Once Human server wipe happens every time a new scenario or season arrives, resetting players' progress to maintain fair gameplay among veterans and newcomers. This seasonal reset mechanic is similar to that of other MMO titles like Rust 2, bringing everyone to the same playing field before ushering in new season content.
Those who haven't tried similar mechanics from other games may find this confusing and frustrating, but we're here to clear some doubts. This article will look into the details of the Once Human server wipe and seasonal reset.
What is Once Human server wipe?
Once Human server wipe resets the players' progress in the current season, bringing them to the same level as novice players. It also resets the game contents, clearing maps, quests, and many more. This happens every time a scenario changes before players are introduced to new content.

Essentially, players will start from scratch every season to level the playing field of Once Human veterans and newcomers. This ensures balance and encourages newcomers as they dig into new PvP and PvE scenarios.
However, note that not everything will be wiped out during the Once Human server wipe. Veterans should not feel discouraged as they get to keep some of their hard-earned achievements and possessions.
What will be carried over in Once Human server wipe?
Seasonal items like weapon blueprints, bases, mods, and more will be carried over to the next season, giving veteran players a headstart.
Here are game contents that are confirmed to carry over to the next scenarios:
- Friend list
- Currencies (Starchroms, Crystgins, Mitsuko’s Marks, Stellar Planula, and Sproutlets)
- Furniture Formulas not unlocked by Memetics
- Skins, cosmetics, Expressions, poses
- House blueprints
- Main and side story progress
- Weapon blueprints
- Item blueprints
These items carry over to the Eternaland, an area where players get to store their season achievements and items.
When is the next Once Human server wipe?
The developers have not announced the exact date for the next server wipe in Once Human, but current scenarios (Manibus and Evolution's Call) are expected to last six weeks. As the season wraps up in a few weeks, players can anticipate that it will be happening soon.

Furthermore, a new PvP scenario is scheduled to arrive in September as per the game's official website. With these in mind, we can speculate that the server wipe will happen during the third or fourth week of August 2024.
Once the new season arrives, players can choose to start the new one or replay the previous season. This gives freedom to Once Human veterans, allowing them to explore and keep the current season's contents and gameplay.
Check these Once Human guides:
- Once Human: What to do with Extra Deviants?
- Once Human: How to get Platinum Crystals
- Once Human: How to get Mr. Wish Deviant