The latest Warframe update, the Duviri Paradox, introduced a new free-roam map. This is the first open-world landscape the developers have added in two years, the last being Cambion Drift back in 2020. The plains of Duviri come with an assortment of new items, a Duviri-related Warframe that will arrive in June 2023, and its own resources.
Every new open-world addition - Plains of Eidolon, Orb Vallis, Cambion Drift, and now Duviri, has added many resources unique to these locales. These features in harvestable resources, while disorienting for newer Warframe players, add value to the game.
While Duviri does not add its own minable ores, the flora of the floating isles is diverse enough to cover this gap.
A rare plant that ships with Duviri is called Dracroot. You will require a lot of it to build almost every new melee weapon released with the Duviri Paradox update. You can get them in large numbers per run if you know where to look for them in Warframe.
Where to find Dracroot in Warframe: Duviri locations, how to spot, and farming strategies
Dracroot is a cactus-looking plant in Warframe, found in the arid areas of Duviri. The most common spawn locations for the Dracroots are the edges of cliffs and roadside areas with comparatively sparse grass.
However, as our in-game testing dictates, its aversion to grassy areas is inconsistent. It can also spawn in meadows, although this seems more a result of the conflation of the Duviri biomes in the central island than a bug.
It is also almost exclusively found in the central and south-eastern regions of the Duviri Isles. The following map points out the most common locations in relation to the Materliths, i.e., glowing menhirs that you can teleport to after unlocking the Fast Travel intrinsic in the Riding tree.

Admittedly, Dracroot is less common than Aggristone caches or the Kovnik plant. If you want to scoop up a good amount every run, you must try to detect them. Breaking the Dracroot plant gives you a random amount of one to five Dracroot.

On a regular run, you should fast-travel to the Chamber of The Muses for an almost guaranteed Dracroot spawn next to the Materlith. The nearby Netherbarrow region also seems to spawn at least one additional Dracroot.
For a focused Dracroot farming run, you should ideally wait until the Anger Spiral. In this phase, all the harvestable glow with a distinct red aura. During the Anger Spiral, select Lone Story mode, and go around the common drop spots while flying on Kaithe. A clean sweep of the whole map should fetch you at least 30 Dracroots.