Destiny 2 catalysts have always paved the way for Exotics to be more powerful. It has been mandatory for everyone to get the catalyst of an Exotic they just obtained. Otherwise, the weapon itself was deemed useless. However, with the recent seasonal Exotics having a multiple-step questline tied to them, players can't figure out the need to grind for additional kills after acquiring the catalyst.
A recent Reddit post weighs in on the current situation of forcing players to score ridiculous amounts of kills after hours of grinding for the catalyst. While some catalysts from Raids and Dungeons do make sense, the seasonal Exotics can easily tire out players after subjecting them to two lengthy steps.
Destiny 2 players deem the current Exotic catalyst grind to be pointless
Acquiring a seasonal Exotic catalyst will require players to defeat combatants and push through specific activities for calibration. While this sounds fair for a single-time investment, the grind for catalyst doesn't end there. To masterwork a Destiny 2 weapon, however, players must score a hefty sum of 700 kills via Shuro-Chi or other endless encounters.
The Destiny 2 Reddit post highlighting the issue comes from user Blackfang08, stating the following:
"What even is the point of that mechanic? "Ah, this weapon you farmed to unlock the catalyst for. Bet you really want to have it finally be complete. Go grind for another hour or two first." Why can't we just cut out all of the needless Shuro-chi visits and let players enjoy the game instead of wasting our time doing stuff we don't want to even more? Sure, the quests can sometimes be fun (rarely), but whose idea was it to toss random "X number of kills" requirements after all that, just so you can have a weapon ready to actually be usable?"
The post has over a thousand upvotes within the last 15 hours, confirming that the majority in the community agrees with what the user has to say. Some community members claim their will to use the weapons wears off after hours of killing, which takes the fun out of the entire process.
To take any one of the seasonal weapons as an example, the Centrifuse from Season of the Deep required players to calibrate data across three ritual and seasonal activities. After hours of grinding these steps and acquiring the catalyst in question, everyone had to score an additional 700 kills on Shuro-Chi.
While there are easier methods to accumulate multiple kills simultaneously (Orpheus Rig Deadfall), the grind is still keeping many players from upgrading their Destiny 2 Exotic weapons.