War Thunder is a free-to-play MMO that is oriented towards vehicular combat. This title is a great fit if you admire military-themed games. The game offers a plethora of vehicles to choose from and incentivizes a strategic approach to battles. Naturally, if you are a newcomer to the game, the sheer number of intertwining mechanics can be overwhelming.
War Thunder provides an in-depth gameplay system that takes some time and practice to get accustomed to. You might face a lot of hindrances during your first encounters, which can be discouraging. To avoid that, this article will list some common mistakes generally made that you can avoid, to have a better experience.
Disclaimer: This article is subjective and solely reflects the writer’s opinions.
Ignoring other players and four other common mistakes to avoid while playing War Thunder
1) Choosing the wrong vehicle

War Thunder consists of a vast catalog of vehicles categorized into ground, sea, and air. You are bound to get confused in selecting the ideal vehicle. It is worth noting that there is no right or wrong vehicle but you must choose the one that suits your playstyle.
For example, if you want to prioritize mobility, then opting for a light tank will be more beneficial than using a heavy tank. It is necessary to thoroughly peruse the stats associated with the vehicle you desire.
Invest some time in the hangar to learn about the weaknesses and strengths of any vehicle before committing to it. Refer to this list to know about the five best tanks you can use in this title.
2) Ignoring other players

War Thunder can be enjoyed solo and it is preferable to focus on your tactics. However, it is a bad strategy to avoid other players altogether. You will encounter many experienced teams as opponents that can overwhelm your teammates.
In such instances, it is better to avoid charging at adversaries on your own. You must coordinate with your allies and opt for a planned approach. If you are new to the game then you can aid other players by providing cover fire while they deal with enemies head-on.
Additionally, you must also be proactive in repairing not only your own but also your teammates’ vehicles if possible. A well-coordinated team has a higher chance of winning battles in War Thunder.
3) Focusing on a single adversary

You are bound to come across many players during battles. Each of them will have different skill levels and defeating some of them can be easier. However, there are chances that you may engage with a seasoned player during matches.
Solely attacking one particular enemy can be counterproductive in such scenarios. You must try to stay agile in combat and deal some amount of damage in the process. Head to some other safe spot on the map and engage with other enemies in battle.
Such tactics will not only enable you to survive for longer but also help you to weaken other adversaries in a match. This strategy is ideal if you are taking a high amount of damage from opponents.
4) Spending money in haste

This vehicular MMO offers a great mix of free and premium vehicles. The latter can be purchased from the in-game store for real-world money. If you desire a particular vehicle with a robust battle rating then you can go ahead and purchase it.
However, it is wise to get accustomed to the game first and try to win matches with your starter vehicle. There are many efficient tanks, airplanes, and ships that are free but require a bit of grinding. You will benefit from spending your money wisely as there is always a chance that the particular vehicle you buy may not jive well with your playstyle.
5) Researching high-tier vehicles

The vehicles are categorized in various tiers and naturally, those on higher tiers are better in many aspects. It can thus be tempting to invest in researching these top-tier vehicles immediately.
It is worth noting that the game penalizes you in scenarios when you research vehicles that are more than one tier superior to your current one. This penalty will impact the number of research points you earn after completing any match.
Therefore, stick to your current vehicle and plan to invest in the next closest level. Alternatively, you can choose to buy premium vehicles as there is no such penalty involved in them. Keep a lookout for a sale wherein better vehicles are sold at a lower price than usual.
War Thunder is an ever-evolving game that witnesses many vehicle additions consistently. Despite a steep learning curve, it is a rewarding experience, and mastering a vehicle is the major draw for many players. You will greatly benefit from reading this article outlining the five things to know before playing War Thunder.