The Ravenous Hunter is the first boss you will face in Once Human. It is located in the Dayton Wetlands region and is the Rift Entity inside the Monolith of Greed. Being the very first boss you face, the Ravenous Hunter might be a little challenging at first, but overall, the mechanics of the fight are pretty straightforward. This Rift Entity is marked as a level 10 boss, and you must defeat it to unlock the Broken Delta region.
This article will explain where you can find the Ravenous Hunter Rift Entity and how you can defeat it in this free-to-play survival MMO.
Once Human: Ravenous Hunter boss location

To encounter the Ravenous Hunter, head to the Monolith of Greed located around the coordinates 5860,-4661 in the Dayton Wetlands region of Once Human. After entering the Monolith, do not forget to go to all the rooms inside and loot all the materials and storage crates present there.
After that, head to the Monolith of Greed Danger Zone and enter the area with red lights. Once there, click on the interact button and get inside the phase to face the boss.
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Once Human: Ravenous Hunter boss mechanics

In the first phase of the fight, the Ravenous Hunter will use its minigun to attack you. When that happens, you must jump into cover behind the various objects placed in the arena. While in cover, you can use your Butterfly's Emissary Deviant companion to dish out damage to the boss.
Every once in a while, the Hunter will stop firing to roar, and that is the time when you get out of cover to shoot it. Aim for its head to inflict critical damage and jump back into cover when the boss starts attacking again.
Weapons like rifles, SMGs, and LMGs are preferable as they can deal a lot of damage with their automatic firing.
After a while, the boss' minigun would overheat, and you need to hit its weak spots during that time. As mentioned before, the head is a weak spot, and then shoot at its right arm to sever it off. Once you cut off the right arm, the minigun will fall, and you will be able to pick it up and use it.

When the Ravenous Hunter's health goes down by one-third, it becomes immune to damage and jumps to the edge of the arena. Two Spawners will spawn during that time. You must destroy them quickly as they keep spawning Gnawer adds.
Ignore and dodge the Gnawers and go straight for the Spawners. Once the two Spawners are down, all the adds will automatically die.
Read more: Once Human weapons tier list
After destroying the Spawners, phase two begins. The boss will jump down, and you will have a few seconds to inflict some free damage before it starts attacking. The rest of the second phase is exactly like the first.
You must stay in cover, DPS the boss, pick up the minigun, and destroy Spawners when the Hunter becomes immune after two-thirds of its health goes down.
Note that during both phases, the boss will fire homing rockets in the air before jumping to the edge of the arena. You have to jump behind the cover as the rockets deal heavy damage.
The Ravenous Hunter also targets you with missiles when it's immune. Keep dodging and going behind cover whenever he fires. The Hunter will shine a targeting laser at you before firing, so you have plenty of time to get into cover.

In the last phase, the Hunter does not use its minigun anymore. It will start with a homing rocket barrage and then regularly keep firing single-homing rockets. Jump into cover every time to avoid damage.
The boss then shoots five acid blobs in your direction, and they cause lasting AoE damage and slow you down. Avoid them by constantly moving and dodging, and keep on damaging the boss with your weapons and by throwing the flammable barrels scattered around.
After the last third of its health goes down, the Hunter is defeated.
Once Human: Ravenous Hunter boss rewards

The Festering Gel combat Deviant is a reward from this boss. Apart from that, the general loot includes Energy Links, a Tier I weapon, weapon mod parts, Stardust Source, and Electronic Parts.
Check out more on Once Human:
- Monolith of Greed crate locations
- 5 beginner tips
- All gold mods in Once Human, and where to get them
- Once Human Mobile release date