All Palworld Pals list: Complete Paldeck

Palworld Paldeck All Pals
Palworld Paldeck: All Pals available in-game (Image via Pocketpair)

Palworld Paldeck houses all the Pals that are currently available in-game. The details in this list discuss each Pal's elements and partner skills. As the game's premise runs, trainers can choose to battle, catch, and breed these creatures in the open world.


This guide provides players with a list of every Pal that is currently available in-game, their typings, possible drops, and their partner skills. We have updated the list with the new Pals that arrived in the Sakurajima update.

Palworld Paldeck: Complete list of Pals and their typings & partner skills

Pals can be used for battling, working farms, and for traversing the world. Players can also choose to sell or eat them.


We will update our coverage of the Palworld Paldeck when more information is available. Meanwhile, check the list out below:

Paldeck No.PalTypePartner SkillWork SkillsItem Drops
1LamballNeutralFluffy ShieldHandiwork 1, Transporting 1, Farming 1
Wool, Lamball Mutton
2CattivaNeutralCat HelperHandiwork 1, Gathering 1, Mining 1, Transporting 1Red Berries
3ChikipiNeutralEgg LayerGathering 1, Farming 1 (eggs)
Egg, Chikipi Poultry
4LifmunkGrassLifmunk RecoilPlanting 1, Handiwork 1, Gathering 1, Lumbering 1, Medicine Production 1
Berry Seeds, Low-grad Medical Supplies
5FoxparksFireHuggy FireKindling 1
Leather, Flame Organ
6FuackWaterSurfing SlamWatering 1, Handiwork 1, Transporting 1
Leather, Pal Fluids
7SparkitElectricStatic ElectricityGenerating Electricity 1, Handiwork 1, Transporting 1Electric Organ
8TanzeeGrassCheery RiflePlanting 1, Handiwork 1, Gathering 1, Lumbering 1, Transporting 1Mushroom
9RoobyFireTiny SparkKindling 1
Flame Organ, Leather
10PengulletWater/IcePengullet CannonWatering 1, Handiwork 1, Cooling 1, Transporting 1
Ice Organ, Pal Fluids
11PenkingWater/IceBrave SailorWatering 2, Handiwork 2, Mining 2, Cooling 2, Transporting 2
Ice Organ, Penking Plume
12JolthogElectricJolt BombGenerating Electricity 1Electric Organ
12bJolthog CystIceCold Bomb Cooling 1Ice Organ
13GumossGrassLogging AssistancePlanting 1
Berry Seeds, Gumoss Leaf
14VixyNeutralDig Here!Gathering 1, Farming 1 (Pal spheres, arrows, gold)Leather, Bone
15HoocratesDarkDark KnowledgeGathering 1
Fiber, High-grade Technical Manua
16TeafantWaterSoothing ShowerWatering 1Pal Fluids
17DepressoDarkCaffeine InoculationHandiwork 1, Mining 1, Transporting 1Venom Gland
18CremisNeutralFluffy WoolGathering 1, Farming 1 (wool)Wool
19DaedreamDarkDream ChaserHandiwork 1, Gathering 1, Transporting 1
Venom Gland, Small Pal Soul
20RushoarGroundHard HeadMining 1
Rushoar Pork, Leather, Bone
21NoxDarkKuudereGathering 1
Leather, Small Pal Soul
22FuddlerGroundOre DetectorHandiwork 1, Mining 1, Transporting 1Leather
23KillamariDarkFried SquidGathering 1, Transporting 2Venom Gland
24MauDarkGold DiggerFarming 1 (gold)Gold Coin
24bMau CystIceGold DiggerCooling 1, Farming 1 (gold)
Ice Organ, Sapphire
25CelarayWaterZephyr GliderWatering 1, Transporting 1Pal Fluids
26DirehowlNeutralDirehowl RiderGathering 1
Leather, Ruby, Gold Coin
27TocotocoNeutralEggbomb LancherGathering 1
Gunpowder, Tocotoco Feather
28FlopieGrassHelper BunnyPlanting 1, Handiwork 1, Gathering 1, Medicine Production 1, Transporting 1
Low-grade Medical Supplies, Wheat Seeds
29MozzarinaNeutralMilk MakerFarming 1 (milk)
Mozzarina Meat, Milk
30BristlaGrassPrincess GazePlanting 1, Handiwork 1, Gathering 1, Medicine Production 2, Transporting 1
Wheat Seeds, Lettuce Seeds
31GobfinWaterAngry SharkWatering 1, Handiwork 1, Transporting 1Pal Fluids
31bGobfin IgnisFireAngry SharkKindling 2, Handiwork 1, Transporting 1Flame Organ
32HangyuGroundFlying TrapezeHandiwork 1, Gathering 1, Transporting 2Fiber
32bHangyu CrystIceWinter TrapezeHandiwork 1, Gathering 1, Cooling 1Fiber, Ice Organ
33MossandaGrassGrenadier PandaPlanting 2, Handiwork 2, Lumbering 2, Transporting 3
Mushroom, Leather, Tomato Seeds
33bMossanda LuxElectricGrenadier PandaGenerating Electricity 2, Handiwork 2, Lumbering 2, Transporting 3
Electric Organ, Leather, Mushroom
34WoolipopNeutralCandy PopFarming 1 (cotton candy)
Cotton Candy, High-quality Pal Oil
35CaprityGrassBerry PickerPlanting 2, Farming 1 (red berries)
Caprity Meat, Red Berries, Horn
36MelpacaNeutralPacapaca WoolFarming 1 (wool)Wool, Leather
37EikthyrdeerNeutralGuardian of the ForestLumbering 2
Eikthyrdeer Venison, Leather, Horn
37bEikthyrdeer TeraGroundGuarduan of the Golden ForestLumbering 2
38NitewingNeutralTravel CompanionGathering 2Leather
39RibunnyNeutralSkilled FingersHandiwork 1, Gathering 1, Transporting 1
Leather, Beautiful Flower
40IncineramFire/DarkFlameclaw HunterKindling 1, Handiwork 2, Mining 1, Transporting 2Horn, Leather
40bIncineram NoctDarkDarkclaw HunterHandiwork 2, Mining 1, Transporting 2Horn, Leather
41CinnamothGrassMysterious ScalesPlanting 2, Medicine Production 1
Honey, Lettuce Seeds, Wheat Seeds
42ArsoxFireWarm BodyKindling 2, Lumbering 1
Horn, Flame Organ
43DumudGroundSoil ImproverWatering 1, Mining 2, Transporting 1
Raw Dumud, High Quality Pal Oil
44CawgnitoDarkTelepeckLumbering 1
Bone, Venom Gland, Small Pal Soul
45LeezpunkDarkSixth SenseHandiwork 1, Gathering 1, Transporting 1
Copper Key, Silver Key
45bLeezpunk IgnisFireSixth SenseKindling 1, Handiwork 1, Gathering 1, Transporting 1
Flame Organ, Silver Key
46LoupmoonDarkClaws Glistening in the DarkHandiwork 2Bone
47GaleclawNeutralGaleclaw RiderGathering 2
Galeclaw Poultry, Leather
48RobinquillGrassHawk EyePlanting 1, Handiwork 2, Lumbering 1, Medicine Production 1, Transporting 2, Gathering 2
Wheat Seeds, Arrow
48bRobinquill TerraGrass/GroundHawk EyeHandiwork 2, Lumbering 1, Medicine Production 1, Transporting 2, Gathering 2
Wheat Seeds, Arrow
49GoriratNeutralFull-power Gorilla ModeHandiwork 1, Lumbering 2, Transporting 3Leather, Bone
49BGoriat TerraGround-Handiwork Lv. 1, Transporting Lv. 3, Mining Lv. 2-
50BeegardeGrassWorker BeePlanting 1, Handiwork 1, Gathering 1, Lumbering 1, Medicine Production 1, Transporting 2, Farming 1 (honey)Honey
51ElizabeeGrassQueen Bee CommandPlanting 2, Handiwork 2, Gathering 2, Lumbering 1, Medicine Production 2
Honey, Elizabee's Staff
52GrintaleNeutralPlump BodyGathering 2
High Quality Pal Oil
53SweeIceFluffyGathering 1, Cooling 1Wool
54SweepaIceKing of FluffGathering 2, Cooling 2Wool
55ChilletIce/DragonWriggling WeaselGathering 1, Cooling 1Leather
56UnivoltElectricSwift DeityGenerating Electricity 2, Lumbering 1
Leather, Electric Organ, Horn
55BChillet IgnisFire, Dragon-Kindling Lv. 2, Gather Lv. 1-
57FoxcicleIceAurora GuideCooling 1
Ice Organ, Leather
58PyrinFireRed HareKindling 2, Lumbering 1
Flame Organ, Leather
58bPyrin NoctFire/DarkBlack HareKindling 2, Lumbering 1
Flame Organ, Leather
59ReindrixIceCool BodyLumbering 2, Cooling 2
Reindrix Venison, Leather, Horn, Ice Organ
60RayhoundElectricJumping ForceGenerating Electricity 2Electric Organ
61KitsunFireClear MindKindling 2
Flame Organ, Leather
62DazziElectricLady of LightningGenerating Electricity 1, Handiwork 1, Transporting 1Electric Organ
63LunarisNeutralAntigravityHandiwork 3, Gathering 1, Transporting 1
Paldium Fragment
64DinossomGrass/DragonFragrant DragonPlanting 2, Lumbering 2Wheat Seeds
64bDinossom LuxElectric/DragonThunder DragonGenerating Electricity 2, Lumbering 2Tomato Seeds
65SurfentWaterSwift SwimmerWatering 2Pal Fluids
65bSurfent TerraGroundSand SwimmerGathering 1Pal Fluids
66MaraithDarkMessenger of DeathGathering 2, Mining 1
Bone, Small Pal Soul
67DigtoiseGroundDrill CrusherMining 3
Ore, High Quality Pal Oil
68TombatDarkUltrasonic SensorGathering 2, Mining 2, Transporting 2
Leather, Small Pal Soul
69LovanderNeutralHeart DrainHandiwork 2, Mining 1, Medicine Production 2, Transporting 2
Mushroom, Cake, Suspicious Juice, Strange Juice
70FlambelleFireMagma TearsKindling 1, Handiwork 1, Transporting 1, Farming 1 (flame organs)
Flaem Organ, High Quality Pal Oil
71VanwyrmFire/DarkAerial MarauderKindling 1, Transporting 3
Bone, Ruby, Gold Coin
71bVanywyrm CrystIce/DarkAerial MarauderCooling 2, Transporting 3
Bone, Ice Organ, Sapphire
72BushiFireBrandish BladeKindling 2, Handiwork 1, Gathering 1, Lumbering 3, Transporting 2Bone, Ingot
72BBushi NoctFire, Dark-Kindling Lv. 2, Handiwork Lv. 1, Lumbering Lv. 3, Transporting Lv. 2, Gathering Lv. 1-
73BeakonElectricThunderousGenerating Electricity 2, Gathering 1, Transporting 3Electric Organ
74RagnahawkFireFlame WingKindling 3, Transporting 3Flame Organ
75KatressDarkGrimoire CollectorHandiwork 2, Medicine Production 2, Transporting 2
Leather, Katress Hair, High Grade Technical Manual
75B Katress IgnisFire, Dark-Kindling Lv. 2, Handiwork Lv. 2, Medicine Lv. 2, Transporting Lv. 2-
76WixenFireLord FoxKindling 2, Handiwork 3, Transporting 2
Flame Organ, High Grade Technical Manual
76BWixen NoctFire, Dark -Kindling Lv. 2, Handiwork Lv. 3, Transporting Lv. 2-
77VerdashGrassGrassland SpeedsterPlanting 2, Handiwork 3, Gathering 3, Lumbering 2, Transporting 2Leather, Bone
78VaeletGrassPurification of GaiaPlanting 2, Handiwork 2, Gathering 3, Medicine Production 3, Transporting 1
Low Grade Medical Supplies, Tomato Seeds
79SibelyxIceSilk MakerMedicine Production 2, Cooling 2, Farming 1 (high quality cloth)
High Quality Cloth, Ice Organ
80ElphidranDragonAmicable Holy DragonLumbering 2
High Quality Pal Oil
80bElphidran AquaDragonAmicable Holy DragonWatering 3, Lumbering 2
High Quality Pal Oil
81KelpseaWaterAqua SpoutWatering 1
Raw Kelpsea, Pal Fluids
81bKelpsea IgnisFireLava SpoutKindling 1
Flame Organ, Raw Kelpsea
82AzurobeWater/DragonWaterwing DanceWatering 3Cloth
83CryolinxIceDragon HunterHandiwork 1, Lumbering 2, Cooling 3Ice Organ
84BlazehowlFireHellflame LionKindling 3, Lumbering 2Flame Organ
84bBlazehowl NoctFire/DarkDarkflame LionKindling 3, Lumbering 2Flame Organ
85RelaxaurusDragon/WaterHungry MissileWatering 2, Transporting 1
High Quality Pal Oil, Ruby
85bRelaxasaurus LuxElectric/DragonMissile PartyGenerating Electricity 3, Transporting 1
Electric Organ, High Quality Pal Oil, Sapphire
86BroncherryGrassOveraffectionatePlanting 3
Broncherry Meat, Tomato Seeeds
86bBroncherry AquaWater/GrassOveraffectionateWatering 3
Broncherry Meat, Lettuce Seeds
87PetalliaGrassBlessing of the Flower SpiritPlanting 3, Handiwork 2, Gathering 2, Medicine Production 2, Transporting 1Beautiful Flower
88ReptyroFire/GroundOre-Loving BeastKindling 3, Mining 3Flame Organ
88bIce ReptyroIce/GroundIce-Loving BeastMining 3, Cooling 3Ice Organ
89KingpacaNeutralKing of MusclesGathering 1Flame Wool
89bIce KingpacaIceKing of MusclesGathering 1, Cooling 3Ice Organ, Wool
90MammorestGrassGaia CrusherPlanting 2, Lumbering 2, Mining 2
High Quality Pal Oil, Leather, Mammorest Meat
90bMammorest CrystIceIce CrusherLumbering 2, Mining 2, Cooling 2
High Quality Pal Oil, Leather, Mammorest Meat
91WumpoIceGuardian of the Snowy MountainHandiwork 2, Lumbering 3, Cooling 2, Transporting 4
Ice Organ, Beautiful Flower
91bWumpo BotanGrassGuardian of the Grass Fields
Planting 1, Handiwork 2, Lumbering 3, Transporting 4
92WarsectGround/GrassHard ArmorPlanting 1, Handiwork 1, Lumbering 3, Transporting 3Honey
93FenglopeNeutralWind and CloudsLumbering 2Leather, Horn
94FelbatDarkLife StealMedicine Production 3
Cloth, Small Pal Soul
95Quivern DragonSky Dragon's AffectionHandiwork 1, Gathering 2, Mining 3, Transporting 3
High Quality Pal Oil
95BQuivern BotanGrass, Dragon-Planting Lv. 2, Handiwork Lv. 1, Transporting Lv. 3, Gathering Lv. 2, Mining Lv. 2-
96BlazamutFireMagma KaiserKindling 3, Mining 4
Coal, Flame Organ
96BBlazamut RyuFire, Dragon-Kindling Lv. 3, Mining Lv. 4-
97HelzephyrDarkWings of DeathTransporting 3
Venom Gland, Medium Pal Soul
97BHelzephyr LuxElectric, Dark-Transporting Lv. 3, Electricity Lv. 3-
98AstegonDragon/DarkBlack AnkylosaurHandiwork 1, Mining 4Pure Quartz
99MenastingDark/GroundSteel ScorpionLumbering 2, Mining 3
Coal, Venom Gland
99BMenasting TerraGround-Lumbering Lv. 2, Mining Lv. 3-
100 AnubisGroundGuardian of the DesertHandiwork 4, Mining 3, Transporting 2
Bone, Large Pal Soul, Innovative Technical Manual
101JormuntiedDragon/WaterStormbringer Sea DragonWatering 4Pal Fluids
101bJormuntied IgnisFire/DragonStormbringer Lava DragonKindling 4
Flame Organ, High Quality Pal Oil
102SuzakuFireWings of FlameKindling 3Flame Organ
102bSuzaku AquaWaterWings of WaterWatering 3Pal Fluids
103GrizzboltElectricYellow TankGenerating Electricity 3, Handiwork 2, Lumbering 2, Transporting 3
Electric Organ, Leather
104LyleenGrassHarvest GoddessPlanting 4, Handiwork 3, Gathering 2, Medicine Production 3
Beautiful Flower, Innovative Technical Manual, Low Grade Medical Supplies
104bLyleen NoctDark Goddess of the Tranquil LightHandiwork 3, Gathering 2, Medicine Production 3Pal Fluids
105FalerisFireScorching PredatorKindling 3, Transporting 3Flame Organ
106OrserkElectric/DragonFerocious Thunder DragonGenerating Electricity 4, Handiwork 3, Transporting 3Electric Organ
107ShadowbeakDarkModifiied DNAGathering 1
Pal Metal Ingot, Carbon Fiber, Innovative Technical Manual
108PaladiusNeutralHoly Knight of the FirmamentLumbering 2, Mining 2
Diamond, Pal Metal Ingot
109NecromusDarkDark Knight of the AbyssLumbering 2, Mining 2
Large Pal Soul, Pal Metal Ingot
110FrostallionIceIce SteedCooling 4
Ice Organ, Diamond
110bFrostallion NoctDarkBlack SteedGathering 4
Large Pal Soul, Pure Quartz
111JetragonDragonAerial MissileGathering 3
Pure Quartz, Polymer, Carbon Fiber, Diamond
112BellanoirDark-Handiwork Lv. 2, Medicine Lv. 4, Transporting Lv. 2-
112BBellanoir LiberoDark-Handiwork Lv. 2, Medicine Lv. 4, Transporting Lv. 2-
113SelyneDark, Neutral-Handiwork Lv. 3, Medicine Lv. 3, Transporting Lv. 3-
114CroajiroWater-Handiwork Lv. 1, Transporting Lv. 1, Watering Lv. 1, Gathering Lv. 1-
115LulluGrass-Planting Lv. 2, Handiwork Lv. 2, Medicine Lv. 2, Gathering Lv. 1-
116ShroomerGrass-Planting Lv. 2, Handiwork lv. 1, Lumbering Lv. 2, Gathering Lv. 2-
116BShroomer NoctGrass, Dark-Planting Lv. 2, Handiwork Lv. 1, Lumbering Lv. 2, Gathering Lv. 2-
117KikitGround-Mining Lv. 1-
118SootseerFire, Dark-Kindling Lv. 3, Handiwork Lv. 2, Gathering Lv. 1, Mining Lv. 2, Farming Lv 1 (Bone)-
119PrixterGround, Dark-Lumbering Lv. 3, Medicine Lv. 1, Gathering Lv. 1-
120KnocklemGround-Transporting Lv. 4, Gathering Lv. 3, Mining Lv. 3-
121YakumoNeutral-Gathering Lv. 2-
122DogenNeutral-Handiwork Lv. 3, Lumbering Lv. 2, Medicine Lv. 1, Transporting Lv. 2, Gathering Lv. 2-
123DazemuGround-Gathering Lv. 2-
124MimogNeutral-Gathering Lv. 1-
125XenovaderDark-Lumbering Lv. 2, Transporting Lv. 2-
126XenogardDragon-Mining Lv. 3-

Pocketpair has provided a large number of Pals at launch and added several more with the Summer 2024 Sakurajima update. Players can interact with them all to determine their unique characteristics and how best to utilize them in-game. Given how successful the title currently is, it is likely we will see more Pals be added in the future.

Check out our Palworld guides to have an easier time in-game:

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Edited by Angshuman Dutta
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