The Yo-Kai Watch collaboration has returned in Final Fantasy 14, which means it’s time to farm weapons. Players can collect a series of weapons themed on the anime, as well as minions, and, perhaps best of all, mounts. This takes quite a bit of work though, but we’re here to help narrow things down just a bit. Each weapon is connected to a particular minion found in the event, but it will take some time.
Unfortunately, the Legendary Medals you need for the Yo-Kai watch weapons in Final Fantasy 14 are not guaranteed to drop. This could take a few hours, or it could take days or weeks. It depends on how lucky you are, and how much time you have to devote to it. It may be easier to unlock all 17 minions before doing this grind—if you want them all, that is.
How to collect Yo-Kai Watch weapons in Final Fantasy 14
If you’ve collected the Yo-Kai Watch weapons from the previous Final Fantasy 14 event, you’ve got no further work ahead. However, if you’ve missed out, or this is your first time, you can begin when you have at least one of the minions, and complete the starter quest. You also need to have the right minion out and be equipped with the Yo-Kai Watch item.
This is a very time-consuming grind. The first Yo-Kai Watch weapon you buy in Final Fantasy 14 will only require five Legendary Medals for that particular minion. The others will cost 10 Legendary Medals, for a grand total of 164 medals for all of the weapons.
To top it off, the Legendary Medals for each weapon are only found in specific FATE areas in FF14. Below is a list of each Weapon, its class/minion, and the area where you can farm it. If you doubt how many you have, go to your Duty Tab, and check the Yo-Kai Medallium, seen above. It also shows you the farming areas below:
Completing FATES in the above areas, and securing at least a Silver rating gives you a chance to unlock a Legendary Medal.
Where to purchase Yo-Kai Watch weapons in Final Fantasy 14
Now that the Yo-Kai Watch collaborative event has begun in Final Fantasy 14, players can take the earned Legendary Medals back to the Gold Saucer, and turn them in for valuable rewards. These weapons are purely cosmetic, but they are incredibly cute. Much like with the minions, return to Nohi (5.2, 6.9) at Gold Saucer’s Main Counter.
All the Legendary Medals can be spent here, whether you buy one weapon at a time, or all of them at once. Just speak to Nohi, and ask to buy the Yo-Kai watch weapons, and you can begin unlocking these cosmetic items.
FF14’s Yo-Kai Watch event is available now, and will be available until the Dawntrail expansion releases officially.