You'll spend a large amount of your time in Once Human gathering materials, and the Solar Auto Drill is one of the best tools for the activity. The Solar Auto Drill will take a while to unlock, but it is definitely worth the time and effort. It is extremely fast when mining and even recharges its own battery. This ability means its durability will never reach zero as long as you never let it run out.
When you're wandering around the open world of the game, it's important that you always have tools on hand. If your tools are low on durability or do not have a self-recharging capability, you may be left unable to gather. You'll definitely regret this if you come across rare materials and have just recently broken your drill or pickaxe.
In this guide, we'll walk you through the steps to unlocking and using your own Solar Auto Drill.
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Unlocking the Solar Auto Drill in Once Human

The first step to unlocking the Solar Auto Drill is to spend your Ciphers in the correct paths of the Memetic tree. You can find this tool’s recipe in the Infrastructure tree (near the bottom). Once you have the Advanced Drills unlocked from the tree, make sure you also have an intermediate workbench.
With these two prerequesites taken care of, you can begin crafting the Solar Auto Drill. To do this, interact with your workbench and select the 'Solar Drill' recipe.
You'll need 40 Tungsten ingots to make the Solar Auto Drill, but so long as you have them in your inventory, all you need to do is hit the 'F' key, and you'll have your tool.
Since the cost of making the Solar Auto Drill is so high, it's important that you not waste the tool.
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Using the Solar Auto Drill

Although the Solar Auto Drill is rather intuitive to use, as simple as hitting 'F' on a nearby ore, there are a few important notes to remember. One of the most important aspects of this tool is that it recharges on sunny days. For this reason, it's possible to never have this item run out of durability and be destroyed. However, if you do let it run out of battery, it will be destroyed.
It is very important that you always monitor the battery life of the Solar Auto Drill when mining. This is especially the case if you are mining at night, as it will not be recharging while you use it. If you fear your tool's battery may run out, it would be best to get on your Once Human motorcycle and head back to get a replacement.
If you make sure to always monitor the battery closely or only mine during the day, you will be able to avoid this problem. Following this tip, you'll be able to mine for your entire playtime in Once Human without needing another Solar Auto Drill.
Check out our other guides on the game:
- 5 beginner tips for Once Human
- Once Human Mobile release date
- All Closed Beta test rewards
- How to find fireproof plastic