A key gameplay mechanic in Once Human is the exploration of Settlements and Monoliths, as well as looting crates inside them. A monolith that many players have just recently discovered is the Monolith of Greed. To reach this location, you will first need your player character to be level 10.
Inside this location is a Mystical Crate, a rare chest that holds high-level loot. This crate in particular holds a rare blue tier weapon you won't want to miss out on.
In this article, we'll guide you to this location so you can get the loot inside.
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How to find the Monolith of Greed Mystic Crate in Once Human
To find the Monolith of Greed Mystical Crate in Once Human, you have to go to the westernmost building on the cliff. Here's how you do that:
After reaching level 10 in Once Human, you should head to the Monolith of Greed location, which involves the Ravenous Hunter boss fight as part of the main quest. The quest objective directly leads you the location, so you don't need to manually look around.

Once you're there, go through the main gate and then head right to find a ramp next to 'A5' marked on the wall. Go up here, and you should directly see the Teleporter behind a fence. You can go around and activate this in case you die. For now, instead of going to the Teleporter, look towards your left after you ascend the ramp next to 'A5'.

There will be a dead tree in the distance, and a spiral concrete path to its left winding up into the Rosetta facility towards the west. Head over this way, and you can find an opening into the building in question. Once inside, go around the glass to the other side of the building to find the Monolith of Greed Mystical Crate.

Among the loot, you'll find blueprint Fragments for MPS5 Blue Tiger Submachine Gun, a rare blue-tier weapon.
Once you're done looting, you can also go to the grassy slops on this cliff and jump off into the building with the Rift Anchor for this area.

Also Read: Once Human weapon tier list
Where to find the Monolith of Greed Gear Crate in Once Human
The Gear Crate is relatively much easier to find in Monolith of Greed. Simply follow the quest objective to get into the main building (the one with the portal to the Ravenous Hunter boss). Once inside, head to the 'Office Room' to your right, and you can find the Gear Crate next to a desk.

This concludes the crate locations in Monolith of Greed. The other tasks include killing an elite enemy, for which you can target any of the hulking enemies like the Glutton that roams this area. This is also a good way to farm Gunpowder in this game, so you can also come back here later.
Check out our other guides on Once Human:
- Once Human: Dayton Hospital puzzle and crate locations
- All Gold Mods in Once Human, and where to get them
- All Memetic Specializations in Once Human and the best ones to pick
- All ammo types in Once Human, and how to craft them
- All Once Human Memetic tree perks, explored