Bungie recently came under a lot of fire from multiple parts of the Destiny 2 community. Starting from the weirdest glitch the game has ever seen to the new error codes with the last weekly reset, it has been a rollercoaster ride for the company in terms of server management and coming up with fixes. However, things couldn't have gotten any worse, as the list of troubles just had a DDoS attack added to it.
While the company pushed back the release of Crota's End Master, alongside increased drop rates of Oversoul and Crucible Labs, the initial reason was tied to something entirely different.
That said, only a few hours ago, Bungie informed the community of the attack, keeping much-needed transparency with everyone.
A recent DDoS attack on Destiny 2 raises suspicions following the weapon crafting bug fix
Following the major fix implemented for the weapon crafting bugs, a lot of additional bugs came pouring out of the sandbox. While the impact wasn't as huge, it was still deemed as game-breaking. Initially, it was thought that implementing a fix just because of these issues was the main reason for the Hotfix and Destiny 2 Master Crota's End delay.
Bungie stated the following in one of the tweets:
"Due to ongoing work to fix remaining weapon crafting issues, the Master Crota's End Raid mode and Checkmate Control modifier in Crucible Labs have been delayed. Update, which includes a change to drop rates for the Essences of the Oversoul, has also been delayed as a result."
That said, almost 25 hours later, on September 20, following the weekly reset, Bungie confirmed the Destiny 2 DDoS attack with the following statement:
"The team has confirmed that these error codes are not related to the planned fixes rolling out for the recent crafting issue and are instead a result of DDoS attacks. While we typically don't confirm these types of attacks and do not plan to in the future for general game security reasons, we believe it's the right thing to do for our players to communicate the added pressure to our systems given recent circumstances."
Seeing how the attack was made just after the fix on the crafting bug was deployed, it seems that the community is suspicious of certain unhappy parties. While these are just mere speculations, no perpetrators behind these attacks have been identified.
Additionally, the final release date for the Destiny 2 Hotfix remains unknown, as well as the dates for every delayed content meant for September 19's weekly reset.