For your seafaring adventures, there are few better accessible dinos than Plesiosaur in Ark Survival Ascended. Although they cannot compete with the durability of the Tusoteuthis or the high damage output of Mosasaurs, a low-level Plesiosaur can be an excellent catch-up ocean tame with good versatility and platform saddles.
This guide will go over everything you need to know for taming Plesiosaur in Ark Survival Ascended, including how to spot them, and what taming strategies to use.
Where to find Plesiosaur in Ark Survival Ascended

To find a Plesiosaur in Ark Survival Ascended, you must equip scuba gear and go diving deep into the oceans. Unlike some other underwater tames in this game, Plesiosaur is strictly an ocean creature, meaning you can never find them in bay areas or near rivers.
Common spawn locations for Plesiosaur in Ark Survival Ascended's Island map include:
- North from The Dead Island. Head due north and explore the barriers of the map under the ocean.
- Look around the two underwater caves at the south-eastern edge of the Island map. Plesiosaur often hangs around in the general vicinity.
Plesiosaurs are often a bonus find for players farming Pearls in the ocean.
If you are on a private server, you might also be able to spawn them via Ark Survival Ascended console commands.
Taming Strategies for Plesiosaur in Ark Survival Ascended

Like all other deep sea creatures in Ark Survival Ascended, Plesiosaurs are quite difficult to tame. First and foremost, you must look at the level differential to see if you have enough narcotics or biotoxin to counter its rapid Torpidity decline. Biotoxins can be farmed from Cnidaria, which are conveniently frequent in areas where Plesiosaurs are found.
Here are some common taming strategies:
- Ensure you have a Crossbow or Harpoon with tranq rounds, as other options do not work underwater.
- Plesiosaurs will never chase you to the surface, but they can be lured near the mouth of underwater caves. When successfully executed, it trivializes the process.
- If you have a mobile underwater tame, you can kite a hostile Plesiosaur indefinitely by roaming circles around it.
- If you do not have a mobile underwater tame, get a raft and kite the Plesiosaurs from the water's surface. It will lose interest in you and go away when you reach the surface, but you can move in and out of a sweet spot to abuse the aggro range. Pelt it with tranq rounds in between the process.
Best kibble to use for Plesiosaur in Ark Survival Ascended
Plesiosaurs have a preference for Superior Kibble. However, if you don't have any kibbles on you, Raw Mutton and Raw Primed Meat are alternatives to use.
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