This Last Epoch Monolith of Fate guide will go over all the basics of this mechanic, as well as echoes and Corruption. In Last Epoch, Monolith of Fate is an expansive domain that has a branching system denoted as Echo web, which contains various nodes interconnected with a path. The goal here is to clear each of the sections for a chance to obtain XP levels, items, and other in-game resources.
Besides, there are a plethora of progression elements to look out for during your dungeon run. Unless you learn the mechanics, wrapping the Echo web can easily become an overwhelming task.
Here is a guide that will navigate you through all the gameplay elements of the Monolith of Fate.
Last Epoch Monolith of Fate progression guide

What is the Monolith of Fate?
In short, Monolith of Fate is Last Epoch’s version of mapping, i.e. randomized maps as a vehicle for testing out your end-game gear. Currently, the Monolith holds the key to a lion’s share of this game’s endgame activities - akin to mapping in Path of Exile.
How to access the Monolith of Fate?
First and foremost, you need to unlock the Monolith of Fate in the Last Epoch. You can do so by progressing through the campaign. At one point in the story, you will come across The End of Time hub, which is where the dungeon will appear.
Upon entering through the portal, you will find that the map has a branching structure, with an island on every node called Timelines. Each of them has their own Echoes, quests, and bosses. You can progress through each area by completing their respective quest, which opens up the path for the next two islands.
Once you unlock all the Timelines, you can farm them whenever you want to obtain some loot. The quality of the drops is enhanced after unlocking the Empowered Monolith. To do so, defeat the final boss of Spirits of Fire, The Age of Winter and The Last Ruin Timelines.
Each Timeline features several procedurally generated maps, or Echoes. You can find more information about them in the following section.
Everything about Echo in Monolith of Fate
Every Echo features its own set of modifiers and rewards, which are dropped once you complete the segment. You must also watch out for the enemy modifier that will scale depending on the corruption level and your distance from the starting point.
There will be a specific objective for each echo, which is something you might have to consider if you want to chart out an optimal run. In that case, you might have to ignore certain nodes that have tedious objectives.
You will also come across special Echo types that can influence and modify the entire Web.
- Beacon Echo: This lets you scout all the unlockable Echoes within a large chunk.
- Echo of a World: Clear this Echo near the starting node to reduce your corruption level.
- Vessel of Chaos Echo: It lets you reroll the rewards of all the Echoes that are yet to be completed.
- Vessel of Memory Echo: This special node resets all the existing Echoes in the web.
Last Epoch Monolith of Fate corruption guide

Corruption is a system within the Monolith of Fate that enables players to enhance their item drop quality. While it also increases the difficulty level of the Echo web, it is a mechanic you should exploit to snag Exalted drops and other priced equipment.
Here is a quick rundown of the corruption farming procedure:
- Quickly clear the Echoes to enter the edge of the web.
- Map out optimal routes and avoid tedious Echoes at all cost.
- Kill the Timeline boss to obtain a Gaze of Orobyss, which provides bonus corruption.
- Your end goal here is to defeat the Shade of Orobyss to obtain +15 Corruption or more.
- Rinse and repeat.
You can refer to our detailed Monolith corruption guide to quickly increase the level.
Best Timeline boss farming strategy in Last Epoch Monolith of Fate

Defeating the Timeline bosses is an integral part of the end-game loot farming in Last Epoch, since you can obtain exclusive loot and pick up a random Blessing. Listed below are some strategies you can follow for both common and rare bosses.
Common boss item
- Obtain more Timeline Stability by heading to the edge of an Echo web.
- Target and clear enemy clusters to acquire bonus Stability.
- Defeat the Shade of Orobyss only after reaching the edge to obtain maximum corruption level.
- Fight the boss after your Timeline Stability caps out to secure a 50% chance of a common boss drop.
Rare boss item
- Quickly stack the Timeline Stability using the steps specified above.
- Kill the Shade of Orobyss to increase corruption.
- Get the corruption level as high as possible.
- Fight the Timeline boss at full stability. Try to maintain six active modifiers. Unlike the common rewards, the rare boss drop chances get increased by the Item rarity, Corruption, and Drop Rate Blessing.
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