The newest Family-based Life Skills integration update for Black Desert Online heralds one of the most significant quality-of-life improvements yet. By integrating Life Skill Levels across the entire family, this update aims to reduce the grind significantly. It follows closely on the heels of the recently introduced J's Hammer of Precision and Ancient Anvil updates, which brought about a risk-free accessory enhancement and a guaranteed enhancement system, respectively.
This article covers everything you need to know about the Family-based Life Skills Integration update in Black Desert Online.
All new changes to the Black Desert Online Life Skills system, explained
The Family-based Life Skills Integration update is a fantastic quality-of-life improvement that streamlines gameplay and reduces the need for repetitive tasks and tedious grinding.
Following this update, experience points from all characters in your family will be pooled together for each Life Skill. In other words, Life Skill experience points will be account-wide instead of specific to each character. These skills include Gathering, Processing, Cooking, Alchemy, Training, Fishing, Hunting, Trading, Farming, and Sailing.
This update will also raise the maximum Life Skill levels from Guru 50 to Guru 100. So, if you have two characters with Cooking at Guru 50, their accumulated experience points won't be lost. Instead, they will contribute towards increasing their Guru level beyond 50 after the update.
However, levels past Guru 50 have no additional benefits like Mastery. That said, they will introduce rewards for acquiring higher levels at a later date.
Family Fame will be adjusted based on the changes in this update. Moreover, the reduced timers for constructing and repairing Forts based on Life Skills levels will now apply account-wide.
You can also check out our article on the upcoming expansion of Black Desert Online — Land of The Morning Light Seoul.
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