Multiple different AI companions can support the player in Warframe. The first archetype of these aides that players will likely obtain are Sentinels, robotic companions that float above the owner. Later, there are further robotic companions, including Corpus Hounds and bespoke MOA units. However, animal companions far outweigh their robotic counterparts in terms of global usage.
The player unlocks their first animal companion in Warframe with the 'Howl of the Kubrow' quest. Kubrows, limited in their utility, are also outclassed by Kavats, their feline counterparts. Barring their Deimos versions in Predasites and Vulpaphylas, both Kubrows and Kavats are bred in the incubation segment of the Orbiter.
Kubrows hatch from Eggs that you can harvest from Kubrow dens on Earth. On the other hand, getting your first Kavat is a much more complex affair. They can only be bred from Genetic Codes, which require some preparation and know-how.
This guide will delve into all the ways you can obtain Kavat Genetic Codes.
Warframe Kavat Genetic Code: Location, how to farm, and fastest farming strategies
Kavat locations in Warframe

Kavat Genetic Codes, as the name may have given away, drop from Kavats. Note that the Hyekkas that all players face early game on Mars are distinct from Kavats. Even though they technically are a Kavat breed, they are domesticated by the Grineer. Kavat Genetic Codes can only be obtained from feral Kavats.
The only persistent place in the game where you can find feral Kavats is Deimos. It is host to overgrown Orokin vessels teeming with Infestation, previously found on the retired Orokin Derelict planet.
Save for Necralisk and Cambion Drift, all non-Assassination nodes on Deimos are reliable Kavat spawn locations. The best node to farm Kavat Genetic codes among these is Horend.
Horend on Deimos is a Capture node. Being the easiest game mode in Warframe, the objective can be completed early. This leaves more time for you to spot Kavats.
How to scan Kavats?

Kavat Genetic Codes can only be extracted by scanning a Kavat with a Codex Scanner. Both regular and Synthesis Scanners work for this purpose. Each Kavat has a 25% chance to grant you a Genetic Code upon a successful scan.
Unlike Hyekkas, Kavats are invisible till they attack. The tell when a Kavat is nearby is its distinct growl. Its outline is faintly visible when camouflaged, but you cannot rely on manually finding it if you want to farm Genetic Codes fast.
Two tricks come in handy for this purpose. Firstly, Codex Scanners highlight all units in your cone of view, even through walls. This includes Kavats. Secondly, Warframe abilities that crowd-control enemies without killing them can pin the Kavats in place, making it easier to scan them.
The best Warframe to use for this is Limbo. Entire rooms can be locked down with a high-range Cataclysm, which both suspends and reveals the feral Kavats. With the build shown below, you can easily spot Kavats and have ample time to scan them when they are stunned.

Note that Helios and Heliocor will also automatically add Kavat Genetic Codes through their own methods of scanning, but only up till the Codex entry for Kavats is complete. This interaction renders them useless for farming Genetic Codes.
Can you farm Kavat Genetic Codes from the Sands of Inaros quest in Warframe?

The Sands of Inaros quest provides a one-time opportunity for farming numerous Kavat Codes. After you obtain the Sacred Vessel and fulfill its prophecy for the first time, you will be prompted to return it to the desert tomb. An additional chamber will open when you place the Vessel on the indicated door.
In this room, you will be ambushed by many Kavats. Stand on the broken pillar, as shown in the image above, to scan them individually. For the easiest time, use Nova to slow them down to crawl with Molecular Prime.
With a Resource Booster, you can easily get over 25 Kavat Genetic Codes from this stage. Unfortunately, there are no other Kavat encounters further into the quest. Since Sands of Inaros is not repeatable, you cannot use this method to farm Kavat Genetic Codes for a second time.
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