Warframe has over 120 secondary weapons to date. 'Secondary' only in name, the sidearms in this game are by no means an afterthought when you run out of primary ammo. While secondaries like Epitaph are still popular, a good chunk of this weapon class holds its own in terms of damage. Lex is one of the legacy favorites among these arms. Coupled with that, the de-facto Desert Eagle has been a trusty one-shot wonder since the closed beta days.
With the advent of Catchmoon and the eventual boom-and-zoom meta, strong single-target weapons like the Lex fell out of favor. However, thanks to the new Incarnon Genesis system with the Duviri Paradox update, Lex is essentially a stronger Catchmoon with good crowd-clearing capabilities.
The Incarnon Lex can charge an alternate fire mode by raking up headshots on targets. This Incarnon charge can be unleashed to shoot out plasma projectiles that can easily decimate enemies.
Lex Incarnon Genesis location in Warframe

To get Incarnon Lex up and working, you will require the following things in Warframe:
- Lex or Lex Prime (the Aklex family of weapons do not count as Lex variants)
- Access to Steel Path, done via completion of the star chart
- Clear the Duviri Paradox and Angels of the Zariman quests
The Incarnon Geneses are adapters for specific weapons you can only get by playing the Circuit in Steel Path mode. These Geneses appear in sets of five on a weekly rotation basis.
There are six rotations in the game, with Incarnon Lex being on rotation B (week 2), the same row as the Incarnon Boltor, Bronco, Ceramic Dagger, and Magistar. Incarnon Lex will be available for one week at least once every two months.
To grab the Incarnon Genesis, all you need to do is select your rewards on the appropriate week and clear through a few rounds of Steel Path Circuit mode. You can only pick two out of five weapons per week as a potential reward, which can be obtained by unlocking reward tiers through Circuit progress points.
Warframe Incarnon Lex build for Steel Path: How to get the most out of it?

The Incarnon Lex Prime can be built purely for the critical chance. Galvanized Crosshairs and Primed Target Cracker give you well over 250% critical chance, even without the galvanized stacks. This will provide numerous red crits on the same projectile but does not have the highest scaling.
To scale well into a Steel Path endurance run, tap into Slash status, especially against the Grineer. Incarnon Lex projectiles trigger a forced Impact proc, which will be the basis for the scaling.
The Hemorrhage mod gives Impact procs a chance to additionally proc Slash. Thanks to the faction damage bonus double-dip, this can easily mow down hordes of armored-level cap opponents.
As demonstrated above, it is an otherwise common critical build with additional viral damage. The viral component is purely there for in-built priming. If you use a pure primer irrelevant to Lex, replace this with additional damage, multishot, fire rate, or reload speed.