Enhanced perks on Destiny 2 greatly incentivized players into crafting and collecting deepsight weapons all over the system. However, the only downsides to the crafting were a few activities that held non-craftable weapons in its loot pool. No matter the cost, players had to farm these activities for normal perks, with no enhanced perks in them.
Thankfully, in the March 14 TWID, Bungie announced the addition of enhanced perks on numerous weapons that did not have such perks before. Note that the number of weapons getting these perks is limited and does not include all the gear pieces from activities such as Trials of Osiris, Iron Banner, Nightfall Strikes, Guardian Games, and the Prophecy Dungeon.
All weapons that are getting enhanced perks in Destiny 2 The Final Shape
Enhanced perks have always been craft-exclusive since the launch of Destiny 2 The Witch Queen. It allowed players to pursue almost any weapons with deepsight on them and craft them to earn two enhanced perks. However, this led many to discard non-craftable weapons, as there didn't seem to be any point in farming them anymore.
Bungie added many new weapons with the Destiny 2 Guardian Games update on March 5, all of which lack enhanced perks even in their Adept forms. Hence, with The Final Shape update, the following weapons from their respective activities will gain enhanced perks:
- Trials of Osiris: The Prophet Scout Rifle and The Summoner Auto Rifle
- Iron Banner: Tusk of the Boar Grenade Launcher and Multimach CCX Submachine Gun
- Nightfall Strikes: Wild Style Grenade Launcher and The Slammer Sword
- Guardian Games: Taraxippos Scout Rifle, The Title Submachine Gun, and Hullabaloo Heavy Grenade Launcher
- Prophecy Dungeon: Prosecutor Auto Rifle, Adjudicator Submachine Gun, Judgment Hand Cannon, Relentless Pulse Rifle, Darkest Before Pulse Rifle, and A Sudden Death Shotgun
Players are recommended to keep an eye on any of the weapons mentioned above, and keep them in their inventory until Destiny 2 The Final Shape. Bungie will allow players to implement the enhanced perks on the existing weapons when the expansion releases on June 4, 2024.
The method of making these weapons enhanceable remains unknown as of now, and players are wondering whether or not the process will be separate from crafting.