Bungie has immensely impressed its community with the new Prismatic subclass in Destiny 2. It juxtaposes abilities from both Light and Darkness subclasses, allowing players full freedom to mix and match different damages and gain buffs accordingly. Unlike the Lightfall campaign, The Final Shape prologue grants everyone a powerful version of the subclass, with more Fragments and abilities locked behind story missions and post-campaign activities.
Prismatic subclass is also the meat of several builds in the community, each having a distinct identity with their respective class. However, players must go through a bit of grinding via The Final Shape campaign, and then the follow-up quests, to eventually grab hold of different Prismatic abilities, Aspects, and Fragments.
This article lists every process going through how to unlock 100% of the Prismatic subclass on your characters.
Complete Prismatic unlock guide in Destiny 2 The Final Shape
Given below is a list of super abilities, melee, Aspects, Fragments, and Grenades that can be found after unlocking the base version on Prismatic in the prologue, alongside their sources:
- Facet of Bravery Fragment: Inside the Ascent mission, near the beginning. Continue until you see a broken plane covered in snow. From there, look down to the right for another part of the broken plane, and a Prismatic chest will be there for the Fragment.
- Complete Lost in the Dark and Lost in the Light missions in post-campaign for the Dark Prismatic Grenade, Light Prismatic Grenade, Strand melee, Strand Super, Arc Super, and Prismatic Arc Aspect.
- The Final Shape story mission completions for New Light Aspect, New Light Super, and Strand Grenade.
- Facet of Sacrifice: Inside the Iconoclasm mission, on top of the Tower, head to the room with the split-up Dog statue. Take a left and look for a small light on the wall. Head up and squeeze through by crouching, and continue following the linear path until you come across a Prismatic chest.
- Facet of Solitude: Dispel five corrupted chests throughout Pale Heart to get a Legendary item called "Memory Impassive Darkness." Open the map and move your marker to the Impasse location, and you will see a marked area beside the waypoint.
- Facet of Honor: Similar to "Memory Impassive Darkness," dispel five more corrupted chests to get "Memory Divisive Darkness." For this, the marked location is in The Divide, left of The Impasse on the map.
- Facet of Devotion: Within the Dissent mission, after killing the Fanatic Scorn boss, go up the stairs following the marker. After making your way up, go straight, and instead of going right to the mission marker, keep going straight toward the wall for a Prismatic chest. Loot to get the Fragment.
The following Fragments require a bit of time investment and mechanics, hence they have been mentioned here separately:
1) Facet of Command:
Teleport to The Impasse, go right, and pass through the door beside the blocked tunnel. Follow the one-way path until you come across a snow area with piles of immune ice, shown in the image below.

Continue on your path until you see a hanging ship. Take a left, and you will see an open room with a Prismatic chest that requires a "Divide Prismatic Key."

For this, head back towards the entrance and look to your right for small square openings on the wall.

Head through one of the holes and interact with the machine inside to get a Scorch Cannon. Use these Cannons to break the immune ice piles, and reveal the elemental Arc charge. The usage of these elemental orbs is to charge the two Taken deposit machines inside. The trick is to charge them up to 10 green lines using either Arc, Solar, or Void Charge.

An Arc charge grants two charges, while Solar and Void grants three and four, respectively. If you want to rush through the process, simply deposit one Arc charge and two Void charges in the machine located on the right side, and everything that gets left after that in the machine located on the left side.

The piles of immune ice can be found in the vicinity of the chest. Once both the machines are fully charged, prepare to fight hoards of Dread, with a Subjugator boss. Defeating it will drop you the key to the chest.
2) Facet of Defiance:
Spawn on the Impasse checkpoint and head to the "Transgression." Once you come across the open area with a statue of an impales Guardian, take a left and pass through the cave entrance with a glowing pink crystal.

Upon entering, take refuge with the shield provided by the Darkness mote, a familiar mechanic from the campaign. After going deep into the cave, you will see the chest alongside a small Darkness Crux. Interact to begin the encounter.

The first task is to exhaust the immune shields of the Husks by destroying all Taken Eyes inside the cave. Do this three times.
The second task is to defeat multiple waves of Dreads, with a Prismatic shielded Tormentor.

Defeating the Tormentor will drop the key to the chest.
3) Facet of Grace:
Spawn on the Lost City waypoint and start making your way toward the main city with elevated platforms and different complexes.

Once you're in the middle area, head to the right side, and you will find a building with patches of grass outside. Inside the building, you will find a Prismatic chest. Now, your task is to defeat three subjugators in three different locations.

Their spawns can be noted by the prompt "A New Omen Appears" on the bottom-left corner of your map.

The first subjugator can be found near the chest. The second subjugator is located on the left area from the middle. The last subjugator can be located by taking the red platform from the middle, as shown in the image below.

Once all three subjugators die, an immune Tormentor will spawn in the middle region, alongside two Prismatic-shielded subjugators.
Use Transcendence to defeat the two subjugators, exhaust the Tormentor's shield, and defeat it to get the chest key.
4) Facet of Dominance, Awakening, and Generosity
For three of these Fragments, you require the "Light Memory" items in your inventory to mark the chest locations. This is similar to the Facets of Solitude and Honor mentioned above. However, for the Light memory, you do not need to dispel any corrupted chests. Instead, complete Micah-10's weapon missions until you get the Cyst mission steps in "Alone in the Dark."
Accumulate the "Memory: Light" blue items by defeating enemies inside, and eventually, you will receive a Legendary version of the blue drops. The Legendary items will then point you towards the location of the Prismatic chests on the map. Do this for the three Fragments inside three Cyst missions.