Voyagers is the 11th cycle of Community Expeditions in No Man's Sky. Community Expeditions have always been a fun aspect of this game since its release. Seven years since its arrival, the excitement about new in-game content still gets the entire community bouncing off the walls. If this is your first run in a Community Expedition, you must note that this mode works a bit differently from the rest.
You must create a new save file and select “Community Expedition” under the Main Menu. You will not be allowed to play the Expedition on your main save file.
This article will walk you through all the milestones and their respective rewards in Phase 1 of the Voyagers Expedition in No Man's Sky.
How to complete Phase 1 of Expedition 11: Voyagers in No Man's Sky?
The main objective of this phase is to leave your freighter, warp to a new star system, build a base for yourself, and find new creatures on an alien planet. This is the basic backbone that becomes the framework for the first phase of Voyagers Expedition in No Man's Sky.
All eight Phase 1 milestone missions and rewards in Expedition 11: Voyagers of No Man's Sky -
1) First milestone in Phase 1: Planetside
Missions: You will have to “set foot on land.” Basically, you must leave your freighter and land on any planet.
Rewards: 50 Creature Pellet, Powerful Mining Beam Upgrade, and Hyperdrive plans
2) Second milestone in Phase 1: Interstellar
Missions: You need to “warp to a new system.” So, you will have to get your warp drive up and running to leave your current system and visit a new star system.
Rewards: Base Computer plans, Pre-Packaged Teleport Receiver Units
3) Third milestone in Phase 1: Homecoming
Missions: Using the Base Computer blueprint, you must make the Base Computer and build a base for yourself to complete this milestone.
Rewards: Decorative Base Parts Set.
4) Fourth milestone in Phase 1: Naturalist
Missions: You will have to discover 14 creatures to complete this milestone.
Rewards: Powerful Scanning System Upgrade and a Powerful Hazard Protection Upgrade.
5) Fifth milestone in Phase 1: The Pilgrim
Missions: You will have to explore 8,000 units on foot.
Rewards: Supreme Movement System Upgrade and Powerful Life Support Upgrade.
6) Sixth milestone in Phase 1: Championship
Missions: You will need to adopt two companions for this milestone.
Rewards: Six NipNip Buds and three Inventory Slots.
7) Seventh milestone in Phase 1: Words for Friends
Missions: You will have to learn six Gek words to complete this milestone in No Man's Sky.
Rewards: 25 De-Scented Bottles, First Spawn Relics, and 320,000 Units.
8) Eighth milestone in Phase 1: Rendezvous 1
Missions: You must reach the first rendezvous to complete this milestone. This will be the last milestone in Phase 1 of Voyagers Expedition in No Man’s Sky.
Rewards: 1,200 Nanites, three Inventory Slots, Multi-Tool Expansion Slot, and Storage Augmentation.
Rewards for completing all the milestones in Phase 1 of Voyagers Expedition in No Man's Sky
After completing all the aforementioned milestones, you will receive an Electric Jetpack Trail customization as a reward.
If you want to learn about some of the subsequent Phases in this Expedition, you can find them here: Phase 2, Phase 3, and Phase 4.