Precision Drilling Bit in Skull and Bones is an Exotic material used to craft and upgrade various weapons, tools, furniture, crew equipment, and ships. In this massively multiplayer online game, this rare item belongs to the East Indies group of materials. You must get this to build heavy ship weapons, making it a vital component for your late-game voyages.
To get the Precision Drilling Bit in Skull and Bones, you must explore the map and raid multiple ports and ships. This article explains how you can get Exotic material in bulk.
Ways to get Precision Drilling Bit in Skull and Bones
There are three ways to obtain the Precision Drilling Bit in Skull and Bones:
Raiding ports and ships
You can find Precision Drilling Bit in bulks at Dutch Ports. Once you reach Level 8, you can unlock the port location on your map. You will need to go around the Open Seas and find several ports in the surrounding area.
The Dutch ports are heavily guarded, and you raid them with a group of friends. However, you can consider raiding the ports and ships in the Open Seas if you've reached the maximum Infamy Rank and have obtained the most powerful weapons on your ship. If you're interested in discovering the most powerful weapons, check out the game's ship weapons tier list.
Provide aid to Dutch Merchant convoy

You might notice distress rockets (red light) put up by ships from a distance when you’re sailing. If a Dutch Merchant ship is seeking aid, help the ship get to an outpost to get tons of Precision Drilling Bits.
Note that these Dutch convoys may require assistance if they're targeted and attacked by your opponents or other enemies. Therefore, you must engage in combat and fight against the hostile ships to ensure the safe arrival of the convoy at an outpost. Carry enough ammunition, weapons, and cooked food to survive and escape because several big ships will chase you.
Drown the Maangodin
Maangodin is the Ghost Ship in Skull and Bones that provides enormous loot upon defeating it. However, it is one of the toughest ships to beat in the title. Consider inviting your friends to partake in this mission.
This mission can also help you prepare for the ongoing Cutthroat Cargo event in Skull and Bones, where winning against other players can earn valuable items.
That concludes our guide on how to get Precision Drilling Bit in Skull and Bones. You can also check out our other guides:
How to get Specialized Materials I How to harvest Acacia