Destiny 2 is currently not in a very healthy state. With only a day remaining before the sixth weekly reset hits in Season 22, it seems both the community and Bungie aren't having the best time. The game's servers were subject to a DDoS attack recently, the source of which hasn't been disclosed by the company yet.
As a result, it seems the game is becoming more unplayable with each passing day. Servers are showing several error codes each time players attempt to log in. While there has been no direct address from Bungie as of this writing, the company has been conducting background maintenance since yesterday.
However, these maintenances did not bear any fruit, as the servers are still kicking players out as of September 25. Many in the community are speculating about another DDoS attack, with one user stating:
"It isn’t even peak time, this just seems a bit petty at this point."
Destiny 2 community gives up on servers following "petty" DDoS attack
DDos is never a good look for live service titles. Destiny 2, being reliant on players' data and numbers, is at great risk when an attack occurs from the outside. Following the weapon crafting bug, Bungie did communicate with its player base, confirming a DDoS attack on servers. However, even after a week, the majority of players cannot access the servers.
Understandably, the community is not happy, as the blame lies not on the company but on an outside attacker. Almost 60% of the community logs in during the weekend to complete their weekly quota of Raids, Dungeons, and other activities. However, most of them were met with error codes.
Here are a few angry community reactions to the recent DDoS attacks:
Of late, Bungie has been suing a lot of harassers and cheaters who have been creating problems in the game. Seeing how the recent attacks have been one of the biggest against the game's servers, it will be interesting to see Bungie's response to the whole situation, and the time taken to recover the Destiny 2 servers.