Multimach CCX has always been a strong contender for the best Submachine Gun in Destiny 2 PvP. It was one of the most-used weapons against other Guardians, even when the SMG meta wasn't a thing in Crucible. Now, with the weapon type getting increased PvP recognition, the reformed Multimach is sure to make the charts even today.
This article lists the best perks to have on the Multimach CCX in 2024, as the Iron Banner activity in Season of the Wish brought back the Lightweight Framed SMG with new perks and Origin Traits.
Disclaimer: This article is subjective and relies solely on the writer's opinion.
Multimach CCX god roll guide for Destiny 2 PvP

The best perks to have on the Multimach CCX for Destiny 2 PvP are as follows:
- Hammer Forged Rifling for increased Range on the weapon
- Accurized Rounds for even more Range
- Rangefinder for increased zoom efficiency while aiming down sight, alongside faster projectiles. Aiming also increases the weapon's effective Range
- Kill Clip for increased damage on the weapon after reloading on kill.
The combination above utilizes all Range perks for players to take on fights from a fair distance. Since Multimach packs the highest RPM among other SMG archetypes, landing shots with one magazine isn't a problem. However, if one can do so from a great distance, the weapon becomes 10 times more lethal in any fight.
Multimach CCX god roll guide for Destiny 2 PvE

The best perks to have on the Multimach CCX for PvE are as follows:
- Smallbore for increased Stability and Range
- Appended Mag for increased magazine size
- Under Over for 125% increased damage to enemy combatants' shields
- Frenzy for increased damage, reload speed, and Handling in 12 seconds after combat start
One of the essential perks for Multimach CCX in PvE is its Origin Trait, Field Tested. For other combinations, Dynamic Sway Reduction and Kinetic Tremors are great choices for an add-clearing approach.
How to get the Multimach CCX SMG in Destiny 2? (2024)
Multimach CCX can be acquired exclusively from Destiny 2's Iron Banner, via focusing and drops. However, since this is one of the new weapons this season, players will find increased drops from Iron Banner matches.
On the other hand, regarding focused decoding, players must have one copy of the Multimach to unlock the weapon in the Collections. Thankfully, obtaining one copy from a match will take care of that.
Lastly, everyone needs a handful of Iron Engram and Glimmer to get randomized perks on focused copies of the weapon.
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