Last Epoch 1.1 patch notes (July 9) for Harbingers of Ruin: Nemesis system, new Cycle, and more

Last Epoch 1.1 patch notes harbinger of ruin
Last Epoch's latest big update is here (Image via Eleventh Hour Games)

Last Epoch's first-ever fresh Cycle after release is coming on July 9. The official patch notes for Last Epoch 1.1 have gone live ahead of time, revealing all the nitty-gritty of the new systems, as well as major gameplay balance changes coming to the ARPG soon. The titular uber-boss system is not the most exciting new thing introduced in Harbingers of Ruin, as there are various new mechanics, such as a dodge-roll, a Nemesis system, and a brand-new faction related to Harbingers.


Let's look at everything new to expect in Last Epoch 1.1, as documented in its official patch notes.

Note: Upon the first launch after updating to 1.1, all keybinds will be reset to default. This only happens once, and further launches should keep any custom keybind changes.

Last Epoch 1.1 patch notes: Everything new in The Harbingers of Ruin Cycle


The new Cycle will begin in Last Epoch when the patch becomes available on July 9, at 11 am CT. Here are the notes:

  • All new characters can be created in Cycle or Legacy realms.
  • All 1.0 Cycle characters are now moved to Legacy.
  • Those characters stashes are also now moved to Legacy, and shared among similar game modes as usual.
  • Shared stash data includes items, resonances, gold, crafting materials, and faction progress.
  • Each stash from the previous cycle is now available as a remove-only stash in the appropriate Legacy stash. You may remove any of these items on any Legacy character with the same optional challenge settings and use them as normal.
  • Solo Character Found characters who abandon the challenge will get their SCF stash as a remove-only stash.

New Mechanic: Evade

Evade is an additional special ability available to all classes, and not on the action bar.

  • Evade works similar to movement abilities but:
  • Is not a traversal skill.
  • Is available from level 1, and cannot be unequipped or swapped with other player skills.
  • While evading, players can still take damage (no immunity frames).
  • Comes with 2 charges, and a short cooldown.
  • Evade gains cooldown recovery speed per character level.
  • Can be modified by abilities, affixes, and blessings.
  • Can be modified drastically by Uniques.
  • Added evade animations for all classes and transformations.

New Mechanic: Harbingers of Ruin

Harbingers are a new endgame system, leading to the Pinnacle Boss.

  • Access to the Pinnacle Boss is initially disabled.
  • Only Online Cycle characters will have access to the Pinnacle Boss upon release.
  • It will become available to all modes (Offline and Legacy) the next business day after someone defeats the Pinnacle Boss or a week after release. Whichever comes first.
  • You must slay all 10 Harbingers to gain the ability to challenge the Pinnacle Boss.
  • After completing the Harbingers questline, you may spend 1 Eye to challenge the Pinnacle Boss.
  • Each of the 10 Monolith Timelines has an associated Harbinger, spawned on defeating the Timeline Boss.
  • Harbingers absorb abilities from the Timeline Boss that spawns them.
  • The first Harbinger is unlocked after you kill the Timeline Boss in the final level 90 Normal Monolith Timeline.
  • Harbinger fights can then be toggled on/off from the Boss Echo rewards panel.
  • Subsequent Harbingers are encountered by killing bosses in Empowered Monolith Timelines, at increasingly higher Corruption levels.
  • Once a Harbinger has been defeated, it will continue to spawn in that same Empowered Timeline (if toggled on).
  • Defeated Harbingers drop Harbinger Eyes. These items act as keys to access the Pinnacle Boss.
  • Harbingers are guaranteed to drop an eye on the first kill, with a chance to drop after that.
  • Killing your first Harbinger now also unlocks Empowered Timelines.
  • Because of this, Alt characters can now get Empowered Timelines unlocked a bit earlier (after conquering the first level 90 Timeline instead of the third). Example:
  • 1st Character - Conquers the three required Level 90 Timelines, and unlocks Empowered Monoliths. Can now conquer Empowered Timelines for Harbingers.
  • Alt Character - Conquers 1 Level 90 Normal Timeline, Empowered Monoliths unlock, can now conquer Empowered Timelines for Harbingers.

New Faction: Forgotten Knights

  • The Forgotten Knights Faction tracks your Harbinger progress. There’s also a Harbinger quest line.
  • This faction is separate from the existing Item Factions.
  • The Forgotten Knights is an Endgame Faction unlocked after you kill your first Harbinger.
  • Like other factions, Forgotten Knights progress is shared among characters sharing a stash.
  • Faction progress is only advanced by the requirements of killing new Harbingers, in new Timelines, at the set level of Corruption.
  • Shattered Road zone added, home of the Forgotten Knights Faction.

Ranks in the Forgotten Knights Faction are unlocked with each additional Harbinger kill:

  1. +40% chance for Nemesis items to include an Egg of the Forgotten
  2. +10% chance for doubled Stability gain
  3. Double Harbinger Needle drop chance
  4. +6 Maximum Forging Potential gained by Empowering a Nemesis
  5. +20% additional Glyph of Envy drop chance from Harbingers
  6. The tiers of sealed affixes added by Empowering a Nemesis are 15% higher on average
  7. +1 Corruption gain per Gaze of Orobyss
  8. Blessings roll their value twice and pick the highest roll
  9. Double chance for Harbingers to drop their specific Uniques
  10. Slaying a Harbinger grants 1 additional Gaze of Orobyss

For party play:

  • Players must have unlocked the level 90 Timelines to be able to join the Forgotten Knights Faction. This means that players must be able to start an Echo by themselves in one of the level 90 Timelines.
  • As a guest, defeated Harbingers will only progress the Forgotten Knights Faction and drop guaranteed Eyes as long as the difficulty and Timeline requirements are met. These can be viewed in the Factions panel.

New Mechanic: Nemesis

The Nemesis system introduces new random encounters that can spawn throughout the Campaign, Monolith, and Dungeons.

  • They first appear as a floating pile of armor around the body of a powerful warrior that’s been slain by a Harbinger.
  • Clicking on the Nemesis brings up a menu where you can see four items from the slain warrior.
  • These items are always Rare, Exalted, or Unique, with bonus chances of being the latter two. They can’t be idols.
  • For characters above level 50, at least one item will always be a Unique.
  • Nemesis type and stats are determined by the zone spawned in.
  • Nemesis loot rolled is determined by character level.
  • You have three options in that menu.
  • Banishing the Nemesis, losing access to the items.
  • Challenging it, causing you to fight it and gain the items at the end of the fight.
  • Empowering it, causing you to fight it, but allowing it to escape through a time rift at the end of the fight.
  • If you Empower a Nemesis, your next Nemesis encounter will feature a time rift instead of the warrior’s body and the items offered will be the same ones as before, but upgraded.
  • Rare and Exalted items can have their affixes upgraded up to Tier 7 and also increase their Forging Potential beyond the normal limit.
  • They can also gain sealed affixes, up to T7. Exalted sealed affixes were previously unattainable (aside from Exalted experimental affixes when using a Rune of Research on an existing Exalted experimental affix).
  • Unique items have a chance of gaining Legendary Potential, or becoming a Legendary item, with random affixes added to them.
  • You can Empower a Nemesis up to two times before you challenge it.
  • After Banishing or Challenging a Nemesis your next encounter will have a fresh set of items.
  • These items will not change once they’ve been Empowered once.
  • Whenever you defeat a Nemesis, regardless of whether you Challenged or Empowered it, it will also drop a pile of crafting materials. It will not drop regular loot to avoid confusion with the four items offered.
  • At high levels, Nemeses may carry a special item as one of their rewards, The Egg of the Forgotten. This item can be replaced with one of your Uniques that lacks Legendary Potential or Weaver’s Will, allowing you to upgrade that Unique by Empowering the Nemesis.
  • The chance of this item appearing scales from 0% below level 60, then 20% at level 60, up to 60% at level 100.
  • Rank 1 of the new Forgotten Knights Faction provides an additional +40% chance for the Egg of the Forgotten to spawn.
  • If you do not replace the Egg, it will randomly transform into a different Unique.
  • Players can individually interact with a Nemesis. The Nemesis remains after defeat, allowing each player to interact with it one at a time. Each player maintains their own current Nemesis Empower progression, but will still fight each Nemesis as a group.
  • Nemeses can also drop Vengeful weapons that seek out the destruction of the Harbingers that killed them.
  • Killing a Harbinger while having one of these weapons equipped upgrades it to an “Avenged” version with improved stats.
  • There are Nemesis weapons for every weapon and off-hand type.

New Mechanic: Boss Ward Breakpoints

  • Bosses no longer have a variable amount of damage reduction based on how quickly they have been taking damage. Instead, bosses have a number of ward breakpoints.
  • When their health is reduced to a breakpoint, they gain ward based on their maximum health. Any extra damage beyond the breakpoint passes through to the ward they gain.
  • Their ward decays over time, but with a different formula to a player ward. Instead of the decay scaling with the amount of ward, it scales with how much time has passed since the boss gained it.
  • More significant bosses, such as Chapter Bosses, Timeline Bosses, and Dungeon Bosses, have more breakpoints. Most other bosses have two breakpoints.
  • Bosses have 50% more effective health against stun and freeze
  • Added modifiers for effective boss health against stun and freeze and changed freeze chance to take ward into account.

New Item: Glyph of Envy

Added a new crafting item, Glyph of Envy.

  • Glyph of Envy destabilizes an item, unpredictably changing all properties other than the affix being upgraded. This stability is siphoned to the most recent Monolith Timeline you entered, greatly increasing its stability.
  • The Forging Potential of the item is not changed beyond the normal reduction, and the changes cannot result in affixes above tier 5. Existing sealed affixes cannot be changed. Grants far more stability if you have never completed the Timeline before.
  • As it adds much more stability to Timelines that you have not yet completed, it’s particularly useful for going through Non-Empowered Timelines quickly on alt characters.
  • Which Timeline will gain stability is indicated on the Forge button before you use the glyph.
  • The glyph cannot be used by characters that have never started a Monolith Echo.
  • Glyphs of Envy drop in Empowered Timelines and have a similar drop chance to Dungeon keys.

All gameplay changes in Harbingers of Ruin: Last Epoch 1.1 patch notes

New Ward formula

  • Old: 0.4 x current ward / (1 + 0.5 x ward retention)
  • New: (0.2 x current ward + 0.00005 x (current ward^2)) / (1 + 0.5 x ward retention)


  • Experience requirement and XP tome changes
  • Increased XP requirements of levels 98, 99, and 100 by around 20%, 40%, and 60% respectively.
  • The XP from XP tomes now scales up less drastically above level 60. This effect is most noticeable above level 85.
  • XP tome rewards from echoes further from the center of the web now contain more XP tomes, up to a maximum of 7 tomes (from all XP tome rewards granting 3 tomes).
  • Reduced XP tome Echo reward occurrence rate by 29%-42% (larger values for lower Corruption and lower distance from the center of the echo web).
  • Minimum skill level changes (character level thresholds for minimum skill levels)
  • 2 at level 8 (from 10)
  • 3 at level 12 (from 15)
  • 4 at level 17 (from 20)
  • 5 at level 24 (from 30)
  • 6 at level 32 (from 40)
  • 7 at level 40 (from 50)
  • 8 at level 50 (from 60)
  • 9 at level 60 (from 70)
  • 10 at level 70 (from 80)
  • Reduced experience scaling from Corruption at high Corruption values.
  • Effective Corruption for calculating experience bonus increases at 25% speed after 300 Corruption (i.e. every 100 Corruption above 300 now is like 25 Corruption above 300 before).
  • Effective Corruption for calculating experience bonus increases at 5% speed after 1000 Corruption (i.e. every 100 Corruption above 1000 now is like 5 Corruption above 1000 before).
  • This is primarily intended to avoid reaching very high Corruption feeling necessary for effectively farming favor.


  • Changed the town scene characters load into. Now, characters will not always load into End Of Time after reaching it but instead will load the last visited town scene.
  • Reduced item sell costs, especially early on.
  • Added option to only display enemy health bars once damaged
  • Improved ability responsiveness in Online
  • Added the ability to equip a 2 Handed weapon while dual wielding and place those items into your inventory
  • Added a waypoint to Sanctum of the Architect so that if you die, quit, or disconnect during the Liath or Lagon fights you don’t have to rerun the whole Temple of Lagon and Temple Depths zones.

Looter Filter and UI Improvements

  • You can now add multiple affix conditions under the same rule.
  • You can now filter for Unique items with specific Legendary Potential or Weaver’s Will values.
  • All rules are now numbered top to bottom, the lower the number the higher the rule’s priority.
  • You can now toggle a checkbox to highlight which rule in your loot filter caused an item to show up on the ground.
  • Added information to show if an affix cannot drop based on your other conditions under that rule.
  • Added an option in Gameplay settings that allows you to toggle your current loot filter by clicking the button instead of holding it.
  • Changed the default controller inputs to include Evade:
  • Minion Attack is now right stick directional (and uses the right stick direction)
  • Ability bar 2 moved to Y (Xbox) and Triangle (PlayStation)
  • Dodge moved to B (Xbox) and Circle (PlayStation)
  • Pressing Ctrl + Alt + LMB on game guide pages and internal links now creates a shortcut in the chat.
  • Updated the Support Window to use gamepad controls.
  • The ESC Menu should now always be usable on loading screens and on character select
  • Deleting characters now requires the user to type in their character name before they are allowed to click the delete button.
  • Updated the Dungeon error message to be explicit that you cannot re-join the run if you have left or died while in that run.
  • Updated and added new pages to the Game Guide.

Monolith of Fate

  • The Forged Soldier Monolith ambush now includes only 1 Forged Soldier (from 2), and additionally has 1-2 Armored Phoenixes.
  • Increased gold Echo reward occurrence rate by 2-8% (larger values for lower Corruption and lower distance from the centre of the echo web).
  • Increased shard Echo reward occurrence rate by 7-20% (larger values for lower Corruption and lower distance from the centre of the echo web.)
  • Increased rune Echo reward occurrence rate by 10%
  • Increased glyph Echo reward occurrence rate by 17%
  • Increased Timeline specific Echo rewards (such as Unique or Set Relic) occurrence rate by 6%
  • Gold drop changes in Monolith of Fate: Reduced gold scaling from Corruption above 500. Increased gold drops from enemies by 5% globally. Most players will now receive more gold than before from slaying enemies.
  • Changed Necropolis Streets to be less linear, contain more of The Upper Necropolis’s areas, and have more different spawn points for players and random encounters.
  • Enforced more swarming and rare enemies in each Monolith Echo to help ensure a feeling of minimum monster density and avoid echoes that feel too unrewarding due to a lack of rare enemies.
  • Added a search box to the Timeline map with buttons for common reward searches. This creates a quick way to filter and search for desired Echo types and rewards, with matching modes highlighted on the map.

Gaze of Orobyss

  • Each Gaze of Orobyss grants 12 Corruption (from a varying amount, up to 10).
  • Only 4 Gaze of Orobyss can be consumed at once, the rest carries over to the next echo web (from all being consumed).
  • Only 1 Gaze of Orobyss is lost when you die fighting a Shade of Orobyss (from losing all Gaze of Orobyss).
  • Guests also gain Gaze of Orobyss when they are offered a Blessing in an Empowered Timeline if they have an equivalent Empowered run in the same Timeline.

Blessing Stash and Swapping

  • Blessings are now stored on your character and can be swapped around via a respec vendor NPC in the End of Time for a small gold fee.
  • Defeating a Timeline Boss and unlocking a new Blessing now adds ALL the current rolled values to your list of available Blessings (if higher than previously earned versions), including the Blessings you do not select upon unlock.
  • For alts, Blessings earned on other characters that share a stash will be usable at their minimum roll values until a better roll is unlocked on the alt character.
  • Alt characters must still defeat the Timeline Boss and earn a Blessing from that Timeline to use the minimum roll ones from other characters. This will also unlock access to Grand Blessings if they have been previously discovered by a different character.


  • Added Cycles dropdown menu
  • Previous Cycles can be viewed as a historical record of when that cycle ended
  • Only Cycle characters can now be placed on the Ladders
  • Legacy characters cannot add new entries to Ladders
  • Added Level Ladders
  • Ranks characters by total experience points
  • Displays timestamp for characters that have hit level 100
  • Skull icon indicates when a Hardcore character has died
  • Previous Hardcore characters are able to then be placed in the Normal Ladders.

Item Factions: General

  • Reduced the total Reputation needed to reach the highest Rank. Now requires 3.1 million, down from 3.3 million.
  • Each Rank in Item Factions also now provides a +5% increased Favor gain. At a maximum Rank of 12, you will have a +60% increased Favor gain.
  • Experience now scales less with Corruption, as Favor gain is tied to this, you will now earn more Favor at lower Corruption and less Favor at extremely high Corruption.
  • Adjusted Ranks 1-10 and added 2 new Ranks to the Merchant’s Guild and Circle of Fortune.

Item Factions: Merchant's Guild

  • Rank 1: You can sell all items, and you can buy Normal, Magic, and Rare items in the Bazaar or directly from other players. (Unchanged)
  • Rank 2: You can buy Set items in the Bazaar or directly from other players. (Unchanged)
  • Rank 3: You can buy Unique items with no Legendary Potential in the Bazaar or directly from other players. (Unchanged)
  • Rank 4: You can buy Idols in the Bazaar or directly from other players. (Unchanged)
  • Rank 5: You can buy Exalted Weapons and Offhands in the Bazaar or directly from other players. (Unchanged)
  • Rank 6: You can buy Exalted Armor in the Bazaar or directly from other players - Boots, Gloves, Helm, Body Armor (Split from previous Rank 7)
  • Rank 7: You can buy Unique Weapons and Offhands with Legendary Potential in the Bazaar or directly from other players. (Previously Rank 6)
  • Rank 8: You can buy all Exalted items in the Bazaar or directly from other players. (Previously Rank 7)
  • Rank 9: You can buy all Unique items, including those with Legendary Potential, in the Bazaar or directly from other Players. (Previously Rank 8)
  • Rank 10: You can buy Legendary Weapons and Offhands in the Bazaar or directly from other players. (Previously Rank 9)
  • Rank 11: You can buy Legendary Armor in the Bazaar or directly from other players. - Boots, Gloves, Helm, Body Armor (Split from previous Rank 10)
  • Rank 12: You can buy all Legendary items in the Bazaar or directly from other players. (Previously Rank 10)

Item Faction: Circle of Fortune

  • Rank 1: Enemies have a 35% chance of dropping twice as many items (Unchanged)
  • Rank 2: 45% chance for Runes of Ascendance to be preserved when used on an item that requires at least Circle of Fortune Rank 1 (Unchanged)
  • Rank 3: Whenever an Idol Drops, there is a 25% chance for two more to drop at the same time (Unchanged)
  • Rank 4: When a Set item would drop, the whole set drops instead (Previously Rank 9)
  • Rank 5: 35% chance for double item rewards from Monolith Echoes (Unchanged)
  • Rank 6: Affixes are 50% more likely to be Exalted (Previously Rank 4)
  • Rank 7: Exiled Mages drop twice as many experimental items (New)
  • Rank 8: Uniques are twice as likely to have Legendary Potential (Previously Rank 6)
  • Rank 9: T7 Affixes are twice as common (Previously Rank 7)
  • Rank 10: Bosses have a 150% increased drop rate for any specific rewards they have (New)
  • ‘Specific Rewards’ refers to any items dropped by that Boss, for example, Ravenous Void dropped by The Husk of Elder Gaspar
  • ‘Bosses’ applies to all unique enemies that display a boss health bar.
  • Rank 11: Items that would drop as Rare have a 25% chance of becoming Exalted (Previously Rank 8)
  • Rank 12: Prophecies grant twice as many items (Previously Rank 10 - Changed, formerly “Items from Prophecies are duplicated”)
  • No longer duplicates the actual granted reward, but instead considers it as if you had the prophecy itself duplicated, meaning it can roll different Uniques, for example.

All Class changes in Last Epoch 1.1 patch notes

Most channeled skills that prevented mana regeneration while channeling have been changed. They no longer prevent mana regeneration, but 8 mana has been added to their channel cost.

  • Other modifiers to their mana costs have been adjusted where necessary to account for this change.
  • The goal for this change is to reward characters that invest in mana regeneration, without negatively impacting those that do not.

Ailment Changes

  • Frostbite now deals 50 damage (from 36)
  • Blind no longer causes enemies to aim erratically. It now makes enemies unable to critically strike (from halving critical strike chance)
  • Withering now has a maximum of 10 stacks (from 20)
  • The bleeds inflicted by Spirit Plague’s Hemorrhage and Laceration nodes now also respect ailment conversion
  • Haste, Frenzy, and Immobilize can no longer be replaced by stacks with a lower remaining duration (e.g. a Haste effect with 4 seconds remaining cannot be replaced by a new one with a 2-second duration)
  • Attempting to replace a long-duration Haste stack with a lower-duration one will still trigger Advent of the Erased’s effect
  • (Bug Fix) Fixed several cases where self-inflicted ailments were not respecting ailment conversions, such as Harvest’s Double Edged Scythe, Diothaen’s Bloody Nib, and Bleeding Heart

Acolyte skill changes

Bone Curse

  • Bone Prison now has 300 base health (from 500)
  • Ossify now grants Bone Prison 15% less damage taken per point (from 500 added health per point), and its maximum points have been reduced to 4 (from 5)
  • (Bug Fix) Fixed a bug where Bone Prison did not receive its listed health scaling from your level and intelligence

Chaos Bolts

  • Devour the Damned now grants 5 health gain against cursed enemies per point (from 6) and requires 2 points in Doom’s Vindication (from 1)
  • Call of Morditas now shows its base freeze rate of 20

Chthonic Fissure

  • Chaotic Rupture now grants a 13% chance per point to replace Spirits with Chaos Bolts (from 20%)
  • Twisted Waves now grants 1% more Torment damage per 3% necrotic resistance per point (from 1% per 2%)
  • (Bug Fix) Fixed Chthonic Fissure not showing a tooltip on the Warlock mastery side panel of the Passive Tree

Death Seal

  • Death Seal no longer has a minimum mana cost of 1. This means mana cost modifiers are now able to reduce it to 0 cost.

Dread Shade

  • Blind Fury no longer blinds the targeted minion, and instead grants them a 50% less critical strike chance
  • Infernal Dread can now only refresh Infernal Shades a maximum of 2 times (from unlimited)


  • No longer prevents mana regeneration while channeling. Channel cost is now 48 (from 40).
  • Spectral Menace now grants -10% mana cost per point (from -14%)
  • Spirit of Dread now grants 10% movespeed while channeling (from 20%)
  • Doom Surge now grants 5% movespeed per point while channeling (from 10%)
  • Disdain now grants 6% less damage taken per point from ignited, damned, or bleeding enemies while channeling Ghostflame (from 10%)
  • Disdain requires 3 points in Dread Furnace (from 2)
  • Disdain now adds +2 channel cost per point
  • Enfeebled Prey no longer gives 10% less damage taken from cursed enemies per point. It now gives a +50% chance per point to inflict Frailty every second.
  • Spirit of Dread now increases the channel cost by 80% (from 50%)
  • Wraith Form grants a +1 dodge rating per intelligence while channeling per point (from +10)


  • Learned Weakness now grants 20% global increased critical strike chance per point if you have hit a cursed enemy with Harvest recently (from 10%). It now also grants a global +5% critical strike multiplier if you have hit a cursed enemy with Harvest recently.

Profane Veil

  • Scorn now grants 5% more damage to cursed enemies while in Profane Veil per point (from 10%)
  • Vampiric Pool now grants 3% of minion health as ward (from 4%), and it now extends the duration of Profane Veil by 0.2s per minion consumed (from 0.5s)
  • Seance now grants 1 ward per 15% uncapped necrotic resistance per point (from 1 per 5%) whenever a Spirit is revealed inside Profane Veil’s area.
  • The Axe benefit of Profane Instruments now instantly kills enemies that are below 6% health per point (from 7%)

Reaper Form

  • Death Comes Quickly has been removed. Rapid Destruction has been moved to its position.
  • Rapid Destruction grants a 8% increased attack and cast speed per point (from 10%), and now also grants a 2% increased movement speed per point
  • A new node, Bloodmoon Reaver, has been added at Rapid Destruction’s previous position. It converts Reap’s base damage to physical, grants 10% physical penetration while in Reaper Form, converts poison effects from the tree to bleed, and gives Reaper Form physical VFX.
  • (Bug Fix) Fixed Lich mastery Reaper Form showing an old icon in the mastery side panel of the passive tree

Summon Skeleton

  • Skeleton Rogues now have a baseline 20% chance to inflict poison on hit
  • Skeletons now gain 8 health per level (from 5) and 8 health per intelligence (from 5)
  • Bone Armor from all sources, including from Skeleton Warriors, now grants 8% less damage taken. Skeleton Warriors’ Bone Armor cooldown has been reduced to 4s (from 10)
  • Impatience has been removed
  • Bone Share no longer has a reduced effect on non-minions

Summon Skeletal Mage

  • Skeletal Mages now gain 8 health per level (from 5) and 8 health per intelligence (from 5)


  • Bone Armor now just gives the Bone Armor buff, which grants 8% less damage taken (previously scaled effect with points allocated). Maximum points have been reduced to 1.
  • Plated Bone has been removed

Wandering Spirits

  • Infusing Souls have a 15% chance to grant 4 mana per point whenever a Spirit expires (from 6 mana)

Mage skill changes


The game's description reads:

"Gambler’s Fallacy and Soul Gambler’s Fallacy no longer apply their critical strike chance bonus to channeled skills, which Disintegrate previously relied heavily on in combination with Ignivar’s Head to deal competitive damage."

It adds:

"Because that interaction has been removed, we are reworking Disintegrate to improve its baseline power and its ability to scale into endgame, while also introducing more compelling choices to its skill tree."
  • Its base damage and damage effectiveness per second are now 24 and 480% (from 15 and 300%)
  • No longer prevents mana regeneration while channeling. Channel cost is now 18 (from 10).
  • Lucomancer’s effects have been replaced, and it has been moved to require Escalation. It now grants a stack of Lucomancer every 2 seconds while channeling, up to 2 stacks. Lucomancer grants 4% global more damage to ignited or shocked enemies per point and 4% global reduced mana cost per point and lasts 3 seconds. Its maximum points have been reduced to 3.
  • Intensify now also affects the rate at which you gain Lucomancer stacks
  • Added a new node, Resurgence, connected to Lucomancer. Disintegrate can begin at tier 2 if you have at least 1 stack of Lucomancer, or at tier 3 if you have Amplification and 2 stacks of Lucomancer.
  • Tendrils now grants a 34% chance to cast Lightning Blast every second (from 25%). Its maximum points has been reduced to 3 (from 4).
  • Escalation now grants 40% increased mana cost (from 50%). It now requires 2 points in Magnify (from 3), 2 points in Feedback (from 3), or 2 points in Extension.
  • Amplification now grants 80% increased mana cost (from 100%)
  • Twinbeam now grants +14 mana cost (from +10)
  • Unbridled Power’s effects have been replaced. It now grants a 50% chance per second to inflict Spreading Flames, and a 50% chance per second to inflict Spark Charges. If converted to fire, the Spark Charge chance is converted to Spreading Flames. If converted to lightning, the Spreading Flames chance is converted to Spark Charge. Its maximum points has been reduced to 1 (from 2).
  • Subvention has been removed
  • Added a new node, Charged Conduit, connected to Electrify. It grants 5 static charges per second per point while channeling. Maximum of 4 points.
  • Galvanized Defense now grants 8% less damage taken (from 7%), but its maximum points has been reduced to 4 (from 5)
  • Added a new node, Unleashed Power, connected to Stored Power. Every 3 seconds while channeling Disintegrate, you cast Static Orb or Volcanic Orb, chosen randomly. If converted to lightning, Static Orb is always chosen. If converted to fire, Volcanic Orb is always chosen.
  • Laser Focus no longer grants 20 mana per second while damaging enemies with Disintegrate
  • Hyperfocal’s effects have been replaced. It grants 1% more lightning damage per 8 maximum mana. Maximum of 1 point.
  • Extension has been moved. It now connects to the center node and to Escalation.
  • Added a new node, Flame Vent, in Extension’s previous position. You gain a stack of Vent twice per second while channeling Disintegrate, up to a maximum of 2 per point. When you stop channelling you expend the stacks to cast Fireball at a nearby enemy once per stack
  • (Bug Fix) Fixed a bug where Paralyze’s more damage per stack of shock on the target did not apply. It has also been changed, and now gives 2% more direct damage per stack of shock on the target (from 5%). Its maximum points have been reduced to 3 (from 5).
  • Dragon Tongue’s effects have been replaced. It now grants 1% more fire damage per 2 intelligence.
  • Magnify’s effects have been replaced. It now grants 40% of your chance to ignite on hit with fire spells as ignite chance per second per point.
  • Feedback now grants a 40% chance to shock per second per point (from 20%)
  • Praesidium now grants 1 ward per 3 int per second per point while channeling (from 5 ward per second). Its maximum points have been reduced to 3 (from 5).
  • Cascade’s effects have been replaced. It now grants a 10% increased cooldown recovery speed per point while channeling. Its maximum points have been increased to 2 (from 1).
  • Backfire now requires damaging enemies for 3 seconds to cause a Flame Burst (from 5). Also fixed a bug where Backfire was triggering Flame Burst about 20% less frequently than intended
  • Catalyst now reduces the time required to cause a Flame Burst by 0.5 seconds per point (from 1)
  • Inferno now grants a 34% chance per point to cast Fire Aura while channeling (from 15%). Its maximum points have been reduced to 3 (from 4).
  • (Bug Fix) Fixed a bug where Disintegrate’s Extension node did not affect the visual length of Disintegrate’s beam
  • (Bug Fix) Fixed an issue with Disintigrate’s sound effects.

Elemental Nova

  • Luminaire no longer prevents mana regeneration while channeling. Channel cost is now 48 (from 40).
  • Infernal Nova’s area increase now only applies to direct casts of Elemental Nova


  • Flammability now also gives an equal amount of lightning resistance shred if Fireball has any amount of conversion to lightning
  • Fire Spray now requires 2 points in Winged Fire (from 3)
  • Unchained Fire now requires 3 points in Adept (from 4)


  • (Bug Fix) Fixed a bug where Charring was giving Firebrand more damage per stack instead of its intended melee damage per stack
  • Kindling now grants a 10% melee critical strike chance per Firebrand stack per point (from 5%)
  • Triple Strike now grants 3 added mana cost (from 10)
  • Charring no longer grants an added mana cost (from 2)
  • Crossfire now grants a 10% ignite chance per Firebrand stack per point (from 8%)
  • Exothermic now allows you to consume up to 3 Firebrand stacks per point (from 1)
  • Ardent Branding now also grants 3% more Firebrand damage per stack
  • Pyre now grants 6 added mana cost (from 10)
  • Hypothermia now allows you to consume up to 3 Firebrand stacks per point (from 1)
  • Conflagrate now grants 6 added mana cost (from 10)
  • Incineration now grants 12% more damage per Firebrand stack consumed (from 20%)
  • Searing Bond now grants 12% more damage (from 10%)

Flame Reave

  • Slash and Burn grants a 25% ignite chance per point (from 20%, and has 4 maximum points (from 3)
  • Dancing Flames grants 14% less mana cost (from 12%) and only reduces the range by 5% (from 12%) per point
  • Ember Infusion no longer increases mana cost but grants 12% more melee damage (from 20%) per point


  • The burst of mana and ward that occurs after channeling for 1 second now also recovers 10% of missing mana
  • Fixed Ward Gain on Traversal Skill Use triggering every time you started channeling on Focus if it was changed to a traversal skill, even if you canceled the channel before teleporting.

Frost Claw

  • Kolheim Ballista now grants a 4% increased Ice Barrage fire rate per point (from 5%) on Frost Claw hits, up to a maximum of 60% (from 80%)
  • Macuahuitl now consumes 80% of Frost Claw’s mana cost when cast this way, and will not trigger at negative mana
  • On Through the Snow now adds 4 mana cost (from 6)
  • Ever Onward now adds 4 mana cost (from 6)
  • Frozen Malice now adds 2 mana cost (from 3)
  • A Crack in the Ice now increases mana cost by 30% (from 40%)
  • Gift of Winter’s chance to gain 12 mana on cast can now only occur on direct casts
  • Volley of Glass now has a -20 Freeze Rate
  • Volley of Glass now removes Area tag

Lightning Blast

  • Closed Circuit’s buff no longer stacks. Its buff now grants 20% increased damage (from 15%) and 50% increased critical strike chance (from 40%).

Mana Strike

  • Repulsing Strikes now has a 100% chance to knock enemies back (from 34% per point), but a 2-second cooldown and has 1 maximum point (from 3)
  • Added a new node called Frigid Grasp that converts Mana Strike to cold


  • Fixed a bug where Runebolt’s Runeweaver granted 4% mana spent gained as ward per stack instead of its listed 40%

Runic Invocation

  • Reowyn’s Frostguard no longer grants a 30% damage reduction. Its ward granted every 0.4s is now 20 + 1 per intelligence (from 14 + 0.5 per intelligence)
  • The movement nodes have had their values tweaked. The blink, forward leap, and backward leap should all be smoother to play and look nicer.
  • (Bug Fix) Fixed a bug where Runic Invocation’s Rune Powercore could cause your Runic Energy to display higher than its actual value

Shatter Strike

  • Unrelenting Winter now has a clearer description of its effect
  • Hoarfrost now grants 2 ward when using Shatter Strike and hitting at least one enemy per point, doubled against frozen enemies (from always granting 5 against frozen enemies only)
  • Cold Steel now grants a +20% critical strike multiplier per sword per point (from 30%)
  • Cold Presence now grants 10% more damage per point, doubled to enemies on high health (from granting 25% more damage against high health enemies only)
  • Glacial Smash now grants 8% more damage per point, doubled to frozen enemies (from granting 10% more damage against frozen enemies only)
  • Icicles triggered from Ice Spikes now have 100% added damage effectiveness (from 80%)
  • Whiteout and Absolute Zero now state they give less attack speed, not reduced (functionality was not changed, only description)
  • Whiteout and Absolute Zero’s less attack speed modifiers are now multiplicative with each other (previously were additive with each other, but multiplicative with other modifiers to attack speed)
  • Whiteout now grants 80% increased mana cost per point (from 90%)
  • Fixed a bug where Iceblink was giving more attack speed instead of increased attack speed
  • Ice Spikes from Frozen Shrapnel now receive 1 spell damage per 3 melee damage
  • Lingering Chill now grants 5% global more cold damage per point (from 20% global increased cold damage)
  • Ice Barrier now grants 50 armor per point for 4 seconds on hit, doubled against frozen enemies
  • Acclimated now grants 5% less cold damage taken per point for 4 seconds on hit, doubled against frozen enemies

Snap Freeze

  • Cryomancy now grants a 10% increased freeze duration per point (from 12%), and its maximum points have been reduced to 4 (from 5)

Static Orb

  • Overcharged Detonation grants 2% more orb hit damage per 1 mana cost (from 3%)

Volcanic Orb

  • Fixed issues with targeting with the cursor on complex terrain, making for smoother and more predictable targeting.

Primalist Skill Changes in Last Epoch 1.1


  • Avalanche’s base functionality has been reworked. It is no longer a channeled spell by default. It costs 50 mana and creates 1 larger boulder at the target location, followed by 10 smaller boulders around the target area over 2 seconds. It is now always targetable, and the boulders fall within a circle instead of an extended rectangle in front of the player. It has no cooldown.
  • The boulders have 400% added damage effectiveness (from 300%), and a freeze rate of 80 (from 60), and the larger boulders additionally have 100% more damage and 100% more area of effect. Effects that create Avalanche boulders create smaller boulders unless stated otherwise.
  • Pummeling now requires Rockfall (from requiring Snow Storm). It now causes larger boulders to always create a Fissure (from requiring 5 boulder hits on a single enemy). The Fissure it creates now lasts 4 seconds (from 5 listed, 3 actual). It now has 200% added damage effectiveness per second with equivalent base damage (from 25% listed, 36% actual). You are now limited to 1 Fissure from Avalanche at a time.
  • Elemental Bond’s effects have been changed. It now grants a 34% chance per point for large boulders to form into a Coldstone Elemental upon impact. You can have a maximum of 9 Coldstone Elementals. If another would be created beyond the max, it instead fully restores the health and refreshes the decay of the most decayed elemental.
  • Coldstone Elementals deal 50% more damage
  • Frost Touch now grants a 50% chance per point for larger boulders to create Frozen Ground (from 25% for any boulder). The maximum points has been reduced to 2. The radius of Frozen Ground has been increased by 47%, and its area is now also affected by all modifiers that affect the area of Avalanche’s boulders.
  • Shatter Shot now grants 10% more hit damage, doubled against frozen enemies (from only granting 20% more damage to frozen). It now requires Frost instead of Frost Touch.
  • Frosted Front now grants 25% increased area per point for Frozen Ground (from 40%), and also grants s +50% frostbite chance per point to allies on frozen ground. Its maximum points have been increased to 2.
  • Mountain Peak now makes Avalanche a channeled ability (from making it targetable). It costs 28 mana per second to channel and causes 1 larger boulder to fall every 1.5 seconds along with 5 smaller boulders every second.
  • Naturally Occurring now grants 15% mana efficiency per point (from 10%), and its maximum points have been reduced to 3 (from 4). It now requires Mountain Peak (from Wild Path).
  • Precision’s effects have been replaced. It now causes the smaller boulders to fall in a 15% reduced area per point for every second spent channeling, up to a max reduction of 60%. It has a maximum of 2 points.
  • Wild Path has been removed.
  • Unyielding Storm’s effects have been replaced. When you stop channeling Avalanche, it continues for a duration equal to how long you spent channeling, up to a maximum of 1.5 seconds per point. It now requires Naturally Occurring (from Wild Path).
  • Hailstorm’s effects have been changed. When you stop channeling Avalanche, the continued Avalanche occurs around you and follows your movement. The larger boulders will automatically target enemies within 6 meters.
  • Crater is a new node that requires Precision. Every third large boulder creates an Earthquake on impact, consuming 90% of Earthquake’s mana cost.
  • Dead of Winter now also grants 8% more cold damage per point
  • Storm Slide now grants added lightning spell damage instead of base damage. This is a buff, as added damage is affected by damage effectiveness.
  • Heavy Snow has been renamed to Excavation. It now grants a 50% increased stun chance (from 25%), and now grants larger boulders a 50% chance per point to cast Upheaval towards a nearby enemy upon impact, consuming 80% of its mana cost. Its maximum points have been reduced to 2.
  • Stormcaller is a new node that requires Harsh Winter. It grants Avalanche boulders that hit at least one enemy a 15% chance per point to grant a Storm Stack. It has a maximum of 3 points.
  • Winter Buildup now grants 2 reduced mana cost or channel cost (from 1). Its maximum points have been reduced to 4. It now requires Harsh Winter (from Heavy Snow).
  • Intensity’s effects have been replaced. It now grants small boulders a 5% chance per point to be replaced with a larger boulder.
  • Snow Storm now grants 1 additional small boulder dropped per point, or 7% increased frequency of small boulders per point if channeled. It now also adds 3 mana cost per point. Its maximum points have been reduced to 3.
  • Alpine Guide’s effects have been changed. It now grants 34% chance per point for large boulder critical strikes to drop a smaller boulder at the same location. These smaller boulders are allowed to critically strike. It now also grants +3% critical strike chance per point.
  • Absorption is a new node that requires Elemental Bond. When a Coldstone Elemental is hit by a boulder, they regain 100 health per point and gain frenzy and haste for 2 seconds per point. It has a maximum of 3 points.


  • Cyclone now grants you 1% global more physical damage per stack of Maelstrom on you (from 5% increased)
  • Violent Squall now grants 200% more damage, 200% increased duration and a 200% increased healing from Healing Winds (from 100% more damage, 100% increased healing), you can still only have a maximum of 1 stack of Maelstrom
  • Sleet Footed now grants a 3% increased dodge rating per point (from 12 added)
  • Gathering Storm has been renamed to Growing Storm. It now also grants a 2% chance on any hit to cast Maelstrom, using the same cooldown.
  • The Tempestuous idol affix now grants a chance to cast Maelstrom every 3 seconds (from every 5 seconds)
  • Essence of Debris now grants an 8% global increased stun chance per stack (from 15%)

Serpent Strike

  • Serpent Venom now has a base damage of 400 over 3 seconds (from 300)
  • Slither now gives a buff granting a 10% more dodge rating when you use Serpent Strike and hit at least one enemy. This buff’s maximum stacks are equivalent to points allocated, up to a maximum of 3. (previously gave an endlessly stacking buff for 4% more dodge rating per stack)
  • Shroud of Winter now causes Slither to also grant +1 dodge per 1% cold resistance (previously separate endlessly stacking buff that gave +4 dodge per 10% cold res)
  • Shattered Immunity now gives 1% more Serpent Venom per poison (from none), 1% more Serpent Venom damage per frostbite (from none), 1% more Serpent Venom damage per poison against high health enemies (from 2%), and 1% more Serpent Venom damage per frostbite against high health enemies (from 2%)

Summon Storm Claw

  • Storm Crows now have 200 base health (from 160), gain 10 health per attunement (from 8), gain 10 health per strength (from 8), and gain 10 health per level (from 8)
  • Avis now also grants Storm Crows 10% more health per point
  • Nimbleness now grants 80 dodge rating per point (from 40)

Summon Storm Totem

  • Press Your Advantage now gives a 10% more critical strike chance against shocked enemies per point (from 6%)
  • Intensity now grants 8% increased mana cost (from 15%)
  • Frostbite now grants a 40% chance to inflict frostbite each second (from 20%)
  • Fulgurite Core now also grants Storm Totem +1 spell lightning damage per 10% of your chance to shock attackers
  • Thunder Totem has been reworked. If you have at least 3 other totems, up to 5 are consumed to instead summon a Thunder Totem, which has 20% more damage, duration, size, and health per totem consumed. Does not consume Storm Totems or Thunder Totems.
  • Added a new node, Unmatched Storms. Storm Totem casts Storm Bolt instead of lightning strikes, but has 80% less cast speed. The Storm Bolts benefit from your Storm Totem tree and your Gathering Storm tree.
  • (Bug Fix) Fixed a bug where Blizzard did not convert all shock chance to chill chance
  • (Bug Fix) Fixed a bug where allocating Blizzard caused Exploit Weaknesses and Press Your Advantage to no longer provide their effects to the lightning storms
  • (Bug Fix) Fixed a bug where Stormrider was always only triggered by shocks, even when Blizzard was allocated

Summon Thorn Totem

  • Pillars of Heorot now only requires 1 point in either Venom Tipped Thorns or Winterwood (from 3)
  • Impale now requires 2 points in Ancient Power (from 1)
  • Guided Thorns now require 3 points in Oaken Protection (from 4), and grants 20% reduced cast speed (from 25%)
  • Memories of Eterra now has 4 maximum points (from 3) and requires 2 points in either Totemic Wisdom or Forested Expanse, but grants 3 mana per point (from 4) when a Thorn Totem dies or is unsummoned
  • Characters with Thorn Totem specialized will get a free skill tree respec

Summon Wolf

  • Wolves now have 220 base health (from 160), gain 12 health per strength (from 8), and gain 12 health per level (from 8)

Swarmblade Form

  • Locust Master no longer adds a cooldown to Armblade Slash. It instead completely replaces Armblade Slash with Summon Locust. As a result, it also no longer grants a damage buff when hitting Locusts with Armblade Slash.
  • Known issue: Locust Master’s description still incorrectly mentions the damage buff. This text will be removed in a subsequent update.
  • Locust Master now requires Wasp Flight instead of Viper’s Call
  • Bloodlust Swarm grants Locust Swarm 5% increased damage per bleed consumed (from 50%)
  • (Bug Fix) Fixed a bug where locusts converted to cold by Frost Bites were not treated as cold minions by Gathering Storm’s Friends of the Tempest


  • Earthbreaker now grants 40% more damage (from 30%), and now also grants a 40% increased stun chance
  • Quarry Maker adds 3 mana cost per point (from 4) and also grants 8% more damage per point


  • Base cooldown is now 18 seconds (from 10). 20% of remaining cooldown is now recovered whenever you stun an enemy, including with Warcry itself. This effect can occur a maximum of two times a second.
  • Shallow Breath now sets the cooldown to 5 seconds (from reducing the 10-second cooldown by 50%).
  • Shallow Breath requires Staggering Roar or Eviscerating Howl (from only Eviscerating Howl)
  • Kinetic Scream requires the starting node (from requiring Hastily Advance or Staggering Roar)
  • Eviscerating Howl requires Kinetic Scream or Shallow Breath (from only Kinetic Scream)

Rogue Skill Changes

Aerial Assault

  • Plumed Daggers now grants Umbral Blades hits from the Twilight Strike node 100% chance to inflict armor shred (previously 100% chance to inflict Shadow Daggers)
  • Rending Barbs now grants 100% chance to inflict bleed on hit with Caltrops per point (from 50%), and grants your Falcon 1% bleed chance per 10 dex per point (from 1% per 4 dex). Its maximum points have been reduced to 2 (from 4).
  • Gustborne Guard converts the health gain from Healing Gust to ward at 50% reduced effect (from no reduction)
  • Storm on the Horizon now removes the traversal and movement tags
  • (Bug Fix) Fixed a bug where Rending Barbs’s bleed chance buff for the falcon lasted for 5 seconds. It now lasts for 4 seconds, as stated in its description.
  • (Bug Fix) Fixed tags and description inconsistencies with Aerial Assault (its delay is no longer shortened by your increased minion attack speed)

Acid Flask

  • Quick Draw now grants a 6% increased throwing speed per point (from 5%), and its maximum points have been reduced to 4 (from 5)
  • Alchemical Proficiency now also grants 3% more damage per point
  • Explosive Flask now only requires 3 points in Alchemical Proficiency (from 4)
  • Cluster Bomb now grants 50% increased mana cost (from 100%)


  • Armed Construction now grants the explosion 1% more damage per dexterity per point (from 2%)
  • Care Package now only drops its potions over time if the ballista has hit an enemy

Cinder Strike

  • Melee Cinder Strike’s first strike no longer attempts to auto-aim at nearby enemies
  • Inferno now grants 8% more damage per point and 2 added fire damage per point (from 4 added fire damage per point, doubled for first strike)
  • Overexertion now grants 20 added mana cost (from 30), and now also grants 30% more damage
  • Tireless now grants 20% mana efficiency per point (from 12%), and its maximum points have been reduced to 3 (from 5)
  • Flame Alchemist now grants a 25% chance to throw a Volatile Flask when Cinder Strike’s first attack hits at least one enemy (previously 15% chance on each hit of the first attack). Its maximum points have been increased to 2 (from 1).

Dancing Strikes

  • Grievous Wounds is now spelled correctly (from Grievious) and grants a 25% bleed chance per point (from 10%)
  • Silent Death now also grants 100% poison resistance shred chance per point
  • Deadly Waltz now grants 25% physical resistance shred (from 10%) per point, and its maximum points have been increased to 4 (from 3)
  • Hidden Blades now grants a 50% chance to use Shadow Cascade on the first strike (from a 10% chance on any strike). Its maximum points have been increased to 2 (from 1). It now requires 2 points in Deadly Waltz (from 1).
  • Graceful Arena now grants 4% global more damage per point to you and allies in the Arena (from 25% increased) and 2% less damage taken per point for you and allies in the Arena, doubled for yourself (from 5% only for yourself). Its maximum points have been increased to 5 (from 4).
  • Rhythm now grants 3% global more damage per Rhythm stack (from 10% increased). This is additive with Perfect Choreography, but multiplicative with other modifiers

Detonating Arrow

  • Lightning Tendrils can no longer hit enemies that were hit by the explosion which caused the Lightning Tendrils
  • Copper Dust Arrow’s debuff can no longer stack
  • Arrow of Delay’s movement speed debuff has been reduced to 4% (from 12%), and its description has been updated to clarify that it stacks from each additional arrow attached.
  • Thundersteel Arrow now gives 50% more damage (from 30%)
  • Infused Discharge now grants 2% more damage per mana consumed (from 1%)
  • (Bug Fix) Fixed a bug where Beastslayer Arrow’s more explosion hit damage per second spent arming was applied multiple times if you hit multiple enemies at once with Detonating Arrow, such as when using Jelkhor’s Blast Knife
  • (Bug Fix) Fixed a bug where Thundersteel Arrow’s benefits could apply to indirect casts. Its description has been updated to be more clear that it only applies to direct casts
  • (Bug Fix) Fixed a bug where Thundersteel Arrow’s more damage was not applying to the initial arrow

Dive Bomb

  • Dive Bomb’s base damage and damage effectiveness are now 140 and 700% (from 170 and 850%)
  • Shadow Falcons performing Dive Bomb, such as from On Wings of Shadow, now deal 60% less damage (from 25% less)
  • Dancing Shadows now grants a 50% chance per point for your Shadow Falcons that landed inside Smoke Bomb to take off and dive again (from 100%). Its maximum points have been increased to 2.

Explosive Trap

  • Smoke Trap’s chance to grant Dusk Shroud per second spent arming is now 30% (from 40%)
  • Smoke Trap now requires that the trap hit at least one enemy for its effect to occur, and its description has been updated for improved clarity
  • Sky Signal now grants 2% elemental and physical penetration per stack to your falcon whenever an Explosive Trap detonates (from 3%). It can now be triggered up to 15 times every 3 seconds (from no limit).
  • Trapas node now adds +3 mana cost
  • (Bug Fix) Fixed a bug where traps triggered to explode by exceeding the maximum active trap limit had an unintentionally high chance to trigger gaining Dusk Shroud from the Smoke Traps node. This is expected to significantly reduce the amount of Dusk Shroud stacks gained in typical use cases.


  • The Falcon deals 14% less damage
  • Rending Talons now grants 25% of your chance to bleed, poison, shred resistances, and slow on hit to your falcon per point (from 50%)
  • Falconry now has a “Throwing” minion tag
  • Go For the Eyes has been reworked. Your critical strike chance modifiers also apply to your Falcon, at 75% effectiveness (previously was applying each type of increased critical strike chance to each type of additional critical strike chance and then picking the highest total value among the 3 modifiers and giving that to the falcon as additional crit chance at 75% effectiveness).
  • Avian Arsenal now has a maximum of 5 stacks (from 10)
  • Boundless Blows no longer prevents mana regeneration while channeling. Channel cost is now 13 (from 5).


  • Vile Tactics’s first strike poison chance, second strike bleed chance, and third strike poison resistance shred chance and physical resistance shred chance are now 20% per point (from 10%)
  • Incision now grants +15% critical strike multiplier per point (from 10%)
  • Deep Strikes now grants 10% more damage per point (from 8%)
  • Giant Slayer now causes Adrenaline Rush to grant 15% more damage to bosses and rare enemies per stack (from 10%)
  • (Bug Fix) Fixed a bug where Flurry with Boundless Blows could attack faster than intended at higher latency
  • (Bug Fix) Fixed a bug with the bow Gathering Fury where its chance to repeat bow abilities could also repeat channeled bow abilities, which could result in two channels occurring simultaneously for as long as the channel is maintained.

Hail of Arrows

  • Endless Barrage no longer prevents mana regeneration while channeling. Channel cost is now 23 (from 15 stated, 20 actual).


  • Added damage now applies at 120% effectiveness (from 100%)
  • Keep Pushing 'em Around’s knockback effect now has a 100% chance, but has a 2-second cooldown and requires a direct use
  • Won’t Back Down now has a maximum of 3 arrows fired when out of mana (from 1)
  • Pincushion’s effects have been replaced. It now grants 10% physical penetration per point.
  • Toxic Gift no longer makes Multishot unable to inflict slow
  • Strong Pull grants 60% more damage (from 55% more hit damage), but now only applies to direct uses.
  • Giant Slayer grants 500% increased stun chance (from 800%)
  • Stand My Ground grants 12% more damage if you haven’t moved in the past second (from 10%)
  • Large Quiver grants +3 mana cost per point (from +4)
  • Efficient Draw grants 12% mana efficiency per point (from 10%), and its maximum points have been increased to 4
  • No Easy Way Out grants a 25% chance to slow on hit per point (from 10%), and now also grants a 25% chance to inflict bleed on hit per point
  • Hit ‘n’ Run grants a 50% chance per point to gain Haste when you use Multishot while Stand My Ground is active (from 25%)
  • Point Blank’s description has been updated to clarify that it loses damage steadily as it travels, falling to its maximum damage loss at 22 units (the base distance Multishot arrows travel).
  • Back To Back now doubles every 6th attack (from every 8th), but only applies to direct uses
  • Repeater Bow reduces the number of attacks needed for Back To Back by 1 (from 2), but now also grants 3% more damage. Its maximum points have been increased to 3.
  • Heavy Arrows now also grants a 10% chance to inflict Armor Shred per arrow that would be fired, counting arrows before the limit is applied
  • (Bug Fix) Fixed a bug where Hang Loose’s chance to gain Haste occurred once per arrow fired instead of once per Multishot use. It now grants a 10% chance to gain Haste on use per point (from 5%)
  • (Bug Fix) Fixed several bugs with Point Blank which caused it to lose more damage than intended at very long distances, caused its damage multiplier to be additive with the bonus from Stand My Ground, and caused it to lose less damage than intended with increased projectile speed.


  • Trapper’s Crescendo now grants 1% more damage per 1% dodge chance (from 1% more damage per 100 dodge rating)


  • Efficacious Toxins causes enemies to take 12% increased damage over time (from 10%) with a 25% chance to apply it on hit per point (from 10%), and its maximum points has been reduced to 4 (from 5)
  • Death’s Imprint’s chance to inflict Shadow Daggers is now doubled for direct uses of Puncture
  • (Bug Fix) Fixed a bug where taking Scalebane caused mirages to double their smoke VFX.

Shadow Cascade

  • Hurricane of Blades no longer states that it prevents mana regeneration while channeling (it did not actually prevent mana regeneration). Channel cost is now 40 (from 50).

Smoke Bomb

  • You are now limited to a maximum of 2 Smoke Bombs active at once. This is typically only relevant if Cloaked Incursion is allocated and you are utilizing sources of cooldown reduction.
  • (Bug Fix) Fixed a bug where having multiple Smoke Bombs active at once could sometimes cause one or more Smoke Bombs to fail to receive increased duration from Dive Bomb’s Cloud Gatherer

Synchronized Strike

  • (Bug Fix) Fixed a bug that stopped the Synchronized Strike animation partway through if the player was stunned mid-cast.

Umbral Blades

  • Cacophony of Steel’s Bladestorms now receive 40% less chance to inflict Shadow Daggers from Lethal Darkness
  • Backstab now grants 28% more recalled blade damage (from 25%)
  • Bloody Trail now grants 10% more recalled blade hit damage per slow on the target (from 6%)
  • (Bug Fix) Fixed a bug where recalled blades did not receive Umbral Blades’s baseline 40% less chance to apply ailments on hit

All Sentinel skill changes in Last Epoch 1.1


  • Temporal Prison now grants 10% increased Time Lock duration per point (from 25%)
  • Time Lock now also adds 8 seconds to Anomaly’s cooldown
  • (Bug Fix) Fixed a bug where Time Lock could affect bosses

Forge Strike

  • Temper now grants +4 melee fire damage per point (from 10) and now also grants 10% more fire damage per point
  • Anvil Blow no longer grants +15 physical damage to Forge Strike. It now grants 20% less attack speed, and 50% more physical damage when directly used.
  • Reinforce Weapon now grants 4% global more damage per point if you have used Forge Strike recently (from 20% increased)
  • Rending Descent now also grants Forge Strike a 5% increased armor shed duration and effect per point
  • Forgemaster now has a 30% chance to convert weapons to Great Axes (from 20%), with 100% increased area (from 50%) and 20% more damage, but 10% less attack speed
  • Detonating Ground has a 300% ignite chance (from 150%)
  • Ignited Grounds now grants Detonating Ground 100% ignite chance (from 50%) and increases ignite duration caused by Detonating Ground by 10% per point
  • Lava Burn now grants Detonating Ground 40% more hit damage per point (from 25%)

Forged Weapons

  • Now have a base health of 350 (from 220)
  • Their attacks now have a base damage of 2 (from 18)
  • Deal 4.1% more damage
  • These damage changes are intended to reduce their power in the very early game while preserving or buffing their damage in the endgame and raising the relative impact of your weapon on their power.

Hammer Throw

  • Disintegrating Aura now grants +8 mana cost (from 12), and its damage and damage effectiveness has been increased to 8 and 200% (from 5 and 125%)
  • Rapid Disintegration’s maximum points have been reduced to 4 (from 6)
  • When fully invested in Disintegrating Aura and Rapid Disintegration, the Disintegrating Aura now deals 28% more damage than before.

Healing Hands

  • Unbroken Prayer no longer states that it prevents mana regeneration while channeling (it did not actually prevent mana regeneration). Channel cost is now 10 (from 8).
  • Healing Hands’s base upfront healing is now 50 (from 100)
  • Divine Barrier now converts 20% of Healing Hands’s healing to ward (from 100%) when affecting an ally with missing health gained as ward per second. It still does not restore the health for that player.
  • Urgent Healing now grants +20 upfront healing per point (from 35)
  • (Bug Fix) Fixed a bug where Vow of Restoration was not providing additional healing over time
  • (Bug Fix) Fixed a bug where Divine Barrier did not convert the healing over time into ward when the affected ally had a source of missing health gained as ward per second
  • (Bug Fix) Fixed a bug where Bane of Evil’s effect was ignoring healing effectiveness from Attunement
  • (Bug Fix) Removed incorrect Electrify alt text on various nodes.
  • (Bug Fix) Adds a fire tag when enabling damage or taking the Skyfall node
  • (Bug Fix) No longer removes the spell tag when taking the melee node if you also have the Skyfall node
  • (Bug Fix) Fixed a bug where the Sky Beam from Healing Hands’s Skyfall was not affected by other nodes in the Healing Hands tree, such as Virtue of Patience, Cleric’s Wrath, Bane of Evil, and Blessed Parish


  • If you have a spear equipped, added melee damage from the spear applies to Javelin as added throwing damage at 50% of its normal value (from 30%)
  • Strategic Patience now grants 60% more damage (from 50%) and 20% less attack speed (from 25%)
  • Divine Fury now grants +2 mana cost (from 4)
  • Serrated Javelin now grants a 30% chance to shred armor (from 20%)


  • (Bug Fix) Fixed a bug where Judgement’s Consecrated Ground, when turned into an aura by Anointed, was misaligned from the player in Offline play
  • Consecrated Ground now has a damage effectiveness per second of 375% (from 225%), with an equivalent base damage per second
  • Flaming Soul grants 35% more Consecrated Ground damage (from 25%)
  • Purifying Flame grants 30% more Consecrated Ground damage against ignited enemies (from 15%)
  • Lingering Force grants a 15% increased duration of Consecrated Ground (from 12%)
  • Pious Offering grants 1% more damage per 2 mana (from 3% per 2)

Manifest Armor

  • Heated Metal now grants a 40% ignite chance per point (from 25%)
  • Burning Armor now also grants 10% more fire damage per point
  • Redistributed Steel now grants 15% more damage and 6% less armor per point (from 25% more damage, 8% less armor, and 8% less health)
  • The Whirlwind Strike ability now has 300% added damage effectiveness (from 60%) and a 4-second cooldown (from 10)


  • Laceration now has base damage equal to 200% of your added melee damage (from 100%)
  • Indomitable’s Energy Wave now has a base damage and damage effectiveness of 30 and 150% (from 20 and 100%) and no longer requires being at high health to trigger. It now consumes 4 mana to trigger, as long as you are not at negative mana.
  • Focused Strike now requires 3 points in Concentration (from 4), and now grants doubled critical strike chance for the third strike (from guaranteed critical strike for third strike). It now also grants a +50% critical strike multiplier for the third strike.
  • Flame Drinker now has a maximum stack of 20 (from no maximum)
  • (Bug Fix) Fixed the two-handed sword animation for Rive.

Shield Rush

  • (Bug Fix) Fixed a bug where the Void Beams from Descent of the Void and Dark Regression did not receive the vitality scaling present on other sources of Void Beams
  • (Bug Fix) Desynchronous Charge now removes Shield Rush’s traversal tag. This change won’t be reflected in its description yet.

Shield Throw

  • Heavy Shield now grants +6 throwing damage (from 5)
  • Sharpened Rim now grants +2% critical strike chance (from 1%), and its maximum points have been reduced to 3 (from 4)
  • Avenger’s Wrath now grants a 2% critical strike multiplier per 100 block effect (from 1% per 100), and now requires 3 points in Sharpened Rim (from 4)
  • Shield Barrage now grants 25% less damage (from 30%)
  • (Bug Fix) Fixed an issue where Testament of Light was not increasing the effects of Aegis.

Shield Bash

  • Base cooldown is now 18 seconds (from 10). 20% of the remaining cooldown is now recovered whenever you stun an enemy, including with Shield Bash itself. This effect can occur a maximum of two times a second.
  • Added a new node, Indomitable Force, connected to Cutting Edge and Flurry of Blows. It grants +1 melee damage per 40 block effectiveness per point. Maximum 2 points.
  • Flurry of Blows now grants +9 mana cost (from 25)
  • Iron Arms now grants 1% more physical damage per 4 strength (from 4% increased physical damage per strength). It no longer grants increased mana cost (from 10%).
  • Serrating Strikes now grants 15% increased mana cost per point (from 10%)
  • Concussive Attacks’s maximum points has been reduced to 3 (from 5)
  • Invigoration has been replaced with High Impact, which grants 8% more damage per point, a maximum of 5 points.
  • Dazed now grants a 12% increased stun duration per point (from 15%)
  • Conjurer now has a 100% chance to cause one enemy to drop a potion if Shield Bash has a cooldown (from 25%)
  • Steel Coating now grants +9 melee physical damage (from 6)
  • (Bug Fix) Fixed a bug in Online play where repeatedly casting Shield Bash with its cooldown removed would result in frequent failed casts due to it trying to cast again before the previous cast had finished


  • The Keen affix for Adorned Rahyeh idols now grants a 10% to 25% chance to trigger Smite on throwing hits (from 4% to 9%). It now has a trigger limit of up to 10 times per 2 seconds (from no limit).
  • (Bug Fix) Fixed a bug where void conversion for Smite from the Temporal Corruption passive node did not have priority over the lightning conversion from Smite’s Order of Lagon node in the specific case of ailment conversions. Smite’s ignites will now always be converted to slow when Temporal Corruption is allocated.
  • All sources of Void Beams cast by the player, such as from Erasing Strike or Shield Rush, now have an added damage effectiveness per second of 300%, with an equivalent base damage value (previously 100%, 125%, or 300% depending on the source).


  • No longer prevents mana regeneration while channeling. Channel cost is now 18 (from 10).
  • Gorebringer’s increased bleed duration is now converted to ignite or time rot if Warpath is converted to fire or void
  • (Bug Fix) Fixed a bug where the “doubled if using a two-handed weapon” or “doubled if dual wielding” effects on Void Spiral and Whirling Steel did not work

For Passive changes, Mastery-specific changes, and changes to item and enemy balance, check out the full patch notes for Last Epoch 1.1 here.

For more information on the upcoming Cycles, you can check out our article on the Last Epoch Cycle roadmap.

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Edited by Dinesh Renthlei
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