Legendary Shards are some of the most important currencies in Destiny 2, where players have to spend them on weapons, armor, and almost everything. This means it can be dropped from anything in the game, from Legendary weapons to armor. Due to the sheer amount of in-game transactions, players often run out of this vital currency.
As such, it is essential to keep an eye out for cheeses within the community, providing everyone with an increased number of Legendary Shards with minimal effort.
This isn't the first time players have come up with an exploit of this nature; cheesing of Legendary Shards has been quite popular over multiple seasons in Destiny 2.
Disclaimer: This article is based on a current in-game exploit that can be fixed anytime. Readers are advised to keep an eye on Bungie's official support Twitter account.
Infinite Legendary Shards farming guide in Destiny 2
The current version of the Legendary Shard farming is tied to Ikora's new series of Exotic quests, available across all characters. They are meant to give out Exotic armor to beginner players, such as Starfire Protocol for Solar Warlocks, Dunemarchers for Warlocks, and more.

To start the farm, players need to pick any one of three Exotic quests from Ikora and complete the first two steps (Lost Sector). When it is time to speak to the vendor again, everyone must avoid picking up the Exotic reward, head back to the quest tab, and abandon the Exotic quest.

The following steps should be more helpful for players who are looking for a step-by-step guide:
- After speaking to Ikora, everyone needs to pick up any one of three Exotic quests.
- The first two steps must be completed, including defeating enemies with elemental damage and completing a Lost Sector.
- Once the aforementioned steps have been cleared, everyone can head back to Ikora.
- Upon interacting with Ikora, players should avoid picking up the Exotic reward and abandon the quest.
- Now, the game will allow everyone to pick up infinite Exotic armor from Ikora.
- This can be done countless times until Bungie fixes it.
The video from Esotericck, as given below, provides a visual guide on the entire process.
As mentioned, Bungie is always quick to fix some of these exploits, as the company acted quickly on the last Legendary Shards farm before Lightfall.