Ueymag is the newest Duviri resource added to Warframe as of Update 33. A massive meaty cactus, the height of its stem far surpasses the Drifter, making them easy to spot. According to in-game lore, Ueymag is an edible delicacy for denizens of Duviri despite the barbs on its surface. At any rate, harvesting the Ueymag only seems to add the blue flower on the top, as the foundry icon may suggest.
Numerous plants in Warframe can be used as crafting materials. To harvest some of these, such as the Moonlight Dragonlily and Dusklight Sarracenia, players must scan them with a codex scanner.
Thankfully, flora specific to the open worlds, such as Duviri and Plains of Eidolon, do not require this. They all essentially function like breakable containers.
Like all Duviri plants, Ueymag can be gathered by simply striking it down the Drifter melee or the Sirocco in Warframe.
Ueymag location and farming guide in Warframe

Even though the Foundry icon is a Clitoria-like flower, the full Ueymag plant is actually a U-shaped cactus. These are a Duviri-exclusive resource and do not appear on any planet. In Duviri, they spawn in two specific regions:
- Chambers of the Muse
- Kullervo's Hold
Additionally, a few stray Ueymags seem to spawn on Netherbarrow Crossing and Mezzo Hamlet, but these standouts are scarcely worth strategizing.
On horseback, Ueymag can be seen as regular containers on the minimap with the appropriate Drifter intrinsic. However, due to their size, you will barely ever need to consult the minimap to locate them.

Ueymag was released with the same update as the Kullervo Warframe. As of Update 33.5, Kullervo is also the sole resource sink for it. You need 100 Ueymag to craft the Kullervo Systems component and 100 more the craft the Kullervo Chassis component.
Efficient farming for Ueymag is tied to farming Kullervo. The currency to purchase the latter's components, Kullervo's Bane, can be found from the associated miniboss showdown in the fifth stage of Fear, Anger, and Sorrow spirals. As an added bonus, the Anger spiral mood highlights all harvestable by coating them in red.
Upon visiting Kullervo's Hold to play this stage, take your time to go around the islet and collect Ueymag before you move on to the Orowyrm encounter. Each Ueymag plant drops three to five units of the resource.
On average, there are about five or six of these you can hit by circling the outer premises of the fortress once, resulting in an average haul of 20-25 Ueymag per Duviri spiral focused on Kullervo's Bane.
Given that you need about 72 Kullervo's Bane to collect all equipment tied to this token, you will have gathered enough Ueymag if you pick it up each time.
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