Bungie is introducing a new PvP game mode in Destiny 2, called Havok Hardware. Players will be able to try their hand against others in a brand new mode, which will be part of the Crucible labs in the week of July 16. The company provided official information in their official blog post, TWID (This Week at Bungie).
To summarize, the Havok Hardware game mode will focus on weapon fights exclusively, as players will find their abilities locked. Bungie termed this game mode as "Mayhem but with Special and Heavy ammo."
Havok Hardware game mode announced for Destiny 2 PvP
Mayhem is an existing PvP game mode that allows an increased recharge rate for supers, further leading most fights between players to happen with super abilities. Hence, when Bungie claims that the upcoming "Havok Hardware" will be like "Mayhem but with ammos," players can expect a lot of ammunition to spawn throughout the match, be it for special or heavy ammo.
Bungie stated the following regarding Havok Hardware:
"Next week we’ll be testing out the new Havok Hardware mode in Crucible Labs. Havok Hardware is like Mayhem but for Special and Heavy weapons. Following the rules of Havok Hardware, players will be fully focused on their weaponry, as abilities are disabled."
Going into the details of the game mode's mechanic, the company stated:
"Ammo crates respawn rapidly, and players drop more ammo, so we’re expecting an all-out firefight in the Crucible realm. This may be a nice place for Crucible-centric players to level their crafted weapons with the influx of ammo availability as well. As usual, Guardians also have the opportunity to earn a bit more rep in Labs nodes."
Note that this will be a part of Crucible "labs," where Bungie will still be testing things out with the game mode before bringing it to the usual rotation.
Currently, some of the old Destiny 2 Crucible game modes can be played weekly in the labs playlist, including Team Scorched, Mayhem, Showdown, Clash, Momentum Control, Rift, and more.
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