Destiny 2 The Final Shape will see a change in the Clan side of things, including one of the oldest vendors in the game, Hawthorne. Since Clans are an essential facet of the game, it is important to incentivize fireteams to run activities together and get rewarded for it.
While the concept of earning a Clan's reputation to level up and earn rewards was always a thing, Bungie is cranking it up a notch, allowing everyone to attain significant buffs for all members in a Clan. The confirmation of these changes came from the April 18 TWID blog post.
Clan reward update and Hawthorne rework confirmed for Destiny 2 The Final Shape
Upgrading the Clan's reputation every week can be tiring, given the current system in Destiny 2 Season of the Wish. Players have a few activities to work with, all of which grant 500 EXP. By leveling up a Clan's reputation now, all members gain access to weekly Clan Engrams for Legendary Gears only.

However, once The Final Shape launches, here is a list of rewards that will be available with each Clan rank-up:
- Clan level 2: Live Fire Sale perk. Less cost of Raid banners from Hawthorne's shop
- Clan level 3: Bountiful Bounties perk. The first clan bounty completed each week will grant an Exotic Engram
- Clan level 4: Of Hawks and Pigeon perk. Raid rotator challenges will grant Spoils of Conquest. Trials win, on the other hand, will grant additional Trials reputation.
- Clan level 5: Weapon Ritualist perk - Bonus crafted weapon EXP can be earned from completing ritual playlist activities.
- Clan level 6: Completing all Clan challenges will grant an Ascendant Alloy.
All these rewards will appear in Hawthorne's shop, as she will be undergoing a massive rework as well. Her inventory will be based more on a reputation system, similar to other vendors in the game.
Lastly, it is important to note that Bungie is streamlining EXP-gain for Clans, as everyone can expect a much easier build-up to each level with multiple sources of EXP.