The Dayton Hospital in Once Human is an explorable location in the starting region of Dayton Wetlands. Like other zones, there is plenty to find here, including a Rift Anchor, two Gear, and a Mystical Crates. Additionally, there's a puzzle outside the hospital that will spawn another treasure crate if you can solve it.
This guide covers everything you need to know about the Once Human Dayton Hospital puzzle, including all the crate locations.
How to solve the Dayton Hospital puzzle in Once Human

While traveling to the Dayton Hospital in Once Human from the east entrance, just outside the hospital and west of the Brookham Guardhouse, you will find a blue square marked on the side of the road with four traffic cones on its corners. Interacting with it will cause the camera to focus on a broken billboard across the road on a cliff.

To solve this puzzle, stand inside the marked area and adjust your camera angle to align the broken billboard so it appears whole. This will solve the puzzle and spawn a Riddle Spot Loot Crate before you.
Also Read: All Deviant companions in Once Human
All Dayton Hospital crate locations in Once Human
Let's now check out all the crate locations in the Once Human Dayton Hospital zone.

Morphic - Weapon Crate: This crate is located across the road from the Rift Anchor, in front of a broken statue near the west entrance of the hospital.

Gear Crate #1: One of the Gear Crates for the zone quest is right behind the broken statue where you found the Morphic - Weapon Crate.

Gear Crate #2: The other Gear Crate for the zone quest is on the second floor of the hospital, accessible through the balcony exit on the right after climbing the stairs.

Mystical Crate: The Mystical Crate for the zone quest can be found on the hospital rooftop.
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- 5 beginner tips for Once Human
- Once Human Mobile release date
- All Closed Beta test rewards
- How to find fireproof plastic in Once Human