multiplier stack you can achieve here is 11x, granting you approximately 250-300 Iron Banner EXP upon completion. You can either gather a dedicated fire team of six to achieve a winning streak for increased EXP or just lose intentionally to finish each match quickly.

Either method should help you gain enough to reach rank 16 multiple times. Hence, while you're at it, note that you will need to reset Saladin's rank a total of three times to unlock the Iron Lord seal and its gilded version.