Finding Paradise Planets in No Man's Sky is a grueling task. Players may often have to warp from one-star system to another numerous times until they find a reasonable "home". Yes, they can use coordinates from the No Man's Sky forums on social media platforms like Discord and Reddit and they have some of the most beautiful Paradise Planets in No Man's Sky.
However, it will not belong to them. They will only be a visitor and can't make it their home despite having built a base.
This is probably the mentality u/Chazzwazz had while searching for a nice Paradise Planet in No Man's Sky:
"After more than 900 systems finally a decent Paradise planet with islands. (I do think they should increase the rate of these planets)."
They posted a picture of themselves standing atop a hill and gazing at a scenic view of lush green pastures and a bright blue ocean. The planet also had floating islands. This was a fresh addition to the Worlds update (version 5.0) by Hello Games, featuring new types of planets and a lot of other cosmetic overhauls.
The user was unlucky as they had to travel to over 900 star systems for this Paradise Planet. Players will indeed have a hard time coming across Paradise Planets in neutral galaxies like Euclid. Lush galaxies like Eissentam have higher occurrences of Paradise Planets.

However, 900 Star Systems sounds like the user was a bit too unfortunate, according to u/Legendaryrobot64:
"I found one after about 20 systems lol. Not as nice as yours since it had orange coloured water instead of blue but everything else is mostly the same. I landed right next to a naturally spawned base computer too with a big island above it so I think I hit the jackpot with that one."
Players can usually find a nice Paradise Planet after warping to roughly 50 star systems. If lucky, they can find one much earlier. But the update might have made it hard to find Paradise Planets with floating islands as scenic and beautiful as that posted by u/Chazzwazz.
Also read: No Man's Sky guide: How to begin Expedition 14 Liquidators

This assumption, however, was proven wrong by u/dmdm597:
"I started a new save file and literally on my starting system it had 2 paradise planets and one of them had floating islands, the only bad thing is that it wasn't very lush in vegetation."
They didn't struggle to find a nice Paradise Planet with floating islands. But players must be extremely lucky to find in the first few systems.

According to u/jubuki, keeping Paradise Planets with floating islands rare would be a good move. These planets will be valuable and will drive players to explore more and build their homes:
"Why should they be more common? Why? What does destroying the rarity and reason to search for them accomplish except to make them less valuable and interesting?"

u/turkeylurkeyjurkey commented that they are completely fine with these planets being infrequent:
"I'm personally okay with the infrequent ones. I'm yet to find a floating island planet, but when I do, it'll be like a special moment for me and I'll set up there. On an old playthrough I found a system full of robotic animals. I wish I stayed there or could find it again."
The rarity of these Paradise Planets with floating islands makes them unique and it would indeed be a special moment to stumble upon one yourself.
Finding a Paradise Planet in No Man's Sky
There is no shortcut when it comes to finding a Paradise Planet in No Man's Sky. Players must travel between various systems and hope they don't need to warp to hundreds of new ones before finding these planets.
Conversely, they can use portal glyphs and coordinates to instantly travel to a Paradise Planet that has been found by someone else.
Read our other No Man's Sky articles:
- NMS Expedition 14 Liquidators Phase 1 walkthrough
- NMS Expedition 14 Liquidators Phase 2 walkthrough
- NMS Expedition 14 Liquidators Phase 3 walkthrough
- NMS Expedition 14 Liquidators Phase 4 walkthrough
- NMS Expedition 14 Liquidators Phase 5 walkthrough