There are a lot of Palworld mechanics that slide under the radar as the game does not directly tell you about them. From tips that improve your quality of life in Palworld to those that can pass as cheating but really aren’t, this game has a lot to offer if you are willing to be dedicated and discover.
In this article, we will talk about a few life-changing mechanics that the game does not tell you.
10 life-changing Palworld mechanics that you should use every day
1) Revive your Pals instantly

If you need to quickly revive an incapacitated Pal, you can put them in the Viewing Cage from the Palbox and then back into the Palbox. After this, when you move the Pal in your party, it will be good and healthy.
Another way of doing it is by summoning the incapacitated Pals at your base. This way, worker Pals that transport items to chests will place the incapacitated Pal in a bed. Once that is done, the Pal will enter a resting phase after which you can shift them back into the Palbox and take them into your party.
2) Quickly move your items between your inventory and storage units

This is something that Palworld does not tell you at all. However, we feel that this should be on this list because it is extremely handy. If you have any resources in your inventory and similar resources in a nearby storage unit, like a Wooden Chest, you can press R on your keyboard or the right bumper on your Xbox controller to shift everything to the storage unit quickly.
This will save you a lot of time as you won’t have to right-click on every item to move them from your inventory.
3) Support structures are important for building

This is a very important tip to know, as it will come in handy whenever you want to build structures in your base. You will have to set down a foundation on the ground, whether you want to build vertically or horizontally. We have an article that has important Palworld base-building tips. Consider reading it if you want to learn more fascinating facts about the art of building bases in this game.
4) Passive Skills get transferred while breeding

This might be a well-known fact among long-term players, but a lot of the new ones aren’t aware of how important Passive Skills in Palword are for getting good Pals.
One of the most important areas of interest for Passive Skills is breeding. If you want to get your hands on an absolute god-like Pal in this game, you will have to get parent Pals that have god-tier Passive Skills. Having legendary Passive Skills is your only way of getting a close-to-perfect monster in this game.
If you want learn how breeding works in this game, we have an article that teaches you everything you need to know about breeding in Palworld.
5) Grapple reset

Using the Grappling Gun to move around while being encumbered is a common tip, but there is a way to skip the cooldown on your grapple. If you have multiple Grappling Guns equipped in your weapon slots, you can switch between them to move around without having to wait for the cooldown timer to hit zero.
If you have one Grappling Gun, you can unequip it and equip it again to reset the cooldown timer. This can be annoying, but very effective in moving around a large amount of items in your base.
6) Build a spiral staircase

If you ever want to connect two sections of your base at different elevations and there isn’t enough space to build a regular staircase, you can do so by building a spiral staircase.
The easiest way of building a spiral staircase is by using Wooden Benches. You can unlock the Wooden Benches at level five, by unlocking the Wooden Living Room Furniture Set.
Besides giving you the ability to connect two sections of your base within a tight squeeze, these benches do not need to be connected to anything else except themselves to act as a link.
7) Equip multiple body armor

This is a mechanic or glitch, that when really pushed, has the potential of getting patched in future updates. Using this mechanic, you can equip multiple body armors to deal with the opposite spectrums of weather extremities in Palworld.
This means that you can equip a Cold Resistant Armor and a Heat Resistant Armor simultaneously while you’re up and about on your daily adventures.
For this to work, you will need to have your Glider in its designated slot and the armor in your inventory. Then, left-click on the Glider, move it over to the armor, and click on it. This will replace the Glider with the armor.
8) Wall-bounce in Palworld

If you play Apex Legends, you must know what the term wall-bounce means. However, if you don’t, it is an amazing mechanic that gives you more momentum to cover large distances in a short amount of time.
You can use your Grappling Gun to bounce off physical structures, and then use your Glider to move around. Point your Grappling Gun at an elevated point and cancel it mid-way. Then press your button to jump to gain some momentum. This will help you to glide around using your Glider.
9) Stacking the same heat source does not multiply the heat

If you have an egg that needs a significantly warm atmosphere to hatch, building multiple heat sources of the same variety is not what you should do. This will not add more heat, and the egg will take as much time as it would if you have just one heat source.
In such cases, you will have to build different types of heat sources. For instance, a Campfire, a Heater, a Flame Cauldron, and other heat sources will add more heat if you stack them. Multiple instances of the same technology will not.
10) Efficient farming of Pal drops and materials for breeding

If you are hot on breeding in Palworld, you will need a fat supply of Cakes. Baking cakes can be a pain as they need a wide array of ingredients like milk, honey, eggs, wheat, and more. All of these ingredients are perishable. So, it is not going to be easy to stack them in your storage units. They will perish after a certain time.
You would ideally want the Pals to store the items in your fridge, but for some reason, the transporters will store a big chunk of the perishable items like milk and eggs in the Feed Boxes instead of the cold storage units.
To avoid this, you can put a bunch of non-perishable food items (Cotton Candy) in the Feed Boxes to fill up the slots. This will leave the Pals no other choice other than storing the perishable items in the cold storage units in Palworld.