With Diablo 4’s Season of the Malignant, a Butcher-themed set of barding hit the game. This has been found a few times in the game, confirming that it does, in fact, drop. The “Fresh Meaty Barding” is a design that could repulse or gross out players due to the fact that it’s made of skulls, horns, and what appears to be animal flesh. It could also be made of players that have been slaughtered by the popular foe.
The Butcher has been around since the original Diablo. However, this may be the first time he’s ever been honored in-game with a cosmetic on quite the same level as this. It may be hard to acquire, but it’s worth it.
How to unlock the grotesque Butcher-themed barding in Diablo 4’s Season of the Malignant
Diablo 4’s latest update, Season of the Malignant (patch 1.1), has a wealth of new content. While the fan response hasn’t entirely been positive, here is something that players may want to hunt down.
A Butcher-themed barding, the Fresh Meaty Barding has been found in Diablo 4’s latest update. Several players have shown screenshots of the item, though it is presently unknown if it’s a guaranteed drop. It is unlikely, but right now, it’s only known to drop from one foe.

If you want to claim the Fresh Meaty Barding in Diablo 4, you’re going to have to overcome The Butcher himself. He shows up randomly in dungeons or even in the overworld, and is an incredibly challenging task to overcome. It’s even scarier in Hardcore, where he can chase unsuspecting players down.
Right now, it only seems to drop from the randomly-appearing boss himself, but there’s no guaranteed way to make the dreaded boss appear. If you want to see him, keep running dungeons. Eventually, the classic Diablo foe will appear and start hunting you.
How to overcome the Butcher in Diablo 4

If you’re trying to get the Fresh Meaty Barding, you’ll have your work cut out for you. The Diablo boss can be one of the most frustrating foes around, thanks to his speed, damage, and stuns.
Therefore, do what you can to get objects between you and him - such as a pillar or corner. That way, the Diablo 4 boss won’t be able to hook and stun you as easily. Another piece of advice is not to solo. Group up with a friend or two. That way, when the boss appears, there’s always someone to fight and revive in a pinch.
Unfortunately, the Fresh Meaty Barding is not a guaranteed drop. However, in related Butcher news, his unique Cleaver has recently been buffed in the latest patch notes, which you can read here.