After almost five years since the release of Thorn, the Destiny 2 community will be receiving a working catalyst. The first-ever "weapon of sorrow" allowed players to inflict "poison" damage on enemies, be it any activity. However, both of the Exotic perks are known to complement each other well, making it one of the best weapons to use under any circumstances, for either add-clearing or damaging bosses.
In the most recent TWID (This week in Destiny), Bungie finally confirms a catalyst is in the making for the Thorn Hand Cannon, even revealing its accompanying buffs. The addition to the Thorn has been scheduled for Season 23, alongside multiple other sandbox changes.
Thorn catalyst confirmed for Destiny 2 Season 23
As mentioned earlier, the Thorn Hand Cannon was brought into the game as one of the first "weapons of sorrow." These special gear pieces have an extremely rough history, as far as the game's lore goes. Known for corrupting the very Guardian that wields these weapons, the damage types are also similar across every Sorrow weapon in the game.

Aside from Thorn, some of the notable weapons of sorrow currently in Destiny 2 include Necrochasm, Osteo Striga, and Touch of Malice. Each being a strong Primary weapon at its core, all four deal a unique "poison" damage to enemies, which can be further boosted by one armor piece in the entire game, called Necrotic Grip.

Thorn, being the very first poison weapon, is an iconic piece of gear for everyone. The added catalyst after so many years will be bringing out new potential, as it states:
"Grants weapon range and stability. Dealing a final blow for absorbing a Remnant grants additional increased weapon range, as well as increased mobility and handling for a short time."
The means of acquiring a catalyst for Thorn remains unknown as of now. However, players can expect the acquiring process to be along the same lines as Monte Carlo, where everyone must complete ritual activities for the drop.