Lost Ark has partnered with Discord to introduce adorable creatures called Mokokos to Discord. The Quest for an affectionate Mokoko hug is open to all Discord users until April 23. Players can add Mokoko to their profile by participating in this limited-time quest as an avatar decoration. You don’t have to join the Lost Ark official channel to activate the quest.
Discord frequently offers small tasks and rewards to users interested in participating. These can range from in-game quests you can complete with your friends to simple activities that can be completed within the Discord app. This article will explain everything you need to know about the Lost Ark Mokoko Quest rewards on Discord.
How to complete Lost Ark Mokoko Quest on Discord?
To activate the Lost Ark Mokoko decoration quest in your Discord client, go to your Settings in Discord and click on the Gift Inventory tab on the left side of the screen. Look for the Mokoko Quest and accept it to start tracking your progress with your friends online.
To complete the Mokoko Quest, players must live stream their Lost Ark gameplay to a friend via a Discord voice channel for a minimum duration of 15 minutes using the desktop app. To begin, launch the game and then navigate to a direct message (DM), group chat, or server of your choice on the Discord desktop app. Start or join a voice channel, and select the Screen Share icon in the voice status panel. Make sure to choose the game application before going live.
You must select a game to stream, not just your screen, to make sure your streaming time counts towards your quest progress. You can track your progress by checking the Gift inventory's progress bar. When you're ready to stream your gameplay, press Go Live to start sharing. Following these exact steps above will help you complete the Mokoko Quest.
How to claim Mokoko Avatar Decoration on Discord
After completing the quest by streaming Lost Ark using Go Live on Discord, you can claim the Mokoko avatar decoration. You can claim the reward using two options.
Your first option is to open your User Settings, which is the cogwheel icon in the lower right corner. From there, navigate to your Gift Inventory and select the Claim Reward option within the Mokoko Quest banner.
Your second option is to click the Claim Reward button within the Quest bar. Now that you've got your hands on the new Mokoko decoration, you can equip it by going to your Settings, clicking the Profiles tab, clicking the Change Decorations button, and selecting the new decoration you have unlocked.
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