The Double Jump Boots is the latest accessory in Palworld that allows your character to perform a second jump after the initial one. It was released with the Feybreak update and requires new material to craft it. These boots significantly enhance your movement mechanics, helping you during fights against enemies.
Here's how you can obtain the Double Jump Boots in Palworld.
Double Jump Boots in Palworld: Required items and how to make

Since the Double Jump Boots is a craftable accessory, you must unlock its recipe first from the Technology section. Utilize two Ancient Technology Points to unlock Level 39 Ancient Technology. Afterward, ensure you have the following items to craft the Double Jump Boots:
- Nightstar Sand x20
- Refined Ingot x30
- Paldium Fragment x50
As you have the required items, interact with one of these workbenches: High-Quality Workbench, Production Assembly Line, and Production Assembly Line II. Then, select Double Jump Boots from the options and start the crafting process. When done, collect the boots and equip them in your character's Accessory section.
The double jump is simple to execute, as you have to press the jump button twice on your controller. After that, you can improve your mid-air movement even more by wearing the Air Dash Boots and pressing the Roll key.
Also read: How to produce Xenolord Slabs in Palworld
How to find the required items for Double Jump Boots in Palworld
Nightstar Sand

The Nightstar Sand is a new material added to Palworld in the Feybreak update. You come across these at night by the beach or in desert areas. You can locate it on the Feybreak island by noticing the yellow light on the ground. Navigate to these coordinates to obtain the Nightstar Sand:
- [798, -864]
- [-803, -834]
- [-905, -814]
- [-925, -796]
- [-1219, -909]
- [-1405, -990]
- [452, 689]
Also read: Feybreak Update v0.4.11 patch notes
Refined Ingot

Crafting several weapons, accessories, and armor in the game requires Refined Ingot. Gather two Ores and two Coals and place them in an Electric Furnace, Improved Furnace, or Gigantic Furnace to craft multiple Refined Ingots.
Paldium Fragment

Paldium Fragments are spread around the map and can be easily gathered using different methods. It can be obtained using a pickaxe to mine the blue Paldium nodes. In addition, you can build a Crusher (Production Technology) and produce Paldium Fragments utilizing Stones or Meteorite Fragments with the assistance of a Pal with Watering capability.
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