World of Warcraft: Dragonflight 10.1: All balance updates and hotfixes in Embers of Neltharion

Every hotfix in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Patch 10.1 (Image via World of Warcraft)
Every hotfix in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Patch 10.1 (Image via World of Warcraft)

World of Warcraft: Dragonflight 10.1 Embers of Neltharion has been out for a couple of days now, and Blizzard is already providing hotfixes to some of the issues introduced in the MMO with the new patch. Performance fixes are something that the RPG will receive periodically, and it can often be hard to keep track of all the changes being made to the game.


The list below contains all the hotfixes that have made their way to World of Warcraft: Dragonflight 10.1. This list will be periodically updated as new changes are implemented.

Every hotfix in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Patch 10.1


May 25, 2023, hotfix for World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Patch 10.1

1) Dungeons and Raids

Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible

  • Fixed an issue allowing players who had completed Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible: Echoes of the Earth-Warder on any difficulty to access later encounters on higher difficulties.

The Vigilant Steward, Zskarn

  • The Vigilant Steward, Zskarn health reduced by 15% on Mythic difficulty.
  • Dragonfire Golem health reduced by 15% on Mythic difficulty.
  • Zskarn will now Berserk on all difficulties.
  • Adjusted the position of Dragonfire Traps.
  • Shrapnel Bomb reduced to 3 on Mythic difficulty (was 4).
  • Fixed an issue that could cause an inappropriate amount of Shrapnel Bombs to spawn.
  • Zskarn no longer activates Tactical Destruction based on his location.

The Underrot

  • Fixed an issue where Sporecaller Zancha's Festering Harvest would not destroy spore pods.

2) Enemies and NPCs

  • Fixed an issue where the Treasure Goblin is spawning multiple times consecutively in Valdrakken.

3) Items and Rewards

  • Reduced the mana granted by Serpent's Grand Charm to 2,400 (was 12,000) to correctly account for how healer mana pools are calculated.
  • The Diablo Promotion Charms effects will no longer be applied while in Raids, Rated PVP and M+ Dungeons.
  • Developers’ notes: The effects won't immediately reapply when you leave these instances. You will need to relog to get them to apply again. We are looking into a possible fix for this.

4) Mounts

  • The Savage Green Turtle will no longer be summoned from the favorite mount list on land when it is favored and will now be prioritized when in water.

5) Player versus Player

  • Fixed an issue with capturing the Risen Spirits during the Classic Ashran Brawl.

6) Quests

  • Fixed an issue where "Seismic Ceremony" would not complete for players who only killed Runestone Fragments and did not click any Primalist Runestones.

7) Trading Post

  • “Complete Weekly Crafting Quests” and “Fulfill Personal Crafting Orders” activities should once again appear in the Travelers Log.

May 22, 2023, hotfix for World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Patch 10.1

1) Classes


  • Fixed an issue causing Weapons of Order to incorrectly increase enemy damage taken from trinket and embellishment effects.



  • Fixed an issue where using Windstrike in Ascendance while talented into Legacy of the Frost Witch and Thorim’s Invocation was not properly resetting the cooldown of Windstrike when gaining the Legacy of the Frost Witch buff.



  • Fixed an issue where Ripped through the Portal would not function on Magmorax’s platform.
  • Fixed an issue where Dread Calling would not function on Magmorax’s platform.
  • Fixed an issue where Infernal Command would not function on Magmorax’s platform.

2) Dungeons and Raids



Forgemaster Gorek

  • [With weekly restarts] Reduced the duration of Blazing Aegis reduced to 4 seconds (was 6 seconds).

Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr


  • [With weekly restarts] The health of Quaking totem has been reduced by 20%.

The Vortex Pinnacle


  • [With weekly restarts] Reduced the health of Skyfall Nova by 10%.

Enemies and NPCs

Zaralek Cavern

  • [With weekly restarts] The loot lockout now resets when the content in a given area of the map becomes available. Now, when world quests are visible in an area, the rare elite enemies in that area will also be available. Rare elite rewards have been increased to offset their reduced frequency.
  • Developers’ notes: Unlike Forbidden Reach, the rare elites in Zaralek Cavern are meant to be a bonus, rather than the primary activity.


  • The extra Effervesta will not be present during the “Best Friends” quest chain.
  • Fyrakk is looking for more folks to burninate during “Aiding the Accord: Suffusion Camp,” so this quest can now be offered to qualifying alts between levels 60 and 66 (was 67+).

May 18, 2023, hotfix for World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Patch 10.1

1) Dungeons and Raids

  • Fixed an issue that, in many cases, prevented Flightstones from dropping Normal and Heroic dungeons and bosses in Aberrus on all difficulties.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing too many Bonus Flightstones to be awarded when a player in the group increases their M+ rating.

2) Mythic+

Brakenhide Hollow

  • Rotbow stalker’s Scented Meat periodic damage reduced by 25%.
  • Rotbow stalker’s Scented Meat impact damage reduced by 30%.

Trickclaw’s Warband

  • Updated the visual indicator for Savage Charge.

Halls of Infusion

  • Glacial Proto-Dragon’s Deep Chill periodic damage reduced by 20%.

Neltharion’s Lair

  • Vileshard Crawlers no longer trigger on-death affix effects.


  • The quest “Power Unified” should now only consume one Spark of Shadowflame upon completion and reward 2.


  • Fixed an issue causing the progress bar for “Glimmerfish Before It’s Gone” to not appear.

May 17, 2023, hotfix for World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Patch 10.1

1) Achievements

  • The achievement Slow and Steady Wins the Race now correctly checks to see if you actually purchased treats for the racer that won before awarding credit.
  • Fixed an issue where Obsidian Aspectral Earthstone would not be rewarded upon completing Dragonflight Season 2 Hero.

2) Classes



  • Fixed an issue causing Pyre to fail to deal damage if the target moved out of line of sight after the spell was cast.



  • Fixed an issue where Gift of the Golden Val’kyr would not correctly extend the duration of Guardian of Ancient Kings when overridden by Glyph of the Queen.
  • Removed the increase to auto-attack range from Crusader’s Reprieve for Protection only.

Developers’ notes: This was causing clarity issues with stationary bosses, where a player might be able to attack the boss while the boss thought the player was out of range.




  • Fixed an issue where Imp Gang Bosses would not spawn on Magmorax’s platform.


  • Fixed an issue where Channel Demonfire would not be usable after being resurrected before Immolate expires.

3) Dungeons and Raids

Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible

  • Colossal Draconic Golem no longer has a visible ‘True Sight’ aura but retains its ability to detect invisible units.

Echo of Neltharion

  • Fixed an issue where players could get stuck with Sundered Reality during phase 3 of the encounter.

4) Mythic+

Brackenhide Hollow

  • Fixed an issue that caused Shoot used by Rotbow Gnolls to inflict more damage than intended.


  • Fixed an issue that could cause the encounter to reset if Gutshot wasn’t attacked for long periods of time.
  • Halls of Infusion
  • Fixed an issue where Khajin the Unyielding’s Hailstorm, Gulping Goliath’s Overpowering Croak, and Primal Tsunami’s Tempest’s Fury could target player pets.

Neltharion’s Lair

  • Fixed an issue where Dargrul’s Crystal Spikes could target player pets.


  • Fixed an issue where Forgemaster Gorek’s Forgestorm, Forgemaster Gorek’s Blazing Eruption, Forgemaster Gorek’s Blazing Hammer, and Magmatusk’s Magma Eruption could target player pets.
  • Qalashi Warden should no longer using Blazing Slash simultaneously.

The Underrot

  • Fixed an issue where Crawmaw the Infested’s Tantrum, Sporecaller Zancha’s Festering Harvest, Living Rot’s Foul Sludge, and Blood Tick’s Blood Burst could target player pets.

Vortex Pinnacle

  • Fixed an issue where Minister of Air’s Overload Grounding Field could target player pets.

5) Items and Rewards

  • Ashkandur, Fall of the Brotherhood now sheathes closer to the center of the player’s back.
  • After logging out and back in, off-hand items will now correctly count towards a character/account’s peak (used to determine the threshold for upgrade discounts) on off-hand items (including shields) for Paladins and Shaman.

6) Player versus Player




  • Fixed a bug that caused Ignite to deal increased damage when spread while using the Glass Cannon PvP Talent.


  • Reputation gains from Zaralek Cavern will now be correctly boosted by the Sign of the Emissary from the ongoing World Quest event.
  • “I Need… a Tailor” will no longer consume all Vibrant Wildercloth Bolts in a player’s inventory on turn-in.

May 10, 2023, hotfix for World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Patch 10.1

1) Achievements

  • The Family Battler of Zaralek Cavern achievement now properly awards the pet Gerald. Additionally, Gerald has been flagged as "unique" and "not cageable," as is normal for achievement-awarded pets. For players who already have the achievement and did not get the pet, we are working on a separate fix to make sure they get their pet reward.
  • Fixed an issue where defeating Kazzara, the Hellforged wouldn't complete the criteria for the Heroic: Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible achievement.

2) Classes



  • Imminent Destruction is no longer dispellable.
  • Paladin
  • Holy

Fixed an issue that caused Resplendent Light to not transfers its healing to Beacon of Light targets.


  • The swing timer for Crusading Strikes should no longer be reset by other abilities.


  • Fixed an issue where Bloodthirst would not appropriately deal damage when chained via Whirlwind if at least 1 target was immune.

3) Mythic+


  • Fixed an issue where multiple spells could target pets.

Harlan Sweete

  • Fixed an issue that caused the bleed effect of Harlan Sweete's Whirling Dagger to not properly bounce between targets while under the effects of Loaded Dice: All Hands!

Enemies and NPCs

Suffusion Camp

  • Everburning Keys will now drop from Suffusion Mold bosses until the player has 3 or has looted the Secured Shipment for the week.

Items and Rewards

  • Removed pop-up notification that appeared when party/raid members earn Shadowflame Crest Fragments. Players will still see the notification for their own Fragments.
  • Fixed an issue where Beacon to the Beyond, Enduring Dreadplate, Djaruun, and Ward of Faceless Ire would not reset their cooldowns upon ending an encounter.
  • Void-Touched Curios from Sarkareth are no longer unique.

4) Player versus Player



  • Resolved an issue that could cause Stormspirit Strikes (PvP Talent) to deal more damage than intended to targets.


  • Fixed an issue where looting a Secured Shipment could prevent “Aiding the Accord: Suffusion Camp” from being completed.

WoW Classic Era

  • The Defias Traitor is no longer killable by players of the opposite faction to prevent griefing.

May 9, 2023, hotfix for World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Patch 10.1

1) Characters

  • Dracthyr wearing the Scarlet Crusade tabard can now speak to the Scarlet Quartermaster in the Darkmoon Faire.

2) Classes


  • Fixed an issue causing Halo and Divine Star to appear in the incorrect Spellbook.


  • Fixed an issue causing Halo and Divine Star to not convert to Shadow spells when casting Shadow Covenant.


  • Resolved an issue causing Void Lashers spawned by Idol of C’Thun to stop attacking after their initial target dies.



  • Fixed an issue causing Spirit Walk to cancel Ghost Wolf form for Elemental Shaman.

3) Dungeons and Raids

Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible

  • Fixed an issue that allowed players to reset The Forgotten Experiments encounter unintentionally.

Brackenhide Hollow

  • Fixed an issue that caused Chief Softpaw not to spawn.

Halls of Infusion

Gulping Goliath

  • Fixed an issue that caused the visual for Cave In to not properly display.

Seat of the Triumvirate

  • Fixed an issue blocking progress in the dungeon if Viceroy Nezhar is instantly slain.

4) Mythic+


  • Raging no longer applies to lieutenant level creatures.

Developer’s notes: Enemies that are +1 level above others are no longer affected by the Raging affix. Since they’re typically already immune to Crowd Control, the Raging effect would be redundant in these cases and reduce clarity of which enemy to dispel.

5) Freehold

Harlan Sweete

  • Harlan Sweete’s Swiftwind Saber no longer hits pets.

Items and Rewards

  • The Highland Drake: Embodiment of the Hellforged dragonriding manuscript now has a very low chance to drop from Sarkareth on LFR, Normal, and Heroic raid difficulties. Mythic raiders will always receive two manuscripts per Sarkareth kill until the end of the expansion.

6) Enemies and NPCs

Suffusion Camp

  • Fixed an issue where Fyrakk was more vulnerable than intended.
  • Reduced how often Fyrakk threatens to burn players.

Player versus Player

  • Hired Kithguard in Loamm have been training with Brullo the Strong and are now a more serious deterrent to PvP inside of town.

7) Classes



  • Wild Attunement now highlights Rip, Ferocious Bite, and Maim when active.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Wild Attunement to sometimes not cast Feral Frenzy if used at max melee range.


  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from being able to complete the legacy quest “Call of the Raven Mother.”

Zaralek Cavern

  • Players will now keep the Protection of the Ebon Flight buff during “Know Thy Enemy” even if “Legends of the Zaqali” is completed beforehand

May 8, 2023, hotfix for World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Patch 10.1

1) Classes

Demon Hunter

  • Fixed an issue that caused targets with Misery in Defeat’s debuff to be treated as if they were crowd-controlled and thus avoided by some skills (i.e. Avenger’s Shield).


  • [With weekly restarts] Melee auto attack damage increased by 10 percent.
  • [With weekly restarts] Demon’s Bite damage increased by 10 percent.
  • [With weekly restarts] Demon Blades damage increased by 10 percent.
  • [With weekly restarts] Felblade damage increased by 10 percent.
  • [With weekly restarts] Isolated Prey now increases Eye Beam damage by 30 percent when striking one target (was 25 percent).


  • Developer’s notes: The rules and behavior for how Fiery Brand refreshed and spread with the Burning Alive talent had some historic inconsistencies and minor bugs that became more egregious when the talented second charge and the 10.1 Set Bonus were introduced. Alongside the fix described above, we wanted to clarify the behavior players should expect moving forward:
  • Applying Fiery Brand to a target already afflicted by your Fiery Brand will refresh its duration, to a maximum of 10 seconds.
  • With the Burning Alive talent selected, only Fiery Brands applied directly (by casting the spell or from the Set bonus) are capable of spreading.
  • Every two seconds while a spread-capable Fiery Brands persists, it will try to spread to a nearby target that does not already have a Fiery Brand applied. There is no longer a hidden rule preventing a target from being spread to multiple times in a short period.
  • When a Fiery Brand successfully spreads to a new target, the duration of the spread will always be 10 seconds, regardless of the original or remaining duration of the source it spread from.
  • Fixed an issue causing Fiery Brand to continue to spread after its expiration.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Immolation Aura from benefitting some bonuses, including (but not limited to) Fiery Demise.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Fiery Brand from benefitting from Holy Priest’s Symbol of Hope cooldown reduction.
  • [With weekly restarts] Shear damage increased by 10 percent.
  • [With weekly restarts] Fracture damage increased by 10 percent.
  • [With weekly restarts] Soul Carver damage increased by 20 percent.
  • [With weekly restarts] Focused Cleave now increases Soul Cleave’s damage to your primary target by 40 percent (was 30 percent).
  • [With weekly restarts] Soulcrush now applies Frailty to your primary target for eight seconds (was five seconds).



  • Developers’ Note: In some single target scenarios it’s still looking optimal to cast Wrath in Lunar Eclipse. That doesn’t meet our goal for how Balance should play, so we’re reducing Wrath’s effectiveness outside Solar Eclipse and increasing its effectiveness inside Solar Eclipse to correct this. We’re also boosting Balance’s single target damage a small amount.
  • [With weekly restarts] Wrath Astral Power generation reduced to eight (down from 10).
  • [With weekly restarts] Wrath damage decreased by five percent.
  • [With weekly restarts] Solar Eclipse now increases Wrath damage by 40 percent (up from 20 percent).
  • [With weekly restarts] Soul of the Forest now increases Wrath’s Astral Power generation while in Solar Eclipse by 60 percent (up from 30 percent).
  • [With weekly restarts] Damage dealt by Faerie Dragons summoned by Denizen of the Dream increased by 25 percent.
  • [With weekly restarts] Friend of the Fae now increases your Arcane and Nature spell damage by 10 percent (up from eight percent).
  • Primordial Arcanic Pulsar no longer triggers Nature’s Grace if the player does not have any Eclipse.


  • [With weekly restarts] Rampant Ferocity now deals 30 percent of damage dealt by Ferocious Bite to nearby enemies (down from 35 percent).
  • [With weekly restarts] Tear Open Wounds now deals 50 percent of Rip damage it consumes (down from 60 percent).


  • Fixed an issue causing some Guardian talents and abilities to incorrectly buff non-class spells.


  • [With weekly restarts] All healing abilities increased by two percent.


  • Fire Breath will now correctly refund its mana cost if it is canceled while empowering.



  • [With weekly restarts] Essence Font healing increased by 15 percent.



  • [With weekly restarts] All healing abilities decreased by three percent. Does not apply to PvP Combat.
  • [With weekly restarts] Avenging Crusader now transfers 500 percent of damage done into healing (was 575 percent).



  • Fixed an issue that caused some skills to be unaffected by Assassination’s Mastery: Potent Assassin, including Kingsbane’s initial damage, Sepsis, and Mutilate’s damage from Vicious Venoms.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Lethality’s critical damage bonus from affecting Subtlety’s Shadowstrike attacks.


  • Fixed a bug that prevented Lethality’s critical damage bonus from affecting Outlaw’s Sinister Strike attacks.


  • Developers’ notes: Class talents that previously modified all damage from spell schools are, in most cases, being updated and standardized with other similar effects to no longer affect external damage sources outside of those that belong to that class. The changes to the below talents impact Subtlety’s damage enough to warrant compensation, which is the reason for the buff to all ability damage.
  • [With weekly restarts] All ability damage increased by four percent.
  • [With weekly restarts] Veiltouched, Deeper Daggers, and Dark Brew no longer affect damage from sources outside of Class and Spec abilities available to Subtlety.



[With weekly restarts] Fixed an issue where Battering Ram was providing a passive 20% critical strike damage bonus to all damage rather than to Shield Charge.


2) Items and Rrewards

  • [With weekly restarts] Algeth’ar Puzzle Box shared cooldown increased to 30 seconds, effect decreased by 30 percent for Unholy specialization.
  • Fixed an issue where World Boss items were previewing the incorrect item levels in the Dungeon Journal.
  • Big Slick in the City’s Conch Whistle is no longer usable in combat, or inside instances and raids.
  • In Zaralek Cavern, all players with at least one stack of Insidious Insight will now receive a message indicating when another player has claimed the Seething Cache.

Player versus Player



  • Developers’ notes: Restoration Druid has fallen behind other healers in PvP since the release of 10.0.7. We’d like to ease some previous PvP adjustments that we no longer feel are necessary.
  • [With weekly restarts] Budding Leaves’ effectiveness now reduced by 30 percent in PvP Combat (was 50 percent).



  • Developers’ notes: Mistweavers have received significant Quality of Life changes throughout the last few patches that have increased their effectiveness in PvP to a point where we see them as oppressive to the viability of other specializations. We’re reducing many of the PvP multipliers associated with Ancient Teachings and their damage throughput, and we’re increasing the effectiveness of Renewing Mist to encourage Healing over Time management and reducing Vivify’s healing to keep their casting throughput relatively similar.
  • [With weekly restarts] Ancient Teachings’ effectiveness is now increased by 120 percent in PvP Combat (was 150 percent).
  • [With weekly restarts] Blackout Kick no longer deals 25 percent increased damage for Mistweaver Monks in PvP Combat.
  • [With weekly restarts] Blackout Kicks from Teachings of the Monastery now deal 15 percent reduced damage for Mistweaver Monks in PvP Combat.
  • [With weekly restarts] Tiger Palm now deals 15 percent increased damage for Mistweaver Monks in PvP Combat (was 30 percent).
  • [With weekly restarts] Rising Sun Kick’s damage reduced by 20 percent for Mistweaver Monks in PvP Combat.
  • [With weekly restarts] Vivify’s primary healing now reduced by 10 percent for Mistweaver Monks in PvP Combat.
  • [With weekly restarts] Renewing Mist’s healing increased by 40 percent in PvP Combat (was 25 percent).


  • Fixed an issue where some recipes without “Use Best Quality Reagents” option would sometimes incorrectly use Q3 reagents despite Q1 being selected.


  • Fixed a bug that prevented Iced Phial of Corrupting Rage from inheriting its new intended value of 400 percent (was 100 percent).


  • Fixed a bug that caused the Zaralek Glowbur aura to frequently break stealth and engage enemies.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the themed aura extension effect from applying when gathering basic, non-themed gathering nodes.


  • Fixed a bug that prevented the themed aura extension effect from applying when gathering basic, non-themed gathering nodes.


  • Fixed an issue where the minimap would sometimes not populate for players after accepting “Murloc Mania.”
  • The “Here We Go Again” campaign header will now inform players if they reach the end of the currently available campaign content and need to wait for more to be unlocked.

Zaralek Cavern

  • “Aiding the Accord: Sniffenseeking” will now auto-complete the dig objective if you’ve already done a dig with Myrrit this week. Players currently affected will need to abandon and re-accept the quest in Valdrakken.

Trading Post

  • Fixed a bug where the purchase button could become available for frozen items after the monthly rollover.

May 5, 2023, hotfix for World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Patch 10.1

1) Achievements

  • The achievement Proof of Myrrit no longer requires the quest Brand New Digs.

2) Classes

Developers’ notes: Earlier this week, we changed Embellishments so that they did not scale with class talents, abilities, and set bonuses. We’ve decided to revert that change, and we’re now making updates to class abilities that unintentionally boosted the damage of non-class effects such as Embellishments and trinkets.


Demon Hunter


  • Fiery Demise now affects only Demon Hunter class damage, and does not affect trinket or item damage, or Fire damage dealt by other casters.



  • Friend of the Fae and Waning Twilight now affect only Druid class damage, and do not affect trinket or item damage.



  • Fixed a bug that prevented Lethality’s critical damage bonus from affecting Subtlety’s Shadowstrike attacks.


  • Fixed a bug that prevented Lethality’s critical damage bonus from affecting Outlaw’s Sinister Strike attacks.



  • Fixed an issue where Demonic Tyrant’s Demonfire was benefiting from The Houndmaster’s Stratagem.

3) Dragonriding and mounts

  • Fixed an issue where some mount riding animations were playing incorrectly.

Items and rewards

  • The item awarding the pet Diamondshell no longer gives an error saying the spell is not available, and now correctly awards the pet.
  • The toy “Earpieces of Tranquil Focus” now costs 1 copper (was 50 gold).
  • Developers’ notes: This toy eliminates many musical and vocal projections of characters around the player. This toy can be purchased from Craggle Wobbletop in Stormwind, Blax Bottlerocket in Orgimmar, Jepetto Joybuzz, or his clockwork assistant in Dalaran (either), and Kazbala in Talador.

Player versus Player

  • Warlock
  • Soul Rip (PvP Talent) healing reduction no longer stacks with other similar effects in PvP.

Trading Post

  • Adjusted the sheathing position for Tiercel’s Wing.


  • Fixed an issue that prevents players from picking up A Room Without a View. Rupert will now offer to take you to the vault even if you don’t have the quest.

May 4, 2023, hotfix for World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Patch 10.1

1) Classes




  • Fixed an issue that caused the critical damage bonus of the Rising Star talent to be lower than intended.


  • Call Observer (PvP Talent) Laserbeam no longer procs from unintended effects, and no longer damages player pets and summons.


  • Fixed an issue where Legion Strike from Grimoire: Felguard was benefitting from Immutable Hatred.
  • Fixed an issue where Pact of the Imp Mother was not correctly benefitting from being rank two.

2) Items and rewards

  • Rae’ena and Cataloger Jakes of the Dragonscale Expedition now have the drakewatcher manuscript Renewed Proto-Drake: Brown Hair in stock.



  • Fixed a bug that caused the Zaralek Glowbur buff to frequently break stealth and attract enemies.

3) Quests

  • Seething Cache now correctly cancels Insidious Insight on all players after being looted by the first player to reach it.
  • Fixed an issue where the creatures required to complete the quest Flesh To Bone were not spawning frequently enough.
  • Players who die and release spirit during the Sniffenseeking puzzle Your Weight in Gold will now correctly appear at the graveyard inside of the Mysterious Cave.
  • During the Sniffenseek dig Heart of Iron, Myrrit will be more helpful, to suggest sniffing for the final chest after the key is found.
  • The Smelly Bag for the Sniffenseeking tutorial The Buddy System should now re-appear if players do not loot or accidentally discard the key.
  • Added sparkles to certain objectives in Sniffenseeking to help improve visibility.

4) System

  • Fixed an issue that resulted in crashes for mac users under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed an issue where player nameplates were not displaying correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where players would get an error when viewing a PvP vendor.
  • Fixed an issue where Pandaren did not have race change options.

May 3, 2023, hotfix for World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Patch 10.1

1) Classes



  • Fixed an issue where Infirmity would increase all damage done, rather than just class spells and abilities.


  • Fixed an issue where some characters were not able to Dragonride after the 10.1 update.

2) Dungeons and raids

Ruby Life Pools

Melidrussa Chillworn

  • Ice Bulwark now absorbs 25 percent less damage.

Vault of the Incarnates

Kurog Grimtotem

  • Enveloping Earth now absorbs 25 percent less healing on all difficulties.

Broodkeeper Diurna

  • Icy Shroud now absorbs 25 percent less healing on all difficulties.


  • Stormsurge now absorbs 25 percent less damage on all difficulties.
  • Shattering Shroud now absorbs 25 percent less healing on all difficulties.

3) Professions


  • Fixed a bug that prevented players from teleporting to the Zaralek Cavern with their Wyrmhole Generator.
  • Fixed a bug that restricted the Forbidden Reach teleport option on the Wyrmhole Generator until after the Zaralek Cavern teleport was unlocked.


  • Added option for players to turn in this quest to Elder Honeypelt during “In the Wake of Ashes.”
  • The quests “A Worthy Ally” and “Tougher Down Under” should now unlock for any level 70 character on an account that has completed the first chapter of Zaralek Cavern on any character.
  • Fixed an issue where completing the World Quest “Ending Their Watch” Could prevent you from completing “A Room Without a View.”


  • Fixed an issue where players were unable to access the support site from the in-game menu.

May 2, 2023, hotfix for World of Warcraft: Dragonflight Patch 10.1

1) Classes



  • Fixed an issue causing Blackout Kick and Spinning Crane Kick to deal more damage than intended.


  • Embellishments should not scale with class talents, abilities, or set bonuses that affect the caster’s damage or healing.
  • Fixed an issue where the Elemental Potion of Ultimate Power crafting order recipe was requesting the wrong reagents.


  • Fixed an issue where players wouldn’t get credit for completing Chapter 1 of Embers of Neltharion.

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Edited by Ashmita Bhatt
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