Scintillant was introduced as a rare resource in Warframe with the Heart of Deimos update. Like all content island additions, it is also a resource used in several pieces of equipment tied to Necralisk progression. In Cambion Drift, the Deimos open world, several resources can be gathered by either mining or harvesting infested flora. However, Scintillant cannot be mined or harvested like the rest on the surface.
Arguably one of the rarest materials in all of Warframe, the records in this item's in-game description give us a clue about its whereabouts. According to the title's lore, Scintillants are Orokin-era monitoring devices.
Whether they are sentient is disputable, but this description accurately narrows their location to Isolation Vaults, the only direct remnants of Orokin civilization in Deimos.
Warframe Scintillant farm: How to easily get this resource

The usage of Scintillants, as their rarity implies, has historically been limited to Deimos Isolation Vaults. These massive underground Orokin facilities are the key location of the Isolation Vault bounties.
Warframe Scintillant can therefore be a byproduct reward for delving into Isolation Vaults. Even though Scintillants are technically categorized as a resource, they are more like creatures. They hover above ground like Cetus Wisps from Plains of Eidolon. However, due to the busy architecture of the underground Deimos vault tileset, they can be easy to miss.
Unlike Cetus Wisps, Scintillants actually move about throughout the Isolation Vaults. They are also caught in loot radars as regular pick-ups. You can utilize this behavior to detect them with relative ease.
Firstly, equip an extended loot radar mod such as Thief's Wit or Animal Instinct. Afterward, once you are in the Vault, check for moving container icons in the minimap when going for the bonus objective.
Since they do not physically drop from any enemy, you cannot get additional copies of Scintillant with farm-duping Warframes like Khora and Nekros.
You can, however, double the loot instance with an active Resource Drop Booster. This also works with the double pick-up buff from the Charm mod on a Smeeta Kavat companion.
Are Bounties a good way to farm Scintillant?

Scintillants are also included in the potential reward table for several bounty stages in the Cambion Drift. These bounties can be acquired from Mother in Necralisk and completed in public squads or solo.
Besides Scintillant, bounties also have the additional benefit of fetching Mother Tokens, which you can liquidate for other Entrati goodies.
As per the official drop table released by Digital Extremes, the drop chance of Scintillants appearing in a bounty stage reward ranges from two percent (Isolation Vault lvl 30-40) to 18.4% for low-level overworld bounties.
Mathematically, the best way to farm Scintillants from bounties would be to take up the level 15-25 bounty, finish stage 1, and then extract and repeat the process. With this, your odds would be one Scintillant on average per five extractions. While tedious, this may be a better way to farm these items than manual work.