Destiny 2 and Diablo 4 are two extremely popular live-service games. Although the latter is new, many players have already taken up the challenge of playing the game as it offers a better experience than Bungie's looter shooter. What makes matters more interesting is a Destiny 2 developer ended up calling the enemy scaling in Diablo 4 lazy.
Although the individual was quick to delete the post and apologize for his poor choice of words, dedicated players of both games commented, voicing their opinions about the same.
Despite apologizing, Destiny 2 developer maintains his reservations about Diablo 4 gameplay

The initial discussion began when the Destiny 2 developer called the enemy scaling in Diablo 4 "lazy" on Twitter. The tweet soon gained traction, with a developer from Blizzard Entertainment also commenting on that thread. The post has since been deleted, and the Bungie developer has apologized.
Despite praising its stellar gameplay, the Destiny 2 developer went on to say that he wasn't a fan of every decision the Diablo 4 developers made regarding gameplay and enemy scaling. He further elaborated that he wasn't trying to "knock on the developers" with his statements.
Players were quick to point out that it was rather strange that this feedback was coming from the developer of a game that has had trouble with servers, was continuously bringing reskinned weapons, and not listening to what the players really wanted.
Others nitpicked the statement made by the developer wherein he said he would have probably used better words had he known a million people would see his tweet. Although the sentiment is understandable, one wonders how someone would comment online and hope others don't see it.
As some pointed out, the Destiny 2 servers, ever since Lightfall went live, have been in a poor state, and server outages are now a common occurrence in the game. Diablo 4, on the other hand, has been quite stable since launch and doesn't have many bugs plaguing it at this point.
It is hard to say what the future will hold for the game, but for now, players appear happy with how it functions.
Others saw the point that the developer was trying to make and agreed with what he had to say:
To conclude, both Destiny 2 and Diablo 4 are two titles that are unique in their own ways. At this point, it's probably unfair to compare the two. Both games follow two entirely different patterns regarding world design and enemy scaling. Players will flock to the game that suits their taste and playstyle irrespective of the kind of enemy scaling it follows.