Respec in Fallout 76 allows you to reallocate your SPECIAL stats. While there are various ways of becoming strong in the game, having great SPECIALs can be highly potent. Almost everyone who has played the game has made a mistake while trying to allocate their SPECIAL stats. Respec-ing helps you fix your mistakes during stat allocation and allows you to make changes so you can try different builds.
While an essential part of the game, not all players know how to Respec their SPECIAL stat. That said, this guide will explain how to do so in Fallout 76.
Fallout 76: How to Respec using a Punch Card Machine

Allocating SPECIAL stats is one of the major ways of getting stronger on Fallout 76. While it is an integral part of the game, many have made mistakes while allocating them. Even if all your SPECIAL stats are placed where you want them to be, trying out a new meta build will require you to change them.
However, don't panic, as Fallout 76 allows you to reallocate your SPECIAL stats, also called Respec or Repecing.
The Punch Card Machine, a World and Work Shop object allows you to Respec in Fallout 76. Players must note that the Punch Card Machine can only be used once they reach level 25. It is situated in various locations across the map; here are the locations where you can find them:
- Train stations
- Crater
- Fort Atlas
- Foundation
- The Whitespring Resort

While the machine is available in various locations on the map, you can also craft it at your CAMPS. You can craft this machine upon reaching level 25. This can be done from the "Crafting" section in the build menu.
To reallocate your SPECIAL or Perk Cards, go to the Punch Card Machine and enter it. Once you're in, you'll see options to edit your Active Perks or your SPECIAL stats.
The Punch Card Machine also allows you to make and save various builds inside it. These can be accessed from the main menu. Whenever you activate a build, a check mark will pop up right beside it, letting you know which build is active. Players can craft multiple builds in Fallout 76 and use them for battle, farming, or crafting by arranging various Perks and Stats.
Using the Puch Card Machine in Fallout 76 is free and doesn't require using any caps.
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