As far as resources go, Pal Fluids in Palworld are among the most important. These items are used in at least three important base structures and can feel incredibly frustrating to farm. Thankfully, this game has places where players can seek out and acquire large amounts of Pal Fluids, even in the early game.
In particular, these items are used to build one of the most important features of your base: A Hot Spring. After all, the Sanity stat is quite important.
If you’re worried about farming Pal Fluids in Palworld, this article has got you covered. Here’s everything you need to know about finding them, from what types of Pals to focus on and where you might be able to find them.
Where to farm Pal Fluids in Palworld

Pal Fluids in Palworld are incredibly important, as far as crafting items go. From the early to late game, you’re going to want to have a large number of these items. Whether you’re making a Hot Spring, a Water Fountain, or a Tomato Plantation, you want these resources on hand. Thankfully, Pal Fluids are pretty easy to find.
In general, most water types will drop them upon being defeated. However, you can also acquire Pal Fluids in Palworld by capturing these adorable creatures. Simply catching these Pals is worth it if you have enough Pal Spheres to do so. Here are some entities you should keep an eye out for:
- Pengullet
- Teafant
- Celaray
Palworld has a few solid places to farm Pal Fluids. You want to fast travel to any point that’s near a large body of water. However, it’s been said in the community that water near cliffs doesn’t have as solid of a spawn rate when it comes to water types, so you’ll want to avoid those.
For my money, the best place has to be Ravine Entrance. The water near Grassy Behemoth Hills is another great place to go.

Upon arriving at Ravine Entrance, you can simply walk down to the water and see quite a few Pals simply walking or swimming along. They’re a decent level — around 10-11 or so — so they likely won’t be a challenge for you in the early game.
Pal Fluids drop from most water types, and more often than not, these entities spawn right near the water. That makes the items an easy resource to farm, especially at the beginning of the game. You must head down to the waterside and start killing and capturing Pengullets.
If you plan on hunting Water-type Pals and aren’t especially worried about capturing them, I recommend you bring an Electric-type with you, as they’re strong against Water types.
Check out our Palworld guides to have an easier time in-game:
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