The entire Lightfall expansion in Destiny 2 has been a rough time for both Bungie and the community. While the current seasons feel like they are being held together with duct tape, a new Reddit post focuses more on the content that came with the expansion. Neomuna, the patrol zone added with Lightfall, doesn't seem to sit correctly with many players.
From the difficulty spikes to the fixes of double rewards, it seems that players are not finding any point in grinding the activities tied to the location. The reward drop feels lackluster to some compared to the difficulty some game modes possess.
Bungie also recently fixed a 2x reward drop, allowing players to obtain double rewards upon Terminal Overload completion. With the fix, however, the open-world activity has become somewhat of a "chore" more than fun, which is true for multiple other activities in Destiny 2.
Destiny 2 players are not pleased with Neomuna settings as a patrol zone
The Reddit post mentioned here comes from the Destiny 2 subreddit, where a thread was created on the current Neomuna situation. Almost four months after the expansion's release, most of the community is done with maxing out either Nimbus' reputation or crafting all the weapons.
Based on Bungie's decision to make enemies more challenging in the open world while keeping minimal rewards in the pool, the community decided to lay upon a harsh judgment. The post states the following regarding the current Neomuna open world:
"I argue it was an experiment, but not a fun one. Playing on Neomuna isn’t rewarding in terms of loot and the difficulty scale just makes it frustrating. After playing on any planet but Neomuna for a few weeks I did some patrolling there the other day and it just felt awful. Being max power and able to roll GMs but struggling to end red bar adds on a patrol just stinks."
There were comments on the post, most of which shared the sentiment of the Original Poster.
Multiple players came in sharing the same sentiment, claiming the Neomuna open world currently has very little to offer for players. The majority wants rewards equal to their effort, which isn't the case for Neomuna activities.
Hence, players who haven't adequately utilized the 2x rewards glitch at launch will have an even tougher time leveling up Nimbus' reputation.