Growing Power in Warframe is one of the meta mods that can make your Tenno more potent in their adventure. Although this aura mod was introduced with The Silver Grove update, players still use it to enhance their Warframe’s Ability Strength. However, if you're a newbie and wondering how to get this piece of mod, this article is for you.
In this article, we will let you know where you can get this aura mod in Warframe. Furthermore, we will cover the uses of this mod in this decade-old MMORPG.
Growing Power in Warframe: Where to get this mod?

Growing Power is an aura mod introduced via The Silver Grove quest. To obtain this mod, you must fight the Knave Specters which you can find in Earth's Silver Grove. However, this is not as easy as it sounds, as it also requires some luck factor. Here are the mods you can get from Knave Specters, alongside their drop rates
- Crimson Dervish: 6.06%
- Blind Justice: 36.36%
- Pistol Amp: 51.52%
- Growing Power: 6.06%
Now that you know what you can get from the Knave Specter, let's delve into how to defeat them.
Knave Specter is basically a kind of Specter that appears in The Silver Grove quest. Not only does this creature resemble Loki but it also uses all of its abilities. To spawn a Knave specter, all you need to do is anoint a Silver Grove Shine with the Nightfall Apothic. Now the question arises, how to get the Nightfall Apothic blueprint? You can get this blueprint simply by completing the Silver Grove questline.
Once you're done with the questline, make sure you craft some Nightfall Apothic and equip them as gears at the arsenal. You can only carry two Apothics as gear per mission. After that, head to Earth and start searching for a Silver Grove Shrine on the map.

When you find the Silver Grove Shrine, go towards it and use the Apothics to spawn a Knave specter. Use your finest Warframes to battle the Knave specter and pick up the unidentified item drop before extracting.
As mentioned above, this unidentified item could be anything including the Growing Power with a measly 6.06% chance. The Knave Specter is an easy boss to take down with a group, so run it multiple times with your squad to secure the Growing Power in Warframe.
However, if you're feeling lazy, you can skip all of the steps above and directly buy or trade the Growing Power in Warframe from another player.
Growing Power in Warframe: Uses and synergy
Growing Power in Warframe is one of the most used mods that can greatly increase the damage you do with your skills. To be accurate, at max rank, it can increase 25% Ability Strength for 6s. As it is an aura mod, this buff also applies to your squads and teammates, making it a must-have in end-game missions. Make sure you pair this mod with the Corrosive Projection mod to make your run more efficient.
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