WoW The War Within players have recently uncovered a feature that lets you recover deleted legendaries in-game. It’s been there since patch 11.0.7 launched but has only recently been noticed. If you have never deleted a legendary, I don’t imagine it will do you much good, but sometimes, these things just happen. You might accidentally sell one of the various capes, rings, or swords you’ve unlocked over the years.
If you’ve accidentally sold or deleted your Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker, there’s a very easy way to recover it — as long as you’ve got a little bit of gold in the bank. Here’s how to easily recover deleted legendaries in World of Warcraft The War Within.
You can now recover deleted legendaries in WoW The War Within
If you want to recover deleted legendaries in WoW, all you need to do is head to Stormwind or Orgrimmar and visit one of the NPCs in the transmog hut, where all the Ethereal NPCs hang out. When in either of the capital cities, simply go and speak to one of these NPCs — Seeker Najed (Stormwind) or Seeker Ke’rath (Orgrimmar)
- Stormwind: Seeker Najed (50.6, 60.8)
- Orgrimmar: Seeker Ke’rath (58.0, 65.2)

When you speak to one of these NPCs, they’ll pull up a list of deleted legendaries you can purchase in World of Warcraft. These are only legendaries you’ve unlocked from previous expansions. However, according to Wowhead, there are some legendaries that have been confirmed to not be purchasable:
- Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros,
- Thorasus, the Stone Heart of Draenor
- Nithramus, the All-Seer
- Maalus, the Blood Drinker
- Sanctus, Sigil of the Unbroken
- Etheralus, the Eternal Reward (purchase again from Zooti Fizzlefury in Talador)
- All Legion Legendaries
- All Crafted Shadowlands Legendaries
It’s also worth knowing that we have no idea if Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian can be repurchased. This legendary stopped being available to unlock after vanilla WoW, so try to recover this legendary at your own risk. Everything else is on the table to be purchased. If you purchase one of these items, they will stay on the merchant's list as well — just in case.
Each deleted legendary you recover in World of Warcraft costs 500g a piece, which isn’t incredibly expensive. If, for some reason, you’ve lost or misplaced these items, it’s an easy enough matter to reclaim them. Now if only they would give us the ability to reclaim classic quest items like the Spectral Essence.
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