The Final Fantasy XIV Futures Rewritten race is now also a charity stream, thanks to esports giant Echo Esports, and the popular MogTalk community. It’ll be exciting to not only see which raid group can clear this overwhelmingly difficult raid first in the world but also to help Games for Love, at the same time. At the time of writing, over 9,000 fans are tuned in live at Echo_Esports on Twitch, to see the current action and standings.
Futures Rewritten was added two weeks after Final Fantasy XIV dropped the Crossroads update. The Futures Rewritten (Ultimate) brings a challenge never-before-seen to the playerbase, and is based on the Shadowbringers Eden raid series.
Final Fantasy XIV Futures Rewritten World First race is now a charity stream for Games for Love
Raid groups from around the world are diving into Futures Rewritten (Ultimate) in Final Fantasy XIV now that patch 7.11 is live, but several of those groups are currently tackling the content live on the Echo Esports Twitch.
The fact that Esports org teamed up with MogTalk, to bring this race to World First not only highlights how competitive and challenging the latest content is but also contributes to raising money for a good cause.
The charity in question is Games for Love, which is dedicated to “easing suffering, saving lives, and creating sustainable futures for children”. The charity is focused on helping kids “heal through play”, as well as supporting them in getting jobs, teaching them to code, and helping them get better.
At the time of writing, the race to World First in Final Fantasy XIV is nowhere near complete, and the stream has already raised over $7,000 for Games for Love. The perspective in the stream periodically shifts, giving fans a variety of views of the current content.
The race has been going on for over 24 hours and shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon. Futures Rewritten is one of the most intense challenges in the game right now, and fans have been quite excited to see who will come out on top.
The race can be viewed on the Echo Esports Twitch channel. The organization, interestingly enough, also has a team in the race, currently in 4th as of this writing, behind Kindred, Aether Group 3, and Otter | Mania.