Pure Cobalt Flux in Fallout 76 is a rare and challenging item to acquire. Unlike various other items and components in the title, acquiring Pure Cobalt Flux is a long process, and you must first acquire its raw form to obtain it. When a nuke is launched, raw Flux can be acquired through mutated plants around the blast zones. You must go through the trouble of launching nukes, searching for the raw Flux, and crafting it into its pure form, making the process of getting Pure Cobalt Flux quite frustrating.
While the component is difficult to acquire, it can be used to craft various potent gears in the game. This article will explain everything you need to know about getting Pure Cobalt Flux in Fallout 76.
Ways of getting Raw Cobalt Flux

You can acquire Pure Cobalt Flux from mutated plants in a blast zone. These mutations occur in the plants when a nuke is launched in a certain area—the radiation after the nuke launch is what mutates these plants. Launching a nuke in Fallout 76 is difficult and requires you to rank up, gather nuke codes, and more. What you can do is wait for other players to launch a nuke instead of launching it yourself and then farm in the nuked area.
Once a certain area has been nuked, you can head to the blast zone and collect all the required Flux. There are a total of five kinds of Flux available in the game: Raw Violet Flux, Raw Yellowcake Flux, Raw FluorescenFlux, Raw Crimson Flux, and Raw Cobalt Flux. Raw Cobalt Flux can be generated using these mutated plants:
- bloodleaf
- firecracker berry
- glowing resin
- silt bean
- starlight creeper
- wild corn
- wild mutfruit
You'll need at least 10 flux of one kind to craft a Pure Flux. For example, once you have 10 Raw Cobal Flux, you'll be able to craft one Pure Cobalt Flux.
How to craft Pure Cobalt Flux in Fallout 76

Once you've gathered 10 Raw Flux, head to the Chemistry Station and search for Nuked Flora in the crafting menu. Inside the Nuked Flora, you'll be able to see the various kinds of Pure Flux that you can craft. Here's what you need to craft a Pure Cobalt Flux.
- Hardened Mass x1
- Glowing Mass x1
- High-Radiation Fluid x1
- Raw Cobalt Flux x10
While Raw Cobalt Flux can be found by harvesting plants in blast zones, you must fight and defeat enemies in the blast zones to gather other materials required for the crafting. Once everything is done, you can get your hands on the very rare Pure Cobalt Flux.
Note that the crafting menu in Fallout 76 calls it Pure Flux, while the inventory calls it Stable Flux. However, both are the same thing.
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