Destiny 2's PvP content has a variety of game modes. Whether you're a casual or sweaty competitive player, this arena has something for everyone. Iron Banner and Trials of Osiris are two game modes Destiny 2 features in its PvP arena. Although both provide pinnacle rewards, several key differences set them apart. These differences offer Iron Banner and Trials of Osiris players with distinct PvP experiences and cater to different types of playstyles.
In this article, we will discover five significant differences between the Iron Banner and the Trials of Osiris game modes to help you decide which method will help you get more valuable rewards within the Destiny 2 PvP arena.
Game format, Power Level Advantage, and 3 other major differences between the Destiny 2 Iron Banner and Trials of Osiris
1) Game format
Both of the game modes feature different types of gameplay in Destiny 2. While Trials of Osiris comes with a three-player competitive activity, Iron Banner features a six-player casual gameplay.
The three-player game mode in Trials of Osiris is called Dominion, similar to the Elimination game mode from the casual Crucible playlist. However, after the rework, Iron Banner now comes with four game modes: Control, Eruption, Fortress, and Rift.
2) Power Level advantage
In Destiny 2, most end-game content has a Power Level advantage. This simply means if you're at a lower level than your opponents, you'll have a hard time competing with them.
Like the other end-game content, Iron Banner also had a Power Level Advantage. However, in Season 17, Bungie made some changes in Iron Banner, one of them being the removal of Power Level Advantage from Iron Banner. This change made the game mode more accessible to a casual player.
Unlike Iron Banner, Trials of Osiris features a Power Level advantage. It makes Trials of Osiris true end-game PvP content and adds a significant level of challenge for players.
3) Rewards and incentives

Iron Banner features exclusive rewards like Iron Banner-themed weapons, an Iron Banner-themed armor set, and general Crucible rewards. This Destiny 2 PvP activity also comes with various challenges that will provide pinnacle rewards and reputation rank with Lord Saladin to redeem certain rewards from him. These rewards include various Iron Banner Weapons, Ascendant Shards, prime engrams, and exotic engrams.

However, the Trials of Osiris offers one of the most sought-after rewards in Destiny 2, including Adept weapons and armor, which have additional mod slots and are highly coveted by the player base.
The rewards in the Trials of Osiris are often considered more prestigious. However, earning some of these rewards will require you to go Flawless in the Trials of Osiris and access the Lighthouse. Other than these lighthouse rewards, casual players can also use the reputation system and get rewards like Masterwork materials and Trials-themed weapons from Saint-14.
4) Matchmaking and player skill
Since Iron Banner is another variant of casual Crucible, it uses connection-based matchmaking. This type of matchmaking leads to a broader range of skill levels in matches, making it more focused on relaxed and fun PvP experiences.
On the other hand, Trials of Osiris utilizes a unique matchmaking system that was never seen on casual Crucible and even Competitive Crucible. After the rework of Trials of Osiris in Season of the Deep, this playlist now features two different types of matchmaking pools, including:
- Challenger Pool: Flawless Passages or fresh passages will advance to this challenger pool with challenging opponents. Players in this pool will be more likely to face skilled teams as they progress, making it a highly competitive environment. This pool features a connection-based matchmaking (CBMM).
- Practice Pool: This pool is for players with a flawed passage. Although this pool features skill-based matchmaking (SBMM), it comes with a protection barrier to decrease loss streaks.
5) Availability

Regarding availability, the Iron Banner playlist only comes twice per season In Destiny 2. The first week of Iron Banner usually takes place during the second week of every season. However, during that week, Trials of Osiris will not be available to allow players to increase their Iron Banner reputation rank as much as they can.

Conversely, players can access the Trials of Osiris after every Friday reset to the end of the following weekly reset. Similarly to the Iron Banner week, it'll also not be accessible during the first week of a new season and the week a new raid releases in Destiny 2.